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- Date of photograph is an estimate.Date of photograph is an estimate.
- The original document is now held by Wilmette Historical Museum as part of their Alexander McDaniel archival collection.The original document is now held by Wilmette Historical Museum as part …
- Florence Mitchell. Photograph prepared by O.S. Weaver, Fine Art Gallery and Photographic Studio, 108 Lake Street, Chicago, Ill. ...Florence Mitchell. Photograph prepared by O.S. Weaver, Fine Art Gallery and Photographic …
- Former Henry H. Gage house, located at the northwest corner of Chestnut and Sheridan Road, was built about 1873.Former Henry H. Gage house, located at the northwest corner of Chestnut …
- Dingee comments on the affidavits of Dusham and Colvin regarding land claims in an attempt to clear title to property in Wilmette.Dingee comments on the affidavits of Dusham and Colvin regarding land claims …
- Names of contributors to the construction of a brick depot in Wilmette, Illinois, on the Chicago and Northwestern Railway line.Names of contributors to the construction of a brick depot in Wilmette, …
- Wilmette Union Evangelical Association was organized on April 3, 1873 in Wilmette, Illinois, and officers were elected. Document is an affidavit by the secretary, Amelia Glidden, filed as a public reWilmette Union Evangelical Association was organized on April 3, 1873 in Wilmette, …
- The Wilmette Ladies Aid society desires to make a contribution to the Wilmette Union Evangelical Association.The Wilmette Ladies Aid society desires to make a contribution to the …
- Letter regards investment in land in WisconsinLetter regards investment in land in Wisconsin
- Land intended for the erection of a church sold for $1.00.Land intended for the erection of a church sold for $1.00.
- A list of donors follows an agreement to establish the Wilmette Evangelical Association. Money was used to build a co-operative church at Lake and Wilmette Avenues, in Wilmette. The list includes theA list of donors follows an agreement to establish the Wilmette Evangelical …
- Image depicts an outdoor event with people seated at tables in an area that may be Gross Point, Illinois. Left half of the stereograph card was cut off.Image depicts an outdoor event with people seated at tables in an …
- We the undersigned subscribers agree to pay the respective amounts opposite our signatures for the purpose of erecting a Methodist Church edifice in the village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. AlWe the undersigned subscribers agree to pay the respective amounts opposite our …
- Vertical file containing articles about Wilmette Churches. Includes newspaper clippings and a hand written list from 1873.Vertical file containing articles about Wilmette Churches. Includes newspaper clippings and a …
- Vertical file containing newspaper articles about the Chicago Fire of 1871, including an original newspaper article from October 18, 1871 from the Chicago Evening Journal that describes the losses thVertical file containing newspaper articles about the Chicago Fire of 1871, including …
- Vertical file containing an article about Taxis in Wilmette. Includes an article about Taxi Rules in the North Shore.Vertical file containing an article about Taxis in Wilmette. Includes an article …
- Vertical file containing a written history the beginning of Wilmette. Includes recounts of specific people who helped start Wilmette.Vertical file containing a written history the beginning of Wilmette. Includes recounts …
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This site includes some historical materials that may imply negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language of a particular period or place. These items are presented as part of the historical record and should not be interpreted to mean that the Wilmette Public Library or Library Board in any way endorse the stereotypes implied.