The Wilmette Guard was founded April 26, 1917 to conserve the financial and physical resources of Wilmette, to aid and promote relief organizations and care for the needs of local soldiers during Wor
The Wilmette Guard was founded April 26, 1917 to conserve the financial …
Brochure describing the programs of Gates House, 731 11th [Eleventh] St., Wilmette, Illinois. The house, formerly owned by the Gates family, was purchased by the First Congregational Church of Wilmet
Brochure describing the programs of Gates House, 731 11th [Eleventh] St., Wilmette, …
A publication describing the early history of the Boy Scout movement in the Northeast area. The history covers 1910 to 1971. This includes the Village of Wilmette.
A publication describing the early history of the Boy Scout movement in …
File containing articles and pamphlets of Herbert B. Mulford. Includes: "A Story of the Beginning of the Village of Wilmette and How it was Named"; "The Story of Wilmette"; "Financing Your New School
File containing articles and pamphlets of Herbert B. Mulford. Includes: "A Story …
This site includes some historical materials that may imply negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language of a particular period or place. These items are presented as part of the historical record and should not be interpreted to mean that the Wilmette Public Library or Library Board in any way endorse the stereotypes implied.