WILMETrE, ILL., March 26, 1919.
‘I’he report which is sent herewith covers the year ending November I. 1918, and was prepared by last year’s officers. Many things combined to delay their completion of this report, and as vital changes have occurred since the end of the period which it covers, it has seemed to the present officers that a supplemental report should accompany it, covering at least the subsequent financial transactions.
Accordingly there is appended hereto a report by the Treasurer covering the period since November 1, 1918, up to March 1, 1919. This shows a balance on hand March 1, 1919, of S2,916.26. There are some bills yet to he vouchered and paid, so that balance is subject to reduction. The final disposition of the ultimate balance has not been determined upon. but it, will be for some purpose related to the original rposes for which the Guard was organized, and will be determined by action of the Board of Directors of the Guard.
Yours very truly,
HAYES McKINNEY, President.
KARL D. KING, Secretary.
NOVember 1, 1918, TO March 1, 1919.
November 1, 1918, cash on hand $2,277 57
Subscriptions received 1,161 10
Refund by Woman’s Committee 625 00
Refund by Red Cross Committee 1,127 28
Total $5,190 95
Woman’s Committee $ 800 00
Red Cross Committee 500 00
Soldiers’ Aid Committee 515 00
Salary Mrs. Tolman 270 00
Victory Celebration 72 50
Postage and Supplies 22 84
Navy Club, Waukegan 30 00
Printing 14 65
.Janitor 20 00
Emergency Hospital 4 70
Check Returned 25 00
Total $2,274 69
Balance on hand March 1, 1919 $2,916 26
S. A. WHEELOCK, Treasurer.