A tornado passed through Wilmette, Illinois, on Palm Sunday, 28 March 1920, causing extensive damage. Photographs in the collection show the damage caused by the storm.
Postcard showing damage to the former Henry H. Gage mansion at the NW corner of Chestnut and Sheridan Rd. Known at the time as the Lake Shore Tavern, the restaurant was soon labeled "Tornado Tavern."
Postcard showing damage to the former Henry H. Gage mansion at the …
Postcard showing ruins around the M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Church. Tornado March 28th 1920, at Wilmette, Ill.. Photograph was reproduced in Wilmette and the suburban whirl by Herbert B. Mulford, on
Postcard showing ruins around the M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Church. Tornado March 28th …
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