Mrs. J. P. Miller, 726 Warren street has as her guest Miss Mayme Nee of St. Louis. Prof. James Taft Hatfield, 617 Foster street, sailed from New York Tueday for Europe. Miss Corinne Thompson of Rockford, Ill., is visiting Prof. and Mrs. Frank A. Bernstorff. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schmeisser, 1711 Sherman avenue, Memorial day. Miss Gertrude Cleveland, 2410 Pioneer road, has returned from a six weeks visit in Los Angeles. Graduation exercises of Visitation academy will be held Thursday, June 12. There will be five graduates. Mrs. Margaret Jaeger, 309 Monroe street, returned Monday evening from a visit with friends in Muncie, Ind. Mrs. Anne C. Scott, 1031 Ridge avenue, who spent the winter in Spain and France, has returned to Evanston. Miss Helen Thomas, 832 Hinman avenue, has gone to Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y., where she will spend the summer. Mrs. K. S. Lowe of the Beverly is entertaining her daughter and two children. Mrs. Earl Kittleman of Berwyn. [sic] Miss Elizabeth Hammond of New York is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. S. Bliss, 1612 Oak avenue, for several weeks. Miss Cherrill McNeill, 1312 Maple avenue, spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. William Dehart, in Carthage, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Butler, Theodore Sheldon and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cleveland are on a fishing trip in Wawawasee, Ind. Mrs. Howard Tracy, 1543 Oak avenue, is entertaining Mrs. Harry S. Stokes and daughter, Adrienne, of Nashville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Ives Robinson, 1032 Michigan avenue, are at the Glen View club during the erection of their new home at 1124 Michigan avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus G. Dawes, 1800 Sheridan road, arrived in New York Tuesday on the "Crown Princess." Their son Charles, is with them. Mrs. George A. Billing and daughter, Elizabeth, of Cobb, Wis., who have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Root, 2302 Hartzell street, left Tuesday for their home. The annual outing of the Chicago Alumnae club of Pi Beta Phi will be held Saturday, June 7, at the "Log Studio," Hubbard Woods, with Mr. and Mrs. Albright. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Ayres of Leaf River, Ill., spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Potter of the Elmwood. Mr. Ayres is president of the Leaf River State bank, of which Mr. Potter was former cashier. Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Dorothy Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edward Turner, 715 Madison street, to W. Fisk Warner, Jr., of St. Louis. No date has been set for the wedding. The Women's association of Covenant M. E. church will give a rummage sale on June 13, 14 and 16. [damaged] will call for any articles to be given away on Monday morning, June 9. The committee in charge is Mrs. R. C. Brown, Mrs. F. A. Schumacher and Mrs. R. E. MacRae. Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Dines of New York City are visiting Mrs. Dines' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Slocumb, 1427 Chicago avenue. Both Dr. and Mrs. Dines are university graudates. Dr. Dines is instructor in Columbia university, New York City. They intend to spend the summer here and in Quincy. An excursion to Lockport, via the drainage canal, will be taken Saturday morning by a number of the civics students in the high school. They will leave Davis street at 8:30 a. m. The boat on which they will make the trip, known as the Robert R., will leave the south end of the State street bridge at 9:30 a. m. sharp. On returning a special car on the Chicago and Joliet electric railroad will leave Dellwood part at 3 p. m. It is hoped that all the pupils will wear the school colors. The Evanston high school will be open tomorrow evening from 8 until 10:30 o'clock, when all parents of pupils and friends of the school will be welcome. There will be an exhibit of work done by the pupils in freehand drawing, clay modeling, manual training, and commercial subjects; and the teachers of these and other branches will be glad to answer any questions relating to the work of the school. There will also be on exhibition some interesting material prepared by Miss Sabin of the Oak Park and River Forest township high school, as a concrete illustration to answer the question, "What is the use of Latin?" Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Bartlett have been in the east this week. Mr. William Gale, Lincoln street and Elm avenue, spent Sunday in Winfield, Ill. Mrs. A. D. Mortenson, 2218 Central street, is spending a short time in Racine, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mariner, 1404 Judson avenue, have moved into their new home at 331 Davis street. Mrs. O. F. Badger and Mrs. Adele Shrieve Badger 223 Kedzie street, are visiting relatives in Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stock were the guests of Mrs. D. H. Burnham, 232 Dempster street, during the festival. Mrs. Louis Floyd Searles, 830 Sheridan road, will be at home after July 1 at 5835 Superior street, Austin. Mr. R. F. Pettibone, 1325 Oak avenue, has returned from the Evanston hospital and is convalescing at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clark, 2310 Grant street, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son, Friday, May 30. Mr. E. G. Lapham and daughter, Miss Helen Lapham, 822 Sherman avenue, left last week for a Mediterranean trip. Covenant Outing day is set for Saturday, June 14. This will be a combination of both th church and Sunday school picnics. Mrs. Edward Ryan and daughter, Virginia, 2412 Park place, left Monday to spend a month with relatives in Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Edwin Youngquist 2322 Harrison street, returned Sunday evening from a two weeks' fishing trip in northern Wisconsin. Mrs. Walter S. Primley , 903 Forest avenue, has returned from an extended visit in New York City, Montreal and Toronto, Canada. Mrs. Oliver T. Wilson and children, 222 Lake street, will spend the summer at Mackinac Island. They left for that resort Sunday. Mr. H. P. Kelly, 1008 Chicago avenue, who has been confined in the Evanston hospital for two weeks, is reported to be recovering slowly. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Neilson, 2200 Harrison street, and Mr. and Mrs. Royce Armstrong, 2415 Pioneer rod, spent the week-end at Beloit Wis. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Buffington 1140 Michigan avenue, attended the graduation of their daughter, Miss Eugenia Buffington, at Sweetbriar college, Virginia. Dr. and Mrs. Finley Ellingwood, 2209 Central street, spent the weekend with Rev. Schutz and family, formerly of Evanston, now of River Forest, Ill. Miss Violet Patten, Forest avenue and Davis street, who graduated Saturday from Westover, is visiting at Great Barrington, Mass., before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kreis of Wheaton, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Arnold Spencer Wahl, 830 Sheridan road, Evanston. Mrs. Hortense Pendleton of Kansas City, formerly of Evanston, who was the guest of Mrs. Carleton Pendleton, 1735 Orrington avenue, has gone to New York and will sail Saturday for Europe. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Davis, 614 Dempster street, the latter formerly Miss Pauline Fletcher, are rejoicing over the birth of a boy. Both Mrs. Davis and the boy are doing nicely at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton S. Day, 635 Milburn street, sailed Saturday from New York on the steamship "Lapland" for Antwerp. They intend to make a walking trip through the Tyrol and part of Switzerland before returning home September 1. Miss Helen F. James, daughter of President Edmund J. James of the University of Illinois, while visiting here during the North Shore Music festival, was the guest of Mrs. Charles Harrer, 1827 Orrington avenue, at a luncheon on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sebastian and Mrs. L. B. Kendall leave on Saturday for the east. Mrs. Sebastian does not return until some time in the fall, as she goes to her sea shore cottage, accompanied by Mrs. Kendall. Mrs. D. B. Sebastian and little son will follow about July 1. Evanston society was well represented Monday night at the wedding of Miss Edith Carpenter Beach to Harry Hyde Barnum of Riverside, which took place at 8 o'clock at the Winnetka church. Mr. Harry Smoot of Evanston served the groom as best man. The bride was attended by Mrs. Fletcher Dobyns as matron of honor. Miss Margaret Tredway of Dubuque, Miss Ada Dallas of Chicago, Miss Kathleen Moore of Batavia, and Miss Chaille Payne of St. Louis, as bridesmaids. The flower girls were Misses Gertrude Toles, niece of Mr. Barnum, and Judith Bodie. The ribbons were stretched by the Misses Ruth Bradstreet and Beatrice Starr. Miss Anna Ellis, 818 Colfax street, is visiting her sister in Brantford, Conn. Miss Julia Maxham was hostess at a kitchen shower Monday evening at her home, 938 Elmwood avenue, in honor of Miss Gertrude Smith who will be married June 17. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Cherrill McNeill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rivers McNeill, 1312 Maple avenue, and Robert Morford Adams, which will take place at St. Mark's Episcopal church on the evening of Wednesday, June 25. A reception will follow the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Louis F. Kunstman, [damaged] Park place, is in Battle Creek, Mich. Mrs. Harry Van Patten and son, Reed, 2323 Harrison street, will leave this week for an extended visit with Mrs. Van Patten's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed of Los Angeles, Cal. Lansing B. Warnar, Jr., 942 Michigan avenue, sailed Saturday from New York on the steamship "Minnewaska" for London. He was accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. H. W. Johns and Miss Johns of Bronxville, N. Y. They will visit relatives in London for two months and will make a tour of the continint before returning home in the autumn. Mr. Charles H. Ross, [damaged] Park place, accompanied by Dr. John Kappelman, Mr. E. L. Kappelman and Mr. Charles [damaged] returned Monday evening from a few days' fishing trip at Big Lake, Allegan, Mich. About one hunded couples are expected to attend the annual Junior promenade of the high school to be given at the Evanston Country club Friday evening, june 10. Elaborate plans are now being prepared by the "prom" committee with Mr. William McCarthy as chairman. For the benefit of those who do not care to dance a play will be given commencing at 8:15 preceding the dance. It is estimated that the [damaged] Miss Marjorie Leonard Lee, daughter of Mrs. John [damaged] Lee, [damaged] who will graduate from [damaged] academy this month, will be married to Harold McGuire [damaged]. The ceremony will take place at St. Gertrude's church at 10 o'clock followed immediately by a wedding breakfast at the [damaged]. The bride will be attended by Marion McGuire, sister of the groom, while Maurice Dunne, son of Dunne will act as best man. June 5, Miss Lee will give a piano recital at the institution. A number of Evanston [damaged]
What People Are Doing In Evanston
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jun 1913, p. 5
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- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
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- Articles
- Articles
- Notes
- Some text in microfilm scan is illegible. Marked [damaged]
- Date of Publication
- 5 Jun 1913
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Illinois, United States
Latitude: 42.04114 Longitude: -87.69006
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to United States law. No restrictions on use.
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- Wilmette Public
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