Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jun 1913, p. 5

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Mrs. J. P> |t Louis, yt? prof. Jam_____k _ street, se^Jfi^; for t&aMtM^i .~~â„¢ iJl! in.. is^a««kit^^:im wk a. Bernjrto^g^gp^'-"; pjgg^l^*^ ^.|iieitt^l#p;^S»^w»2*2 ......" ' ajt^:I^Cw*#^»:*^y«-' |llpi^rO^#i».^:«t borne after j^jy l at 58»6 Superior street, Austin. 5-^^p^iW^te^e/;-!*^' 'Oak ave- ;j|^$b^^ Evanston â- bo&ftetfl*^" if-"'o^ilescliig at his :J^;^f:ali|;1^i•;M^rence, Clark, 2810 arant street^ are receiving congratula p-^r road, hwiSb^Mi^iim^^ii' LkS- visit lB:.l^;A«ii^^..Wf::: lcadt.IIiy will lie:,|Wd?*li#d>y/.iWii^ 12. Thrre will ^irW:#fia«|t«s^',;,.- Ml.H Murgaret ^»eg«fe, 8^» Monro* ^.e, returne^^^^i^n»nf|^ "^Bil wlth'i^e«^fc#^%;*« •Sri Anne 0.*^^ «!*««:*?* ^ .... , ., ..... BUT who spentthe.winterIn>8^»f ^^^iiai^U«ihani. 822 Sherman nd France, has returned JoBvattstoh. avenue, left last week for a Mediter * Miss Helen Thomas, ^-HiW»an ranean trip. mUe has gone to Stuyvefairt Falls, Covenant Outing aay is set for Sat- "v â€" -â€"-u4- ""^WirdBj^ Jfune 14. This will be a combi- nation of both the church and Sunday tlons upon the birth of a son, Friday, ^^^â- â- ^'l^JliiiftiUim w»* daughter, 818 Colfax street, j^^^Jster In Braatford. Ms! , Jolla Vaxham was hostess a* kitchen shower Monday evening #t â- r home, 888 Elmwood avenue, to honor of MissOertrude 8mith, who Will be married: lane 17. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Cherrill McNeill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rivers Me- JNftlll. 1312 Maple avenue, and Robert Morford Adams, which will take place at St. Mark's episcopal church on the evening of Wednesday, June 26. A re- ception will follow the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. SHORE HURgDAXJUNS mam Place, la fc *^^SJ^:m&:%f,^ Mts,; ttsrtry|s^|»^ Reed, 8SJ8 Harriawat street, will leave - this week for an witended vlstt with Mrs. Van PetUa'a parents, Mr. and Mrs, Reed of Los Angeles, Cat':' ! Lansing B. Warner, Jr., M2 Michi- gan *venue, sailed «s*urday from New York on the steamship "Mlnnewseka" for. London. li«wat accompanied, hv his aunt. Mi* H. #1 Johns and Miss Johns of Branarfws#l. T. â-  They will visit' relatlhwy?M;3liOJidon for^tfftt months and win nsake a tour of the continent befprey filming home m the. autumn.,..; yyNy °. â-  â- â€¢â€¢ "'^ â- "â- ':. Pllf^fl ........ p........ plaoveeosmitthled by Dr. Jesm S^* Charfc* Beck, returned Monday ^^^^ y About one hundred wwplei are «• pecttd to attend tha annual Junior promenade of the hl«» aohool to be tlven at the BvaastoA Country club :#ide>ye^»^ plans are now telng prsnwtd by the ^oa^^^iniitla'; w^ttt;> wfe; - vftttijip*: M^arthy as chairman. For the tMUsei fit of those who do not car* to denoe a . jday: >W«1 v'bi;;?:gfve*; commencing '|f 8:16 preoadlttg' the dance. It la aatl. .4iAAi',"aiS',:"'l'v;'"'" ""r "â- " ^ji-i-JHsw :wKftv«iff'«MMui&"fiis1aJ â-  ^sW#(^iW^a^P' »By â- ;â- *, i &$: all Marion McOttb* Jane 6 Miss citaiatthe ""Hi •^..jppsewKvs M^Mtiiiiii wnitdina i"l '"' IIIIâ€" p,t ijfseisB., 'â- <^ jrooot, ^»'c^.';'^/."'w,'-^ ^.j||i|||||||||| 'adste:;' ^waMawtn^WawaasaLa^Ini 1 -.^IttMwiif^ai*: 'nooiMiiilft."': tMB^'-hetV^ "flMM)l9ssw> '^awPsir' ton elub Quartet, and th.-LMO,Osr- â- isli!)s^:':|l|AI^ :pwf«».':iy^ H^a '.^; vhere she Will sp|nd,ythe «* N. Y â- "£„ K 3. Lowe of the Beyerty I* entertaining her ,/<WWfcMife?.S*>ft' tWO child.-.'!,. \fts. BartK«^»n,dl;Ber,: *m;ss KllzaDeth"1^n^l?tf^: York l8 the guest of her s^Mts,;B. g_ B|lBHl 1612 OaJ^#yen^;:fo?;:Mveral week». . ='-^"i.-*j;*- "'â- ';,"â- .';'..;-;' MtBS cherrill McNeill; il81^ >MajpIe avenue, spent the weekend «m> her prandmother, Mrs. Wtll^in |)ehart, 1»- Carthage. 111. ' _j «^~v Mr an<l Mrs. Albert B. Butler, Theo- dore Sheldon and Mx- and Mrs, .Joseph Cleveland are oh. a nahihg trip in Wa^ wawasee, Ind. Mr8 Howard Tracy; 1548 Oak ave- nue, is ,ntertainin«T M«. Harry S. Stokes and ds^bt«r, ;M^enn«> °< Nashviiie, Tenn>„.-yy;1^,,....; ;'•â- ..,-, Mr. and Mrs, .iVejf'Ilitthtoon, Hit" Michigan ave«u^|ro:;at^;^n_yiev» ctab during thoyeree|ion, &'$&* wv ism at ii24:.M*c|ittitt;^en«a, ..; y Mr. and MXf; WufUi\,<% "Dawes, 1800 Iferldan road, arrived li* fcew- York ifcay on ^the'. ."Crow* .'^Prince." fi^mt son, CtoorieeVia^to'itoin. • â€" itra George A. Billing and daugh- ter, Elizabeth, <a CJdbb, Wis., who have fotn the-'g^tn^";^'^'11*^:^-, f,: Booj|> '|80l^' i^^^yftt^-' ^ Tsssday'"tor^ their home. The annual outing of the Chtcagp Altfnmae cluh|of PI Beta Phi will be held Saturday, Jlune.7, at the "Log Studio." Hubbard Wooda, with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Albright Mr and Mrs. F. L. Ayres of Leaf River ill., spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Potter of the Elm^ood. Mr. Ayres is president of the Leaf River State bank,«of which Mr. potter was former cashier. Announcement Is made of the en- gagement of Miss Dorothy Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Walter Ed- ward Turner, 715 Madison .street, to W. Fisk Warner, Jr„ of St Louis. No date has been sWt for the wedding. ThP Women!* aasoolaUon of Cove- nant M. D. chtttreb ^lu &** a n*m" map« sale on June 13, 14 and 16. Bx- i»r<». nen will csdl for any articles to be given away\on Monday morning, Jute 9. The oosnmitlee m- charge is Mrs R. C. B*own, l^ra. F» f- Scbu* marher and Mr*. R. B. Maottae. Dr and j*r& ^ i. Dines of New York city a^?'ir«sttlng Mrs. Bines' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Slocumb, 1427 Chicago at<HM». Both Dr. »nd Mrs. Dines i*$ fitnlteraity graduatea, Dr. Dines li laairiietor In C<flumbla university, New*:'¥«* <3ty. They In- tend to Bpend the summer here and in Quincy. ^ "•""."'^j.'-iy/ An excursion to Lockport, via the drainage canal,^ lri%b» taken Sstur- tey moralhrt^*^*?*F^*1yto students in tho ^ifmdf |k«y. *U| leave Davis stwet at 8:80 a. m. The boat on which they will make the trip. kmmn as thw|Whe«^B4 **& l«»w*S»» south end of the Staia street bridge "at 9:30 a. k^3^;:"^"'ir*»8J»f » special car on tOe Oht^go and Jollat electric railroad #Jl^ laiwe BoUwood park at 8 i, «. $%& *»&* **»* rt! the pupils win Wear t*a school colors. The IftWHWf^^^ '^" open tom&ii&rtt^yv^^ n**1? 10:30 o^stocl^ wtt nil Pt*«^ '«* pupils and ftienda ot tha school wlU be welcom^ir|ii*«;^.1»:ia;:««k*lt of work'd^ii»^S|h«-w|d^ hand drawing, lnefchattleal drawing. day modeling; tnaaual tifatalng, and \ canmaMtf.j|rij||g^^ of theae an* «*aar hran^iea wiU be 8iad to anWe* i^ a^wttJoi* ralaOng ' also be ojg l^^^ pmM ivj^ school picnics. Mrs. Edward Ryan and daughter, Virginia, 2412 Park place, left Mon- day to spend a month with relatives In Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Edwin Youngquist, 2322 Harri- son street, returned Sunday evening from a two weeks' fishing trip in northern Wisconsin. Mrs. Walter S. Primley, 903 Forest avenue, has returned from an extend^ ed visit in New York City, Montreal and Toronto, Canada. Mra- Oliver T. Wilson and children, 222 Lake street, will spend the sum- mer at Mackinac Island. They left for that resort Sunday. Mra. H. P. Kelly, 1008 Chicago ave- nue, who has been confined in the Ev- anston .hospital for two weeks, is re- ported to be recovering slo*ly. ♦ Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Neilson, 2200 Harrison street, and Mr. and'"Mrs. Royee Armstrong, 2416 Pioneer Toad, spent the week-end at Belolt, Wis. Mr.! and Mrs. V, J, Buffington, 1140 Michigan avenue. Attended the gradua- tion of their daughter, Mies Eugenia Buffington, at swoetlnriar college, Vlr- ginla. ©r. and Mrs* Ftaley BMngwood, 2208 Central gtrti|rip«iii the week- lend with Rev. Schuts and tamlly, formerly of Bvanston, now of River Forest HI. Mlsa Violet Patten, Forest avenue and Davis street, who graduated Sat- urday from Weatover, Is visiting at Great Barrlngton, Mass., before re- turning home. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Krels of Whea- ton have announced the engagement of their daughter, Elisabeth, to Arnold Spencer Wahl, son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wahl, 880 Sheridan road, Ev- anston. Mra. Hortense Pendleton of Kansas City, formerly of Evanston, wjio was the guest of Mrs. Carleton Pendleton. 1735 Orrington avenue, has gone t.» New York and wiU, sail Saturday for Europe. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Davis, 614 Dempster street, the latter formerly Miss Pauline Fischer, are rejoicing over the birth of a boy. Both Mrs. Davie and the boy are doing nicely at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton S. Day, 636 Mllbura attest, wiled Saturday from New York on the steltmsbip "Lapland" for Antwerp. They intend to make a walking trip through the Tyrol and part of Swltserland before returning home September 1. Mlsa Helen F. James, danghter of President Edmund J. James, of the University o* Illinois, while visiting here during the North Shore.Music festival, was the «ueatjA Mr%J2te!los Harrer, 1827 Orrington avenue, at a luncheon on Saturday. Mr and Mw. John Sebastian'and Mrs L. B. Kendall leave on Saturday for the east Mrs, Sebastian does not return until some time in the fall, as •he goes to her sea ahore cottage, ac- companied by Mrs. Kendall. Mra. D- B. Sebastian 4nd little son wffl fol- low about July 1. Evanston society we* well repre- sented Monday night at the wadding of Miss Edith Carpenter Be** to Harry Hyde Barnum of Rlveraide, which took place at 8 o'clock at the Wtenet. ka church. Mr. Harry Smoot of Ev- anston served the groom aa best man. The bride wfc»» attended by Mrs. Fletcher Dooyna **;mltr«a of honor> Mlsa Margaret Tratt^^;;3|l^po«4. Mlse Ada W&r)ti/:&&^-'1,ll& Kathleen Moore of jBs^via^ iand lie Payne of &<L&km&P*£ Tolea, nleee of â- *& SBanwnv »sna», ; '**»;â-  'â€" -•***• CSj ;wi MM. wmt !>$$$ r%W 4-iMmsma 4& The backward season compels us to make deep cuts in the goods were bought right god priced Iowtoi»eg»h with, but the| sales and now we're cutting the prices way below the value oi .â€"^iewilol^^^^ weather has checked the Is. WASH GOODS ,^^^ M SALE â€" White J r |gr% tioods. In stripes. M ill checks and figures; M â- --*§â-  they are worth up .m Oil to 20 cents a yard. ..â-  /w During this sale at â-  fe~.-:. per yam, tor....... ^ WASH Q00D8 8ALI - Jscouard Swiss, 29 in. wide, fine light material for f summer wear, striped and plain white, regular 85o value, bargain price, sVygrd............• â- H Hour Sales No Phone or Mail Orders Pilled WtONlSDAY, JUNK 4, 0 a. m. to 10 a. m.; 8 p. m. to 4 p. m. 01 N Q H A M ftâ€"Everett classic, m checks and nurse stripes. (Or* 10 yards for..................%#arC THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.; 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. SOAPâ€"JuvenUe and Jap Rose Soap, always 10c seller, g? _ One Hour Sale, a cake..........<Jv FRIDAY. JUMf 6, 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.; i p,J». to 4 p. m. ORESS CALICOâ€"Beat' quality ot Dress Calico, cadet blue* fine pattern, sold regularly for 8c. >, AX* One Hodr 8|le» a yard.......TTC * gA-4»RDAY, JUNE 7, % 9 a. m. to 1| a. m.; 8 p. m. to 4 p. m. ALL OV«»t EMBROIOERIBS-Wlda Embroidery Insertions and Banding*, short lengths, worth up Klg* to 86c a yard, for...........**!*» MONDAY, JUNE 8, 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.; S p. m. to 4 p. m. TURKISH TOWELSâ€"Batra keevy. large eta* Turkish Towels, our ragn- hvr too ouallty. ^Se One Hour Sale, 2 for..........a>*?C wm WAIHOOODI 8 AUE â€"Donegal Suiting, wbHsL eomes. in all tha leading shades and white; linen finish, ISc quality. Dur- ing this aide, yard ^^^fcrwiftVrV-jJ-;* ^ ^f43 Tissue, to tan and white and black and white cheoka. aold rejralarly for too _•;; „,|^^#ri»to'«r»*i'. WdMikm^ "S;: Wash Goods Week is going to be *Wgevcni goods it prices cut to pieces ind the whote season yet thrtd PftROAL£. Double widtl^in dark or light colors, 8c qual- ity, a yard at embroide) WoolCHAULY. B«antiiul new styles, 60c qual- ity, a yard 34c Y FBOUNCING S OUTINC rk and'i^^.^ ic quality, mm ***** 18 fi EMSROrDESYâ€"27-lnch wldl Bmbrol tor childraa's dresses, 00c quality, a yard...... FLOUNCING «MEROIDERYl-87-lnch Flouncing Bmbroidery, 76c quality, a yard........•••• tMBROIDEBYâ€"4Wnoh Bmbroidery top ladies' dresses, 69o quality, JOq a yard.............................. EMBROIDERYâ€"46-Inch Voile broidery, beautiful styles and [ work, $1.00 ouallty, a yard.....,'. nr*a#lrW- No f>hene or Idail OrdaHWIla*,^ ip!^.-;^. 'TMWRt^A^:^^**'#^ *^*-OIDBRBD CENTERPIBeBt-- and square pieces: soar«s. akea. lar 60c quality, "'f!, ::^j|fc| priced *t.............. ,.....>:.;*^«|wf.• monday, junb *;r'1{t.yy| BED com roRTE st-Summer weight, silkoUno covered, ftlleA wtth Whit* cotton. Well worth i|Oi«« 11.80, bargain nrte*...........*W^ WASH OOOOS •ALEy.x'g; ALL OVER EMBROIDERY AND VOIUI -^Worth up to 8«c . "XWQ&' s yard, for.................,Mi^m^^ SlATINE SILK^- fltnoed. all the nee i-dtef shades, sold reaularly for lie, nt Wool Dress Goods Barg Beautiful seasonable dress cloths at greatly reduced prices 'â- â- â- *&&&88i-. atLic MULLâ€"All new, fancy colors, worth up to 80c * yard, for per yard 30-inch Spring Suiting PiaffonaUergesand shepherd checks, regular 59c 3Or* quality, a yard.....ej#.^%^ ich Brilliantine Black, white and colored, 60c quality. Special for ~ this sale, a yard..... 1 Lot of Odds and Dress Goods,almost aljjjokir*, worth up to 1.25 a yard,during this sale Imported Mixed Su Fancy grey imported Huitings, cheap at f 1.00 a yard, per yard.' SICK POULARDâ€"IS beautiful figured Silk, .per yard.............. laehee •ROCAOIO MEttALINt-U MeBea in width, latest styles and ootors, a tegular $1.00 ouallty. -tA- per yard......................**** SATIN FOULARDâ€"A yard wide, e» oellent pattern*, has sold at $140 per yard. For thla *»Q. sale only, per yard...........fyv SCOTCH PLAID SILKâ€"M inches tn width. Look at them. They're $L0O quaUty; dCA^ par yard......................w^v n- ?ll VOILES-Sllk stripes, all thJa seasons new, ahadee, regular 88c a ysrtfw.......*â- *»». WHITS CRINKLE CREPE â€"Sold regularly for too a yard, - 114c for..............JLA2V VOILEâ€"Light colors, regularly tor 18a a yard, for..........« VOILESâ€"Plain *Uk fin- ish, all colors, regmlar Me rSS:.........12*c LINEN SUITIN< ral color, 8S tag Special, a yard........... stripe*, aold ... 9*c MESSELETTdâ€"Taffata flniah, tt Isaek and blue figures, sold ragu- \A\t~ larlT for Wo a yard, for........Jsfl^lV rJaJIS-tm striped

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