[p.1, line1] Fifty years ago today [current date August 14, 1886] it
2 being August 14, 1836 I left
3 Chicago in the morning and
4 walked out 14 [fourteen] miles to where
5 Westerfields Residence now is [underlined words crossed out]
6 the old [crossed out] ouilmette Residence
7 was then on the Lake Shore
8 directly East of where
9 Westerfields [Westerfield's] Residence now is.
10 at [At] that time there was only
11 four houses from Chicago to
12 where the ouilmette Family
13 lived. I arrived there about noon
14 and after taking a good
15 Substantial dinner with mine
16 hosts I hired a half breed Indian
17 with his poney [pony] to pilot me
18 through the woods to what
19 was afterwards called Hills
20 Ridge. We Struck the Ridge [.]
[p.2, line 1] we [?] followed an Indian trail
2 that runs a few Steps South
3 of A. T. Sherman's present residence house
[underlined word crossed out] in
4 Wilmette and Struck the
5 Ridge where Wm [William] Myers
6 Saloon now stands [.] from there we
7 followed the Ridge North to the Lake
8 Shore where Garlands [?] Church
9 now Stands. There we found
10 four men engaged in puting [putting]
11 up a log house that was
12 afterwards called Pattersons
13 tavern. I then dismissed my
14 Indian Guide and remained
15 with the Pattersons untill [until] the
16 next day camping on the ground in tents and under
17 trees.
[p.3, line 1] Rose [?] was an old man [dividing line drawn]
2 I am [?] come in 1837 [dividing line drawn]
3 John Dye instead of George [dividing line drawn]
4 Stebbins did not keep
5 tavern in the old Ouilmette
6 house in 1836-7 - not
7 untill [until] 1839-40 [dividing line drawn]
8 the dead Indian Sitting up
9 in the pen [?] was on the Lake
10 Shore East of Robert Williams [dividing line drawn]
11 Hoosier Clark came here about
12 the year 1837 - he was not
13 an every day drunkard, only
14 occasionaly [occasionally] got on a Spree [dividing line drawn]
15 according to the best of my
16 recollection there was not
17 one third of 27 old Settlers came
18 to a premature death by drinking
19 whiskey