[p.1, line1] Fifty years ago today [current date August 14, 1886] it 2 being August 14, 1836 I left 3 Chicago in the morning and 4 walked out 14 [fourteen] miles to where 5 Westerfields Residence now is [underlined words crossed out] 6 the old [crossed out] ouilmette Residence 7 was then on the Lake Shore 8 directly East of where 9 Westerfields [Westerfield's] Residence now is. 10 at [At] that time there was only 11 four houses from Chicago to 12 where the ouilmette Family 13 lived. I arrived there about noon 14 and after taking a good 15 Substantial dinner with mine 16 hosts I hired a half breed Indian 17 with his poney [pony] to pilot me 18 through the woods to what 19 was afterwards called Hills 20 Ridge. We Struck the Ridge [.]