Social Happenings in Wilmette
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1914, p. 2
- Full Text
A very pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Elesing [unclear] in Glencoe, when their daughter, Margaret, was united in marriage to Mr. Mark Davis Recter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen T. Rector of Chicago. Miss Katherine Elesing, a sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor, and the Misses Dorothy Sargent and Hazel Goss were bridesmaids. The groom was attended by Mr. Henry Elesing, and the ushers were Messrs. Rudolph Prussing and Archibald Sayce of Chicago. The bride was attired in a gown of white satin trimmed with rose point lace and carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. Her attendants wore gowns of taffeta of apricot shade combined with tulle. Mr. Rector is a graduate of Cornell university. After an extended wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Rector will make their home in Vancouver.
Miss Agnes Cunneen entertained at luncheon and bridge Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Caroline Lusted, at her home, 731 Ashland avenue. Covers were laid for sixteen.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Field, 1203 Elmwood avenue, entertained informally at dinner Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Caroline Lusted and Mr. Ralph Collins Walters of Chicago.
Miss Marjorie Lusted will attend her sister, Miss Caroline Lusted, as maid of honor on Monday evening when her marriage to Ralph Collins Walters of Chicago will take place. Two othe sisters, the Misses Martha and Ethel Lusted, will serve as bridesmaids, and little Elizabeth Fox and Adele Stern will be flower girls. Mr. Roy Patterson of Des Moines, Iowa, will attend Mr. Walters as best man, and the ushers will be Dr. Julius Lackner and Mr. Thomas Boyle of Chicago.
Miss Grace Donaldson of Forest avenue will givie a bridge party this afternoon for Miss Caroline Lusted. There will be four tables.
On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Stern of 906 Hinman avenue, Evanston, will entertain the Lusted-Walters bridal party at tea.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Percy Skillin will give a dinner-dance tomorrow evening at their home on Ashland avenue, in honor of their third wedding anniversary. Covers will be laid for twenty guests. The home will be artistically decorated in apple blossoms and simlax. Ballman's orchestra will furnish the music.
Gala preparations are being made for the Harvest DInner and dance at Westmoreland Country club tomorrow evening, for this will mark the closing of this summer's activities. A large number of Wilmette's society people are planning to participate in the fun. Only those in costume will be allowed to dance before ten-thirty o'clock. After tomorrow evening the clubhouse will be closed for a season of repairs.
A dance will be given at the WIlmette Woman's clubhouse tomorrow evening at eight o'clock, under the auspices of the finance committee of the club. Everyone is cordially invited to attend and tickets may be procured at Renneckar's drug store or from Mrs. E. L. Fitz Randolph, 824 [unclear] Linden avenue. The chaperones of the evening will be Mesdames C. C. Mitchelel, George Martin, and Albert Page.
Mrs. W. M. Walker will give a luncheon tomorrow afternoon at her home on Sheridan road, Chicago, in honor of Miss Caroline Lusted.
The opening dance of the Ouilmette Dancing Club proved a success in every respect, and is now an established club in the village. The dances will be held bi-monthly at the Woman's Club.
The formal opening of the Ouilmete Cluntry club, a dancing party, will take place on Saturday evening, Oct. 17.
Tomorrow evening at the Country club, there will be a reunion of all the members who have been away for the summer, preceding a game of hearts. The officers and directors of the club for the ensuing year are as follows: Mr. Clarence M. Pullman, president; Mr. Louis A. Clark, vice-president; Mr. F. J. Scheidenhelm, treasurer; Mr. philip Huguenin, secretary; Mr. E. Jackson Casse, Mr. George I. Dietriel, Dr. Charles N. Reese, Mr. G. I. Bichl, Mr. A. G. Frost, Mr. T. B. Potter, and Mr. Benjamin E. Gage.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cross will entertain sixteen of their friends at dinner this evening at their home, 916 Lake avenue. The evening will be devoted to dancing.
The Music Study class will hold its first meeting Tuesday morning, Oct. 13, at ten o'clock at the woman's club building. All old members and any others interested in the study of music are asked to be present. Mrs. B. E. Gage will be in charge of the program which is as follows:
Business meeting, outine of work for the year
Piano...Valse A maj....Moszowaki. Mrs. Harry N. Snow
Vocal--(a) Come per serno form La Sonnabula...Bellini
(b) Joy of the Morning...Ware. Mrs. Florence Butler Suite
Piano--Croquis and Silouetts..Schutte. 2 and 3 movements. Mrs. E. B. Rathbone.
Vocat--Mimi's Farewell from La Boeheme...Piccini [sic]. Mrs. H. A. Whittman
A card party will be given at the Woman's club next Thursday afternoon at two o'clock under the auspices of the finance committee of the club. Mrs. W. J. Montgomery, chairman, and her committee will be the hostesses of the afternoon. The ladies are cordially invited. A small admission fee will be charged- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Clippings
- Notes
- Date of Publication
- 9 Oct 1914
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.297146
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Wilmette Public
Agency street/mail address:1242 Wilmette Avenue
Wilmette, IL
U.S.A. Phone: 847-256-6930