Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1914, p. 2

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99BS . SBSSS Social Happenings in Wilmette sette 'mm ----X- A very pretty wedding was solemn-[ A dance will be given at the Wtl Hid Wednesday evening at the home mette Woman's clabbeaae tomorrow ef Mr. and Mrs. -August Zleslng. In evening at eight o'clock, under the Glencoe, when their daughter. Mar- garet, waa united in marriage to Mr. Mark Davlo Sector, son of Mr. and Mm. Allen T. Rector of Chicago. Miaa Katherlne Zleslng, a sister of the bride, acted aa maid of honor, and the Kisses Dorothy 3argeat and Hazel Goes were bridesmaids. The groom was attended by Mr. Henry SieeLng. and the ushers were Messrs. Rudoph Pressing and Archibald Sayce of Chi- cago. The bride was attired in a gown Of white satin trimmed with rose point lace and carried a shower bou- quet of roses and lilies of the valley. $er attendants wore gowns of taffeta of apricot shade combined with tulle. Mr. Rector is a graduate of Cornell university. After an extended wed- ding trip Mc and Mrs. Rector will make their home in.Vancouver. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9,1914. Miss Agnes Cunneen entertained at luncheon and bridge Wednesday after- noon in honor of Miss Caroline Lusted, at bar home. 731 Ashland avenue. "Covers were laid tar efatteen. suspices of the finance committee of the dab. everyone is cordially in- vited to attend and tickets may be pro- cared at Renneckar's drug store or from Mrs. E. L. Fits Randolph, 824 Linden avenue. The chaperones of the evening will be Mesdsmes C. C. Mtehell, Qopcgs Martin, gad Albert WtSfSr-'^-'- Mrs. W. M. Walker will give i luncheon tomorrow afternoon at bar home on Sheridan road, Chicago, 1= honor of Miss Caroline Lusted. The opening dance of the Ouilmette Dancing club proved a success in every respect, and is now an •estab- lished Club, in the village. The dances will be held bimonthly, at the Wom- an's club. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Field, 1203 Elmwood avenue, entertained infor- mally at dinner Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Caroline Lusted and Mi-. Ralph Collins Witters of Chicago. Miss Marjorie Lusted will attend her Miss Caroline Lusted, as maid ' honor en Monday evening When her to Ralph Collins Walters of Chicago will take place. Two otner sisters, the Misses Martha and Ethel Lusted, will serve as bridesmaids, and little Elizabeth Fox and Adele Stem will be flower girls. Mr. Roy Patter- son of Des Moines, la., will attend Mr. •WaltBreaa best man, and the ■ushers The formal opening of the mette Country club, a dancing party, will take place on Saturday evening, Oct. 17. Tomorrow evening at the Country club, there will be a re-ank?n cf all the members who have been away for the summer, preceding a game of hearts. The officers and directors of the club for the ensuing year are as follows: Mr. Clarence M. Pullman, president; Mr. Louis A. Clark, vice- president; Mr. F. J.-Scheidenhelm, treasurer; Mr. Philip Huguenin, secre- tary; Mr. E. Jackson Casse, Mr. George I. Dietricl, Dr. Chas. N. Reese, avenue, went to Battle Creek, Mich., last week on husiasn. Mrs. Charles MePsalel la entertain tag her mother, Mrs. Hannah Smith, at her home this week. Ground Is being broken on Ashland avenue for a new residence to be owned by Mr. Simmons. Mrs.' Louis Bruch, 1201 Greenwood avenue, returned Saturday from a week's Visit In Buffalo, N. T. Mrs. Frank Cornell and sen returned last weak from a visit with Mrs. Cor- nell's father, in Champaign. HI Mies Flora Brown lie of Ravehswood is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cum- berland of 119 Fifth street Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 681 Washington avenue, are In northern Michigan on a hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Braithwalte, 90S Greenwood avenue, are spending a few weeks at Ashland, Wis., camping. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lynch, former- ly of 927 Greenleaf avenue, are making their new home in Mason City, Ja. - Mrs. W. H. Mimes of Kentland, Ind.. was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. B. Franklin Bilsland, 1228 Elm- wood avenue, j. __ - J£ After a year's trip abroad, Mrs. N. B. Lewis, formerly of Edge water, is the guest of Mrs. F. F. Cain of Cen- tral avenue. Mr. Joseph Cumberland of Oakland, Cat, was the guest last week of his brother, Mr. Harry Cumberland of 119 Fifth street. Mr. J. B. Barber, alias "Jim," will spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Barber, 621 Linden avenue. After an extended visit In Chautau- qua, N. Y., the Misses Margaret and Alice Veach have returned to their home, 913 Forest avenue. Mias Matilda Mumper of Pennsylva that they are now located at ft Smith street, Portchestar. N. T. Miss Charlotte Bowron of New Jer- sey is the guest or Miss Grace Donald- son. 1126 Forest avenue, and will re- main here for the wedding of fcar con- fin, Miss Caroline Lusted. Dr. and Mrs. George C. Butler re- turned Wednesday to their home la Attica, Ind., after spending a wee* aa the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Cut- ler, 101G Ashland avenue. Miss Mario Edwards, formerly or- ganist of the Congregational church and of the Illinois College of Music, has accepted a /position In the Oak Park Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Duer Philips have returned from their wedding trip and are now at their home, 1122 Clarence avenue, Oak Bark. Mrs. Philips was Mite Maude Allen. Mr. and Mrs. M. Frank Barrett, 941 Sheridan road, Mr. and Mrs, H. P. Barrett and Mas Mary Barrett, 533 Forest avenue, left Friday on a ten days' motoring trip to Mammoth Cave, Miss Iva C. Butler will arrive next Thursday from Denver, Col., to be the guest of her sister, MrsO Albert P. Suite, 112 Sixth street, for a few days before going on to New York to study this winter. :_ : ------.;------- Mra, Bertha jfe, M""^ *«"« lw»«n m IMM.........Ml.....II guest in the home of her son, Mr. Ben- jamin B. Moore, 1208 Forest avenue, this week, before leaving for Call- Mr. O. I. Bichl, Mr. A. G. Frost, Mr. T. nla la spending the winter with her wiH be Dr. Julius Lackner and Mr. Thomas Boyle of Chicago. . Miss Grace Donaldson of Forest ave- nue will give a bridge party this after- noon for Miss Caroline Lusted. There will be four tables. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. 13. S. Stern of 900 Hinman avenue, Ev- anston, will entertain the Lusted- Walters bridal party at tea. Mr. and Mrs, C. Percy Skillin will give a dinner-dance tomorrow evening, at their home on Ashland avenue, in honor of their 'third- wedding anni- versary. Covers will he laid for twenty guests. The home will be ar- tistically decorated in apple blossoms cousins, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Clen- denin, 916 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. L. C. Oompton. mother of Mrs. Harry Mens, 921 Oakwood avenue, has B. Potter, and Mr. Benj. BrGage. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cross will enter- tain sixteen of their friends at dinner this evening at their home, 916 Lake returned, after a four months' visi avenue. The evening wilt be ^devoted j wun her eon at Boyds, Wash, to dancing. | Mrs. L. M -- I Woodlawn arrived today to spend the The Music Study class will hold its week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. first meeting Tuesday morning, Oct. White, 1921 Central avenue. 13, at ten o'clock at the Woman's Mrs. E. R. Webber of Forest avenue club building. All old members and has returned from a short visit with any others Interested in the study of Qer daughter, Mrs. Donald Payne, at fornia where she will spend the win- ter. Z________________ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Klemm, 420 Park avenue, had as their dinner guests last Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. Baumback of Edgewater. Mrs*. B. Klemm, Miss Helen Klemm and Mr. and Mrs. W. Thalmann of Lake View. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lowry and daughter. Miss Gladys Lowry, 1720 Columbus avenne, have gone east for a three weeks' -stay, stopping at New York, Boston, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Atlantic City and other eastern points. Mrs. H. M. Philips returned to her The gymnasium classes com- menced last Tuesday at the Com- munity house., Mr. and Mrs..L. E. Stanhope, 610 Ash street, have returned from a week's trip east. The Misses Emmet, Grace and Mat- tie Lamb are making an extended visit in the west. visiting at her old home In Philadel- phia, Pa., this month. Mrs. George Hlgginson, 224 Sun- set road, gave a luncheon on Sunday In honor of Sir Johnstone Forbes- Rpbextson. Among the young ladies who am attending the Bennett school at Mil- bank, N. Y.. are the Misses Elisabeth Thome and Cordelia and Elizabeth Carpenter. A reception will be given at Com- munity house on Wednesday evening to introduce the new teachers Of the public schools, and to renew ac- quaintance with those returning for another year,________ 97% years old are depeoaent. Only 3% have saved enough to provide thcmselvea with the necessities of life. Your money will work for you not able to work for yourself. ' y*S* fMrlm "tR VW'F' <*W** ^mjn™ *tR BANK ■^ ,*;-,? 75 presentation to society of Miss Mar- garet Houghteling at a tea to be given tomorrow afternoon front tour until seven o'clock. Miss Georgina will make her debut on November 7, and Miss will Ruth Matz November 21. be introduced on NOTICE. On and after date I will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted by anybody but myself or son, Raymond. Mrs. W. D. Ketehum. 10S4 Linden avenue, Wilmette, HI. j - 47w-3tc music are asked to he present. Mrs B. E. Gain will be in charge of the urogram which Is aa follows: Business meeting, outline of work for year. Piano--Valse A maj.......Mossowskl , Mrs. Harry N. Snow Vocal--(a) Come per serno from La " Sonnabula.................Bellini (b) Joy of the Morning. -Ware Mrs. Florence Butler finite Piano--Croquis and Silouetts.. Schutte 2 and 3 movements. and bdillax. Ballman's orchestra will furnish the music. Gala preparations are being made for the Harvest Dinner and dance at Westmoreland Country club tomorrow evening, for this will mark the closing of this Bummer's activities. A large number of Wilmette's society people are planning to participate in the fun. Only those in costume will be allowed to dance before ten-thirty o'clock. Aft- er tomorrow evening the clubhouse will be closed for a season of repairs. ~ Mrs. J& U. Uathbohe .. Vocal--Mlml's Farewell, from La Bo- hlml .............. .....Plcclnl Mrs. H. A. Whittman A card party will be given at the Woman's club next Thursday after- noon at two o'clock under the auspices of the finance committee of the dub. Mrs. W. J..Montgomery, chairman, and her committee will be the hostesses of the afternoon. The ladles are cordial- ly Invited. A small admission tee will be charged. Nortbrup and son of home in Topeka,Kans., after spending some time as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Allen, 518 Forest avenue. Mrs. Philips was one of the out-of- town guests at the wedding of Miss Maude Allen. Miss Leslie spent a few days last week In Wilmette visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Barber, 621 Linden avenue. She was warmly wel- comed by a great many of her old friends. Miss'Leslie is an aunt of Rev. H. B. Heald. her new home In Paw Paw, Mich. Mrs. Frederick Marsh Bowes, 1033 Greenwood avenue, has as her guests Miss Kathryn Clark of Independence, la., and Mrs. Morton Siec of Omaha. Neb. Mr. Ralph Shannessy of Belvidere, 111., is making bus home at 901 Oak- wood avenue while completing his senior year at the Northwestern Law school. Mrs. C. M. Hoadley, 1734 Elmwood avenue, returned Wednesday , from ^»»s»e»a»o»aaa»Msoe»»M»< Wilmette » Ms 1+OMMjMuM ••»• M *eM "Who is Who" among pledges at Northwestern university this year has already been officially announced. The pledges from Wilmette include the following: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Minnie Anderson; Kappa Alpha Thota, Lois Clark; Alpha Phi, Ruth Moulding and Margaret Sclieidenhelm: Pi Beta Phi, Hope Mihew and Mildred Cun- neen; Chi Omega, Jessie Cain. A social meeting of the East End circle was held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. C. Cameron, 922 Ashland avenue. The next meeting of the Eight club will be hold on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Q. W. Schmidt, 827 Elmwood avenue. The Neighborhood circle of the Con- gregational church met Tuesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Lyman Drake, 922 Lake avenue. The Travel Study club met yester- day afternoon with Mrs. E. Anderson, 1123 Elmwood avenue. The Reading circle will meet Mon- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mel- ville Brown, 738 Eleventh street. The first meeting of the Merry Matrons was held Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Byron Smith, 200 Ninth street. -- ■ The pretty rooms of the Woman's club were reopened Wednesday alter- r.oon and a large percentage of the members were present. An exception- ally good program had been arranged by the committee in charge, which consisted of a recital by three noted artists, the Steindel brothers..,^%l^,i The first and second trials for the director's cup will take place tomor- row at the North Shore Golf club, Under the auspices of the Catholic Woman's club, Judge Jacob Hopkins of the Morals court of Chicago, gave a most instructiing as well as interest- ing lecture at the Woman's club Wed- nesday evening. A pleasant feature of the evening was the appearance of Mrs. Loretta Com eld Parks, reader, and. Miss May MoConnell, vocalist, and her accompanist, Miss Louise Miller. ,„ .... , a Wast Farmington, O., where she at- tended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. E. M- Reevesi 't Mrs. Fred Horton and son. Kenneth, 840 Elmwood avenue, returned Wed- nesday from a week's visit with her sister. Mrs. Victor Arnold, at her home in Madison, Wis. Word has been received from Rev. and Mrs. H. B. Heald, formerly of St. Geo. S. Matter & Co. AWTtSTIC DECOR At IN G '*--^--------------W---- I ' l.i All ordors will receive »rompt attention. Work ajjjjfajjggiL 18 yean in Wilmtttt P. O. Box 22 ALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Per Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 J. W. Meyer & Sens 1715 Columbus Avenue Wilmette 426-------Wilmette Shorn Ice Cream Purity and Quality First Made in Wilmette Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager BBBansje^ssmsnamsBJ We offer extra fine long stem roses, all our own growing, at ESALE Killarney, White Killarney, Killarney Brilliant (new), Richmond Sunburst, 50c per dozen and up. || CUT notice. Also carry a full line of everythi FLOWERS. Funeral orders filled on Flowers for all occasions. Pyfer"A Oteem, Avenue Tel. Wilmette 23 1625 Cmtral Avnu$ <--mmmmmmmimm"m--m msnsw *-pp Oar materials for the fall and win- ter season of 1914-15 are now here and we cordially Invite you to call and in- spect same. We guarantee oar work. mm »^^yy»*TTa»eiaeee»aeesa»e»»a»»»aassa»»»»»eat»»»»»»»< The Ladies' Aid society of the First Congregational church will bold their regular luncheon today in the church parlors. Tile €osy €om«r tslrcle win conduct a novelty and bakery sale, and Mrs- Moses Smith, ex-president of the W. B. M. I., will speak on the "Present Pay Needs of Missions." The Wilmette Woman's Democratic club Will hold their first "business meeting of the year next Tuesday aft- ernoon at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Theodore Breyer, 72| Washing- ton avenue. The Tau Sigma Gamma Girls will meet this evening at the home of Miss Georgiana Smith, 1302 Wilmette ave- nue. . . . • : Elvira Burwash announces the opening of her Wil- mette Studio in Room 23, Brown Building--Wednesdays. :: WM. KAPLAN LADIK*' AMP GENTS' TAILOR aaa BaHS»ad At*. H«ffron Bltfg. ■MMMMMi !pmmi!m*m>. For INSTRUCTIONS IN VOICE AND PIANO ♦ MaeilHMI»M#»»>M»>M>»»MI»M»Mt»»»»<MM»»H< BREAKFA Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of our early morning delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Paper-- Wilmette Baking Co. IIISWMMtt. Tel. WilasHe 449 mmmmm MOTION PICTURES of your own children. Taken at your own home. It's much better than the old "sit-stitl-and-don't- move-please" picture. Think of the pleasure your children will have in throwing such a picture on the screen in ten or fifteen years from now. It's the duty of every mother and father to have such a picture taken. DOESN'T COST MUCH. Call W. K. EVANS, Room 2, Brown Building Phone Wilmette 1640 ...... ■■ 11 aasssasasji I T'S TO CARRY YOUR MEATS HOME FROM CHICAGO WHEN YOU CAN GET BETTER MEATS JUST AS CHEAP RIGHT HERE IN WILMETTE. JUST LOOK WHAT WE'VE DONE TO THE PRICES: / Home-dressed Spring Chicken, per pound. Sirloin Steak ......... ,1....,............ .........aac .,,..».:...a$c Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak, per pound... ... i8c Shoulder Lamb Chops, per pound...... .............. .aoc Rib Lamb Chops, per pound................. :.. .'.Sje Loin Lamb Chops, per pound____.................____28c Printing and Developing Done at Lowest Prices Boon 29 Brown Bidg. Wilmette Bulk Lard, per pound. Pork Sausage, per pound..............'. Frankfurter Sausages, per pound....... Cookedr, Corned Beef, per pound......... Veal Loaf, per pound.......... ........ Shoulder Lamb Stew, per pound......... Whole er Half Kams, per pound........ Whole or Half Strips of Bacon, per pound. Leg of Lamb, per pound.................. Whole ShouJder of Lamb, per pound..... Rib Roast of Beef, per pound. Z, 5 . 7Z-.. . ..16c ...1«C •••**? ■..97c . .eye ■.-aoc . see . .aoc .22c J. J. NILLES, Telephones 278 and 179 635 W. RaUroed Ave. 3ad Door Soath of CtAtralAve. WILMETTE " mm CaSts IrOal 9 Irease.'Stc Can be welded and mad* strong SS new. Call up the American Welding €o. (Not Inc.) A. P. GRAHAM, Mir. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phone Wilmette 1381 Wilmette Illinois HARRY LYNN J Staple & Fancy Groceries Personal Mention, of Wilmette Folk There, will be a -dinner at the North Shore Oolf club tomorrow evening. On Wednesday evening there - will fnary tins year, be a dinner and card party at the North Shore Golf club. ___ j**- -*" • ■ ....... -. ffis Xiadea Avaanp circle adli told their oi>enlii« meeting Monday after- WMJ at the home of Mrs. E. L. Flu- Baadolpii, on Linden avenue. Miss Pearl Gouffer. 903 Lake avenue, to visiting In Sewtckley. Ps. Mrs. 8. C. Skinner, 1021 Central ave- nue. 1b spending a few days in Austin. 111. Mrs. S. S. t'rlppen, 1025 Linden ave- nue, is vtott.-.- ----- Boulevard, 2831 Wa»hlnpV*n Chicago Wilmette Branch, Brown Bldo., Room 23 :-?V Strictly high grade instructions C. W. Edwards. Piano. Klvira Burwaah. Voice. Sdna Reiner Marshall, Expres- aion. Marie Edwards. PJano. &t' And others. @. t Write or call for information. on^at-exten Now Is the Time To Plant Bulbs Fruits and Vegetables la Season Kenilworth. III. Phones 1041-1042 561 Fir St Phone 675-L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, give estimate and do work in your own garage. > E. C. MELVINC WINNETKA I am pleased to announce that the very latest novelties in materfsls, de signs and trimmings for the FALL <tV WINTER SEASON of 1914.1913 hays arrived, and I herewith extend sa cordial invitation to yon* to call and inspect same. By placing your orders early, before the busy season sets in, you will receive garments when desired, and thus avoid annoying disappointments. • Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting their continuance. 1 am for Best Quality, Correct Styles, Artistic Workmanship and Perfect Fit GEORGE J. E,BER awawBs^ssMBBBsisssasjssaassssgBgsxs|»jssji GERTRUDE At 621 GREGORY AVE, u^^jusiu^v^mme TELEPHONE 1285 Miss Naomi Fulton, ^16-Lakensre^ nu*. is attending NaUonar Park se>n- Mr. E. W. Anderson, 1123 Elmwood -avenue, has gone west on an extended business trip. Mr. and Mrs. 3. S. Alexander, 1103 jge jgeiigtiTyiag^fuliiiaejtfishrubs, bulbs and perennials. . We also trim hedges and tceclT7 Cut Flowers for All Occasions J. FLINT & a m. ^mbbp TeUj»hen« HO* central avenne, have moved to 780 I ♦>! W* Kg||lfO««I A^IT*. Linden avenue. Mr. Barton E. Buokman, 72« Laurel i TtaeHsnce mm Undertaking Company A Western Casket doet not mean a Cheap Casket. Price. Wccarry a Hneof Caskets ranging in prices frorar^nry-FiVdupto- Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They are Caskets you will pay from Fifty Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place else. We whteciu™& of our own Caskets at our Own Factory, thus saving you horn Thirty to Fifty Per Cent. WM. H. SCOTT (eight years with J. X. Hebblethwaite) i* mansffer and part owner of our Wilmette Store sad wdl give his personal oifeationto avasy datssL #11^ <^^ -gg**L. AgPOMOBlLB •ERVICB FURNtSljED WjjgM PBW1HO Phone Wilmette 280 WM. H. SCOTT, mmpmm*mmmmmm --W--MM* 1123 Central ATeone i^mwmmmmmmmm mm*

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