This house was identified on the reverse as "The Old Joy House." The Joy family lived at 812 Central Ave., Wilmette for many years. The numbers on the house are "1030." The house may have been incorr
This house was identified on the reverse as "The Old Joy House." …
In pencil on reverse, "1950, made of two cabins, very old" In pen on reverse, "House on 15th St. (Mrs. Caruthers House). Stamped "Photo by Bill Kuiken, 1337 Washington, Wilmette, Ill."
In pencil on reverse, "1950, made of two cabins, very old" In …
In pencil on reverse, "Old Sherman house, 1136 Greenleaf. Here were held the first meetings of council and Con[gregational] Church." Stamped on the reverse, "Photography by Rebecca Fitch, 1033 Elmwoo
In pencil on reverse, "Old Sherman house, 1136 Greenleaf. Here were held …
On reverse: "Old Dusham House, Elmwood and Michigan, succeeded log cabin. Built around 1800." Stamped: "A copy by H. J. Steffens Studio at 807 Ridge, Wilmette, 6332."...
On reverse: "Old Dusham House, Elmwood and Michigan, succeeded log cabin. Built …
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