Wilmette Life, 15 May 2008, p. 25 Runner depart the starting line on Prairie Street at Lehigh Avenue May 4 in Glenview with the 15th annual Our Lady of Perpetual Help Phun Run.
Wilmette Life, 15 May 2008, p. 25 Runner depart the starting line on Prairie Street at Lehigh Avenue May …
Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 2007, D6 In honor of Karen Marshak's husband, the late Gary Marshak, the first Care Center 5 K Challenge will be held June 10. Gary Marshak, who loved running, died of an agressive cancer at the age of 46, le
Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 2007, D6 In honor of Karen Marshak's husband, the late Gary Marshak, the first …
Irv Leavitt, Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 2007, 5, 9 Marie Brandewiede and her fiance Dan Schofer both took home trophies from the Wilmette Fun Run championships July 4 for adults of their respective genders. Photograph Marie Brandewiede and her fiance
Irv Leavitt, Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 2007, 5, 9 Marie Brandewiede and her fiance Dan Schofer both took home trophies from …
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