WILMETTE BRANCH CHICAGO CHAPTER AMERICAN RED CROSS Fully 1,500 women Red Cross Workers in Wilmette are conversant with its activities. The plan of organization includes Executive Officers, Committees in charge of each department of work conducted at headquarters in the Boulevard Building, and a Department of Auxiliaries which at present includes the Woman’s Club, Catholic Woman’s Club, Eastern Star and Junior Red Cross. All Red Cross activities in Wilmette, with one exception, are under the direct supervision and control of the Wilmette Branch, Chicago Chapter, American Red Cross. (The “exceptioñ as noted, refers to work of the Wilmette Naval Auxiliary.) All money contributed to the American Red Cross, either in payment of memberships or in coi nection with campaigns for funds, such as the recent one hundred million fund campaign, is pat directly to the American Red Cross. None is received or handled by any branch or auxiliary. The American Red Cross makes all purchases of material and furnishes all departments, such as our Wilmette branch, with free material. This material is worked up into completed articles by the women and sent back to Red Cross headquarters. Although, through the courtesy of Mr. J. Melville Brown, all space occupied in the Boulevard building is given free of rent, there are certain expenses for heat, light, janitor service, work room fixtures, tools, and equipment as well as certain supplies necessary in making comfort bags, and findings for the sewing work of Auxiliaries that are borne by the Branch. This entire expense is now being financed by the Wilmette Guard. A Junior Red Cross Department is conducted in the grade schools—every pupil is a member.- Some of the material for their work has been supplied by the Women’s Committee of Wilmette Guard. A similar department in the Parochial schools has been supplied with materiaj by Chicago Chapter American Red Cross and by the Woman’s Committee. Both departments will hereafter be supplied by the Wilmette Branch American Red Cross. Where material is supplied by the Woman’s Committee the completed work is delivered to and distributed by the Woman’s Committee, and where material is supplied by American Red Cross, the completed work is delivered to American Red Cross. The Annual dues for membership in Junior Red Cross is 25 cents and the money goes to American Red Cross. The following is a record of work completed by the Wilmette Red Cross Branch to June 1918 : Surgical Dressings furnished 189,222 Christmas Bags and Stockings 482 Hospital Supplies 1,511 Knitted Articles 3,760 Refuge Clothing 450 Junior Red Cross 4,209 Comfort Bags and Housewives 3,116 Total 202,750 In addition, there have been two and one-half tons of clothing collected and shipped to the Belgium Relief; also 197 knitted articles and 188 well-filled comfort bags supplied drafted and enlistedmen. HOME GUARDS Company “K” 11th Illinois Infantry (equipped by the State) and Company “D” 1st Illinois Reserve Militia (self equipped) were organized largely through the instrumentality of the Wilmette Guard and commencing June 1, 1918, expenses of a general character of both companies will be financed by the Wilmette Guard. SOLDIERS’ AID DIVISION The work of the Soldiers’ Aid Division is to keep a complete list of the names of the men who are in the Service, their home address, address of nearest of kin, branch of Service and to keep track of their whereabouts. These names are posted on the bulletin board near the Village Hall and are revised when necessary. This Division keeps in personal touch with the men through letters and gifts, endeavoring to make them feel that the Wilmette Guard is back of them. If the man’s family needs help, it co-operates Tith the Home Service Section of the Red Cross. Books and magazines are collected every two weeks, or ofteher when notified, and sent to the Great Lakes Station. A Club is maintained for the men who are off duty on Sunday afternoons; supper and an informal program are furnished; the present quarters are in Library Hall, but plans are under consideration for a more elaborate entertainment. Steps are now under way towards the organization of an association among the parents and nearest of kin that should prove of mutual benefit and help. N