-J THE WILMETTE GUARD It centralizes all war activities that require community support—financial or otherwise. Every contributor to its Fund shares in the appropriation made to any war activity which receives its support. Every family in Wilmette should be a contributor. More than 600 families have contributed during the past year. It manages the special drives for Liberty Bonds, Y. M. C. A., and other National war funds and co-operates with the Wilmette Branch of American Red Cross in the special Red Cross drives. It does not subscribe from its funds, to any of these National war funds. Perfection is not claimed for its past accomplishments, but its supporters feel that a very comprehensive and effective working plan is in operation, which justifies universal co-operation. The “Graphic Outline” herein presented shows the general business scheme and activities of the “Guard.” An explanation in detail is submitted as follows: WOMAN’S COMMITTEE OF WILMETTE GUARD - The Woman’s Committee of Wilmette Guard commenced its activities June 1, 1917, and has undertaken the following principal lines of work: Registration of all women in the village, in order that a record may e had showing the qualifications of each for war service. Allied Relief, which includes aid to stranded women of France, Italy and Belgium and contributions to the American Fund for French wounded. Food Conservation: Distributing literature on and giving publicity to the subject of food conservation as directed by the Food Administration. Comforts fof enlisted men, which include the furnishing of necessary articles of clothing, such as sweaters, socks, etc., as well as comfort kits, to enlisted men from Wilmette, and, by direction of the Exemption Board, -to boys from the territory west of us who would not otherwise receive any attention from organizations. Wilmette Auxiliary of Naval Auxiliary: American Red Cross (formerly the Navy League) operates at present as a part of the Woman’s Committee, receives material from Chicago headquarters of Naval Auxiliary and completes articles as directed, such completed articles are sent to headquarters for distribution to sailors and marines. Prior to January 1, 1918, purchased all material for its work with funds supplied by the Wilmette Guard; since January 1, 1918, all such material has been furnished by Chicago headquarters of Naval Auxiliary, which in turn is supplied by the parent organization, “The American Red Cross.” The Naval Auxiliary part of the Woman’s Committee is now conducted as a regular auxiliary of the Chicago Department of Naval Auxiliary of American Red Cross. All activities of the Woman’s Committee (with exceptions as noted) have and will be financed • by the Wilmette Guard. The following is a record of work completed by the Woman’s Committee to April 1, 1918: Wristlets 275 Comfort Kits 446 Sweaters made, distributed and on hand 969 Convalescent Robes 187 Scarfs 371 Helmets 293 Hospital Caps 70 Kitchner Socks 3 Hospital Shirts 322 Trench Caps 188 Hospital Socks 63 Sponges and Wash Cloths 187 Pajamas 339 Miscellaneous, Martha Washington Bags 48 Socks 643 Total 4,404