WILMMTEICE CO.ý 133Gren a7Rd. WL il- FIRST GHURCH OP CHRIST, SÇIENTIST Tcnth Street.and Central AvenIue WILU&Eni iLiNOIs Sundlay Servics-i i a.m. Wecdnesday-Testimnonial Meeting-S p.m-. Sunday School Exercises--9,:45 a.m. >MAY 15e,1938 Snbl'ecf:. MORTALS AN D IMMORTALS READING ftOOM - Il133 Central Avenue Open Daily (excpt Wednesday) 9 A.M. to 6 P.ýM. Wednesday 9 A.M. ta 7:45 FMK Saturday 9 A.M. ta 9 P.M- The Bible and Worksof Mary Baker.Eddy, and ail other authorized Christian Sclence. Literature may be. read, borrowed or purchased at the. Reading Roomi. THE PUBLIC 18 CORPIALLY INVITED ?O ATTEND THE CHURCH SIEVICE AND VîrTISITTE READING ROOM against mne for 1935 personal taxes ox $10.51 to which you havé added. in- terest of,$2.1O and costs of .$2. Please be advised' that 1I hold 're- ceipted bill for paym»ent of taxes in full and in addition have a cert ificate of payment from the county collector which can be offered in evidence. Sifict we ha ve. heard that seve-ral such suits for taxes once paid have been started, might we as1i ter is another democratic vest. pockéei ini the county building? ,May we ask also if this suit to re- quire ataxpayer to, pay a second time is in accord with a law, to be passed -or possibly recently.passed-'by the demnocratic legisiature at Springfield., -or you say "Under the law and the order of the Board of Comnmissioflers of Cook county a suit has been start- ed against you *. "o May we ask also if a taxpayer were so thôughtless as 'to pa3t his taxes a second time ýunder duress of a.,suit; would the justice of the peace ie hable? Thanking you, 'Very truly, Clarence E.braver. BICYCLES Editor, NîuILifvm LIPE: As an organ animated nur Wilmiette newsmiagaz le has aà whole walk instead of the uuivr wnc in disobedience of the village stat- Utes. With the cooperation of parents, the village board,. the police, and our weekly -magazine, the. streets tan c ertainly be made reasonably. saf e for the pu.blic., I have one sugges tion toofe- that is, that'from lIlth stre et to the North Shore line, on Central avenue, a nd f rom' Lake avenué to the No.rth Shore Une on Winmette avenue riderc roli11. their bicycles beside theni -iii- stead, of riditig them. The aùii1~ities of thé village have înany complicated problems to solve. iii forming and .en'forcing statutes, and surely the residents can assis t them if theyr wish to cooperate.- 'Maude E. Young, ,1119, Central' Ave. Appeal Body. Uolods; Works Dept. Veto in, Chrurch Sckool Flea Action of Robert L. Anderson, sup- erintendent of public works in Win- netka, in denying the request of the Catholic parish of, Sts. Failh, Hope and Charity for a building permit to erect a chapel .and parochial school' on the property at the corner of Hill road and Ridge avenue in the south- ern part of Winnetka, has been sus- tained by the Winnetka zoning. board so prevalent iln te busine~ss Ulstri'L of Wi7lmette. Bicycle riders con'stauftly ignore the *Il ag statutes when riding on the sidwals.and the resuit is thiat pedestrians are afraid to go on the streets. Recently a wornan wvas' kLnocked down and injured by a bi- cvclist. and on May 6, at 6 p). ni . too, suff ered such an experience. Whilè walking west on Central avenue, 1 was knock-d. down in front mitted in tthe class "A" onie-rixth. acre residential area. Action of the appeal board. coin- prising Robert Kingerv, chairman; Beverly B. Vedder, Charles Herrick Hamniond , Horace W. Armistrong- and Frank F. Fowle, %vas 'unanimnous. Attorney Walter C. Senine, of the frmi of Kirklanid, Fleming, Gireeni, Martin, and Ellis,- who appeareci for the parish on behaif of the Roman *1 ~.1 L .LRA. StofI@S cram .......... PTLý . Ridp Ave. PhamacY Cd WgIM.t. 316 WUi.ht. Md C.e" ci WUsii. 400 il 1*lot i