Vaine and Visa. defrprvemiqmU catalo n rwrite W'ilso"Ir: . chcaIii Fra.nk Meier, Jr 55 44 .556 Nelson Laundry ..... 55 44 .556 Wflmette Battery and Elec 55 44 .556; Ace Motor Sale....... 54 45 .545 Schaefer's 'ravern -,-. . 52 47 M&2 Wllmette Tcee... .......50 49 .605 Shimonek's 4ervice Staton 50 49 .505 Bill Connor'a Boosters 49 50 .495, Alten's Mortuary.....48- 61..485 Wllmette Theater......... 48; 51 .485 Scott's Morticians......A5 54. 45 Bungalow Taverfl.......... 43 56. .434 Braun Bros. 011.. ....... 38 61 .384- Evanston Paintand Glass ..37 >62 ..374 HÉighiest three gaimes for a teai: Bu n- galowv Tavern, 2690; 2nd blghest three gaines for a teain: Frank Meier', Jr., 2660. Highest single gaie for a teain; Bun- galow. Tavern, 993.; .2nd highest single gaine for a teain: Bill Connor'si Boomt- ers, 977. Highest three gaines individual: Carl Schwall, Frank. Meier, Jrî., 683; 2nd highest three.gaines individual: George White, Schaefer's Taývern, 674. Hlghest single game individual, George White, Schaefer's Taverti, 276; 2nd high- est' single game Ifidividual: Eddie Shan-, ahan* Braun Broq. 011, 275. Results oU the s we pý[akû woi Tbursday, May 5: TUE ASDURY HOME For Convlescentsad Wdrly. People Rom With Registeed Treaed Privat. Bath 24-lieur Servie. Nurses n Attendance. leu4 Ambuuy A». * IE.mIeOf8252 "forgof Make Techny Fields your Country Club this year. Enjoy ail the privi-' loges of -the finest-private -club and, play on a course that you wil like_ botter every time you play it. __RATES r- y.aa'i Coane ogaial 4.:luy Nackel, 640, hdp. 2.1ý3, 176, 185. 5. Phil Hillinger, Jr., 63 Cames-191, 188, 213. 6. Marèel Knelp, 621, hdp. 185, 223, 167. Iligh game-Joe Kneip, 24: In the coufll's firât atti league bowling, the counei ,.,khed fourth ln North. Sid Major. league. 46. Gamne- 38, hdp. 46. 46. Gaies- 43, îei4pt at big el teani. fin- de K. of C. CENTRELLA LEAGUE The Old Monk teani from its an- chor spot in the league rose up last Monhday evening and rode rough shod over the strong Kraft-Phenix Cheese. teani to, a tùne of twol out of three games,. destroying any chance the Kraft boys had of overtakiùg, the Town -Crier team. SUnder the 'able leadership 0'f Adolpb ýPeterson, captain ýof the Town Crier teamt, the*foeur boy1s roleda fnesteady series every week and displayed unusual, team play and, a fighting spirit te win first honors. 1Leadiag Teans Fall l chees, Following the big upset of the i<raft- Phenix teani, "Pop" MageeBotrs Peenc 400 Club, andiGetbhardlt's EýagIes, each In turn fr11 victlrn of teams in the Iower haif of the bracket. Sweepstakes Endi Season Next Monday evenlng May 16 will wltness the season's wind--up'. and thue usual big Sweepstakes wili comprise the ýývening's prograin. Following the bowling,'a buffet lunch- (,on wlll be served andplans discussedi for the .Annual Bowlers Stag Part.y, whicb probably will be held on Monda yN. May 23. Tenm Standings Teani Won Lost Town Crier Flour........... 58 38 KraÉt-Phenix Cheese ......... 54 42 "Pop" Magee Boosters .,.2 44 Peacock, 400 Club ........... 52 44 (.ebhardt's Eagles .....50 446 Linco Produets .............. 49: 47 Bremer Bros............... 48 48 Wilson Ideals............. ..45 05 1 Stewarts Coffee............. 45 51 ScotTowels.............43 3 Hfydrox Beverage............ 40 56e Old Moncs . .........' .40 5 Peacock,400 Club vis. Wilson Ideals, Stewarts Coffee vs. ScotTowels; Linèo Produets vsi. Hydrox Beverage; Kraft- PhenIx. vs.Gebhardt's Ege;Beie Bros. vs. Oild Monks,; Town ýCrier v. Po"Magee Bnoqters. And so the fourth seas<on of the JEv- anston-North Shore Centrella Bojwling r.eague cornes to a close .and a pleasant season full of good fellowsliip and sportsmanship has been recorded. mev =u3îr western filis, at a u4re makig Boyd the bighest aried western sereen actor. Aqgnes Davus, ,,oprilno; Mark Lave, Bass; William Miller, 7'enor "KCing David," A Symphonie Àrtists and Orchestra Two Entr'actes froin Carmen".. Bizet -a. Habanera, "L'Anmour est une oiseau rebelle" from.1 *Carnien" ...... Bizet bSeguidilla, "Sur les rainparts de Seville" froin "Carmeni". .Bizf-t Bruns. Castagna Vl'ase de, Concert NÔ. 2, F' Major, Opus 61.................Giazounow' Duet, froinrAct, Il of "Aida"ý. .Ponchielli Agnes ;Davis and Bruna Castagna, Itakoczy Mardi, from "The Damnation of Faust"....... Berlioz THURSDAY EVEINING AT 8:20 Conductor: Hanis Lange Soloists: Richard Crooks, Teiior;, Agnes Davis, Soprano; lius Huean, Baritone 'A.Germfan Requiem," Opus 45, Brahins Aria, '«If thou bie near"........... Bach ýin fernern 1.and," from "Lohengrin".............Wagner * Richard Crooks Prelude to Act Il- cLh"grin" .Wagineri L>uet, "-Das susse Lied verhaiit, from l'Lohengrin"...........Wagttr Agnes Davis and Richard Crooks %Votan's Farewell, from »,Die Walkure'..............Waglàî*r Jullus BHuchn S.AT URDAY AFT1'IRNOON AT 2:ý30: Condîictors: Frederjck Stock, John :W. Beati-c; Soloisi: Robert Basso, Violinist Overtur-e to "The .MIerry '%ives of Windsor"............... Nicolai Children's Songs: -Down to Ala.bamna" - The Erie Canal". -At the Foot of Yonder Mounta.ln" "The's Courtshlp" "Carniela" Suite, "TIhe Wand of Youtb," S No. 2, Opus 12 .............. Elgali c iild ren's Songs: Saiueweet" edatMeadows". .Sanctus AngelicLis F'antasia 'Appa.ssionta orVil n Opus 35........... VieuxteniàI» obrt Basso Valse'desFleurs, from Suite, "CÇSse- Noisette,", Opus 71la . .. Tschalkowsky c1hiidren's Songs: "ULnc .oln's Gettysburg %Addresq" "Integer Vitae" March, "Pomp .and Circintnc, Opus 39 .................... EIgar Chilldren's Chorus anid Orchestra Trio, froin Helen Choral trois Foi [ue liueni .u.. ...ý- Elgar orus and OrChestra