DeiadIine for Inserioss-cepedup o uesay9 P mfor WILbLETTE LIPE or all three papers; Wenada 9 . à& for wpoewrT*p TAL an 1'ruday 6 P. M. for GLENCOM 1NWS. ?e1epboîneii: wflRette 4m. Wiuntîa 2M Wlnntka &W a mter 4 P. IL), Qreenleai 4300or il DOCS AND CATS 4 OCERSPANIELS. 6 WEKS olti; maie & female; well bred, black, anti butt.. 1 Scotch terrier, 6 weeksold; feae PIETHORNE KENNELS 2810 W. Park Ave. Highlan d Park 2967 1 1LTN1-2te Cocker Spaniel Pppies SHOW STOCK- BUFF AN BLACK. Very reanonable. Glencos 1165. 11ITN50-4tp FOR SALE Year Old Maie Scottie TRtAINED, ýREAS. WINNETKA 1907. 11L-ltp 13 PETS BoAUDED Wl LAFLOR KENNELS PED. COCKER SI'ANIELS. ALL AGEq. Guaranteeti healthy. BOARDINGe Excel lent care and food. Veterinarian on cail day or nlght. Dundee Rd., 'mile west of Sky Harbor.. 12LTNl-ltp Linhenhof Training Schools ý..1AND BOARDINO KENNELS for ail breetis. Private ini and outdoor ýruns. }Ieated kennels. Personal care. Mr. an-d Mrs. Wnt Schaefer Waukegain Rd. at Winnetka Ave. Glenview 27-0 121,TN52-4tP) BLACK HALL THE MODERN KENNEL FOI' Di>; S Boarding. Expert strippingr. Moisture-proof stalis Flanie-dîsinfected exercise runs On. Walter Ave. west of Waukegan Rd.. No6rthbrook, Ill. North brook 331 12LTNI-4tp 44 INSTRUCTION YOUNG ,ARTIST Recently returned froin Paris after 5 years' study and association with famous French artists (Utrillo, Suzanne Valàdon, Salcia Bahnc> la formning an 47MUSICAL INSTRUCTrION BE POPULAR Learn to play popular piano with ease andi elliciency. 10 lessons, $12. In advanee. 604 Davis St.,'.Evans. Greenleaf 4344 47LTN51-4tp 413 RECREATION BCHOOLS BEACH -CLASS JUNE .27-AUGUST'5 (7 TH SEASON) (liaracter -building througli Bible Edu- cation, correlated with swlmmning ln- structions, g ames and excursionsi., Classes &o boys and. girls, ages 3 to 12. MYRTLE BENGSTON-Ph. Winn. 1687 4$LTN1-4ti ATTJENTION, M0i!1MR0. KLARR'S KIDDIE KAMP R1uth Kinnlè Klarr, director, will care for infants and young children by lîour, dlay or week, in private hQme with spa- clous play yard. Country atmosphere. 801 Hibbard Roi~d Wilmette 839 48LTN-ltp 59MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CHOICE CHICKICRING, BALDWIN& Kimnbail grand pianos. Must be sold et once. Will accept best offer. Cal this week only. Storage Mart, Iredale Stor- âge, 1723 Bejison Ave.; Evanston. 59LT1-ltP FOR SALE CLARZINET AND CASE. Cost $50, will seil for $20. Ilohei system, Eborlte, popular key. Win- netka 1522. .0LTN1-ltp 7rASUMMES OCAMPS FOR YOUTR CHILD THIS SUMMER CAMP SHOREWOOD Offers ail the fun and activities of the distant camp - withln 15 minutes ofyour home. For- boys and girl1s, 3-14 years I)aCamip FuIl Turne Camp TDOOR RECREATION SCHOOL 821 Michigan Ave.. WIlrnette l2th Season Phone for descriptive folder. MNliss Shapker Wilmette 676 Sec our display. ad on page 30 77A-LTN49-tfC CALI.. ~OR -B L7TLERS-GARDE.\-ERS. Shorlitie Empi. Agency> î46, Elmi St. Wlnnetka, 111. 94LTNI-1 tc A-i Dornestic Help Cooks, Maids' and.,Couplese 1>AULNE'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WILMETTE 2171, 421-4th ST. - 94LTN41-litc COMP. WOMAN WISHES WORK ANT DAY.- LDRY., SPRING H1SECLNG., WASH- WALLS, ETC.. PRE 'ARE DINNERS., CARE FRCHILDREN4 EVES. BEST REPS. -WINNETKA 1511. 9 4LTN1-ltp. WANTED -WORK BT THE 1DAY. Nursing, cooking, servinig, cleaniig., laundry or' plain sewing. Sunday dln- ners aidtees a specialty. Best refs. Will go-anywhere. Glencoe 1411. 9411'N5l-4tp CULTUR W M NMIDDLE- aged, will tk ulch~arge of ' home and chiltiren while parents trairni. Cap- able, trustworthy, exp. Rets. Winnetka 2039. .94LTN52-2tp RELIADLE, EXPERIENCED WHITE 1WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY OR CLEANING FOR EVERY MONDÂT. Phone Wiimette 2719 evenings.' 94LTNI-ltp, EXCELLENT COLORED C O O K, wants firat floor or general work i first clas family. .Stay. Ref. Davis 8135. Leave phone No. and naine. - 94LTN1-ltp .Experienced Catering and servlng parties. Wilmiette 4903 94LTN1-ltl» REF'JNÈD WOMAN, EXPERIENCED, desires position of responsibility as housekeeper or entire charge of chil- dren. Will start at $15. Caîl University 5385. 94LTN1-ltp DELILAH BEATTY EMPLOY. AGCY. 1605 Dodge Ave. Greenleaf 3568 SReferences invcstigated. Resident of Evanston 30 years. 94LTN1-ltp RELIABLE A ND EXPERIENCEDY colored girl wants mornlng, after- noon, or full tinie work. Also Thursday work wanted. Home nigiits. Greenleaf 95LTN1-ltp Odd Jobs Around the Bouse FAST AND RELIABLE. CALlr BE- tween 8:30 a. M~. and à p. i. Glencoe, 386. DSLTN-ltp WANT WORK CLEANING 'WALLS,8 SWA$HING WINDOWS, CUTTINO LAWNSP ETC. WINNETKA 180 9SLTN1-ltp EXP. G ALD EN ERCAREPTÂKM.' handy alround man wants td emnployment. Can furnlsh beat of refs. Onkar Guldbech, 7191Locust Rd., wul- mette 4259. 9SLTN1-ltp HANDY ýMAN PAINTING, OR waxlng; wali paper 'and' woodwork cleaning; wnowwahnrparlng ail kinds, by H. jorgensen, i. 10 40.. COLORýED BOY ýWISHES lWOPK AS .porter or: beginner ,houseman. Good references. Cal, GREenleaf 2129. EXPERIE14CED MAN lIAS'OXE DAY a week open for house andi lawn work. Cen aiso o painting. A-1 references. Wilmette 2088. 95LTN-ltp YOUNG.- CQT,,QjEDMA ,.W work as houseman, chauffeur, odii jobs; by hour, day or week. Excellent references. Greenleaf 7436. 9LTNlItp EXPERIENCED COLORZD M A N waInts any kind of housework by the day. Gooti references. Cait niornings before 10 a. m. Uni. 3706. 95LTN1-tp YOUNG WHITE MAN WANTiS steady work as gardener, houseman, chauffeur. Willig to try servlng. Refer- ences. Uni. 7613. 95LTN1-ltp EXPERT GA.RDENER WANTS IWORK by hour, day or contract. Noirti Shore refers. Cali Wilmette 3073.' 9fiLTN62-2tp EXIERIENC1ED CUJIDUNI3U Y THE .day or by the hour. North Shore e- perience. Wilmette 3398, IL uiltb. Pauline's ]Empt Agcy., FOR COUPLES 421-4th St. Wilmette 2171 A-1 Ger. cple., 39-35; 10 yrs. eip. Amer. cpfle., 46-50; 2 yra. last plce Ger. cple., 27-24;- 4 yrs. N. S. refs Amer.-Ger. epIc.,ý 38-34;,ý 8 yrs. exp. Swedish, couple, 2 7-32; 2 yrs. Winn.: Also other couples and exceptional colored. 96LTN1-lte XINNETKA 1175-1176 FOR THE BETTER HELP Cotiples, nmaids, cooks, nurses, hous.i- À 1 1