"8The new oi-furnace burns only one gallon. an hour at top capacity, and i t heats, humidifies, cleans and >circulates heated air, in every room. Itg unusually low, opcrating cost wil, Of- course ap- pui: to owner s,psbe said. "'This is the first time Timken bas offered a Wall- flame humier in a winter air-condition- er unit in the low price field," Mr. Slown continued. The completewinter air-conditioning unit is housed in an attractive, compact cabinet -length 66»; widtb ý2"; beigbt 55 .-niking. it ideal. for instal- lation in a basement recreation 'room or small "heater roomti", The new modeI FCR has Timkens iLIve. Heat" features-waIi1-fiame bur- ner, chromilumn steel filame rlm and ehromlium steel hpartb-comPletelY in- atalled in the furnace at factory. A deep, dougnu-sihaped radiator is mounted directly behind the (urnae body.* Baffles4 force the hot gases to go down one aide to- the Iiottom and Up the other ide to the top before t4iey reach the chimnney. B.T.U. output at bonnet la 110,000. Another exclusive feature is the blono-Rotor, the burner's onlY, n>OVing part, whlch spina llke a top) on an .anti-friction bearing Jubricated by oil passing througb to the fiame. Control 11, fully automatic. For winter air-condItioning, a quiet, ,Multi-blade type blower, :driveri by a Annouincement isimade of tihe. niarriage 0of-Mi$s. -&U Sutter, daughtcr of Mrs. Patidile, Sutter 0f Chica go, to,,Arnold Lindstrom, s-on of Me. and Mr;. C. A.ý Lindstrom of 1534 Wilme.tteoventie, inCi cogo on Tîiesday afternoon. Thie wedding was follow ed by a family dinner party. Miss Pauline Sutt er was ber sister's only attend- ant, and Joe Koerper of Wilmette served Mr. Lindstrom as best man., rhe bride and bridegrooni will make their home. at 424 Prairie avenue, Wilmiette. GUlDE.-LECTURE TOURS joe t.k 1 938 Tbrift Parodue Wheai y@U buy * Gemeral Mecricyou don': sp.dmooey -7*N ulpost iti The Gewida -dueolimrr of due sd.d cold.nmldumgmechalsumn tion pkm -y=@enmie ueOf gfl- tung funl vaue for evoy dollar. là»gsiïopr>mmàu tot b udý .ui i.sheNBV 1938 ..d.L' a ;cost nt c1* lescar VI land Paýrk ln about iLwo weeS.' Christian Science I Services "Adam and Fallen' Man" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in ali Çhurches of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- day, May. 8. ' hà rtn~Identext was, "The Redeem- -r, - "Mr. 1 lips cam- trequent and, ice. same hour subjects wil e: "rsia "Fishes"; Wednesday, "Dinosaurs and Other Reptiles"; Thursday, a general tour of anthropological, bÔtanical, geo- logicai, and zoological exhibits; and F1riday, "Jades of Many Lands." These tours are open to ail.museum visitors. Parties' assemble' inside thie forth en- 30Elm Sret Wlooetka 2770 PA TRoNiZEO UR..A DVERTISERS trance. Iven gmaII coins take you a LONG -WLT; Ç>~) e i 19 O ~ f