4. j" IUCWS SLIIMM SHf ISSunauamm A».. UML 2m r j s~* Gross Point Gardens Trocs EVergreens Shrubs> Perennials A large varicty. of FRUIT REIES -and HARDY MILES CENTIE 287 ~i '3; ~l0** % ~ w 4 'I ".0 MX11ý- '-4 r It is not often, these dasys, that homes are sold bel are beieiq coiipleted. But such was the case with the seven-room French Provincial honte (above) ai 704 Kent road, Keniliworth, which wtas a7varded the "Good Hautsée cilig" Shield.-of FýxcelIevsce foi-, desigqn and construction The sale was, made April. 10, to SRobert A. Brenneck, formerly of Ev- anston, district sales manager of the Bakelite corporation. The seller Was Irwin A. Blietz, designer and builder, cost *of $10,000. Jam'es J.,,Gathercoal, of Wimette, is the architect. Permits for alteration jobs were issued to H. R. Edwards, 251 Maple avenue, $300, und J. E. Killian, 1412 Isabella street, $200. and Indiania. T.0 Morgan, Chicago manager of the Dodge Reports divi- sion of F. W. Dodge corporation coi-. ments, that "residential and non-resi- dential. building. in this area inore. than doubled -their contractsý during. March. In the case of' residential Vdork it may be interpreted as a con- tinued, rise, for, the *February' coin-1 tracts swere welI ahead of those for- January." The total of ail of the March con- tracts was $1l,045,O00. 0f t hi a 1 amount, non- residential building took $,61,1,r00 and reçsidential work -$5.-' 427,000 The, largest single total of thbià nionth was.allocated to the building of one-family boiuses to be occupied by the, owners.ý. Contracts for 419 homes were s ig n>ed during the montb. and the valuations of this rcached $3,428,000. The. total for Il cdwcational build- ings was next in line, $2,496,000. The largest of this was the Norwood Park High School in Chicago for which contracts were valued at $1,200,000. *Twenty-two industrial, buildings wvere contracted for during March with a total floor area of 418,000 sq. fr. Tbey were valued at $1,427,0W0. Purchases Tract Two New Residences in Wilrnette Permits: Four building permits, two for new residences and two for remodeling jobs were issued. in Wilmette during the past week. Ed Lewis is. building one of the residenceg at 1819 Winmette avenue,, costing $6,000. Of brick veneer con- struction, it is two stories and com- prises seven rooms. Dewey & Pav- lovich. Chicago, are the architects, are now offering weII known m2akes of- refrigerators at partict.. arly at- tractive prices and termas. The aver- age family size box van be bought for a price between $100 and $150 and' payments can be arranged so that only a small portion of the family's monthly budget need be set aside for the purchase of a refrigerator. Dealers point out that the great sales volume of refrigerators during the last few-years make it possible The parcel comprising'olne acre lias a frontage of 233 fr.et on the Skeokice Playfield and is directly west of the home recently completed by Dr. N. S. Davis III on Hackberry lane in WVestmoor Acres. Mr. Burlingham is the fifth \Vin- netka' resident to purchase in_ thisý development Two homes are built. and a third is now under construc- tion by Will G. Kelley. No Du*t-. WILMETIri COÀ M J Lftke AV., WuhMmtO ML & -MATEIAL CO REMODELING JOB A building permit was. issued in Glencoe düring the past weelc to Julius S.'Friedander, for a remodel- ing job on the residence at .164 Lake street. Estimated cost of the im- provemnent is $2,000. *Mr. and Mrs. * L. B. Nash, 1107 Ramona road, took their daughter, Wayne, on a sight-seeing trip throughi the- East during ber spring vacation from Roycemore. ochool. They were in Philadelphia, Washingtop,-,D. C., New York and'.Buffalo.