Annual Dinner Will Bel Hel.d at Masonie Temple;, Drill Squad-on Progiram Annuel father and son dinner ofi thc Wilmette post of the Amierican Légion ýwill be held this 1Friday cvc-, ning t6:0o' the Masonic temple. It is expected that about.200 per- sons will attend. Boys and, their fathers, will be en- tertaincd by thc crack drill squad of 9SullivanHigli school, which recently. won a city-wide R. O . T. C. coin- pet ition, against 26 other units. The platoon is coachcd by Captaiti Ervin., A. Walser of the field artillery re*- serve.: Il' addition "a motion. picture,. "Border Patrol," a filmof the Texas rangers wti be sirown. ,Projection equipment is being supplied by the Rev. Hubert Carleton, rector of St. Augustine's Episcopal churicb. Auxiliary To Serve Members of theauxiliary- unit of the post wiII be in charge of serving the dinner. The adjutant of the Post, Robert Forster, 1608 Walnut avenue, is in .harge of the reservations. - In addition fi> tie platoon drill, the S~ull ivan Higi schcol group will pre- sent a nutuber of songs and a special manual of arms. * Committee M.mbers Members of *the committee ni charge include Fred Kidd, Williami Benner, E. H. Myrland, Earl Moon. Victor Hall, Carl Hannen, Orville (G. Daily, Howard Dusham; E. H. Drewes, Harold Molir, and Harry L. Flcntye, Jr. James R., McCue iscommander-of the post and Edward:Lindstroni is. general chairman of thc affair. For the benefit of the memibers of the post who do flot have sons, prvso will be made for thein f0 escort other vouths, it was explained. State Fidao Head to Dr. Horace G. Smith, President of Garrett Bibical Institu te, Evans- ton, -will occupy the Pppit of his formerr pasiorate, The Wilrnette Parish Methodist church, Supiday iorning, May 15, Dr. Smith went to hLs post as head of Ga rrett In- stitute froin the Wilinette church. The beauttifu I got hic edifice. was Preliminary announcements of Me- morial Day exercises in Wilinette and Kenilworth were made this week. In the former commibnity, cere- monies will be tonducted as usual by the Wilmettepost. of the Amer- ican Leguon. Decoration of graves in Memorial Park cemetery, in, co- operation, with the Evanston camp of the, Spanish War- .veterans, the Sons of the American Legion, and' theý Boy Scouts, will be conducted, on Sunday, May 29. Ceremonies on Monday, MaY, 30 will begin w#ith -fiag raising at the village hall,: and will -include e xer- cists, at the park at' the lake front just prior fi> the annual Parade. James Ryan McCue, commander of the post, will be in gencral charge, wvhile Earl Moon is chairman of thé commititteé on patriotic celebrations. Captain Edward A. Ewers of the Untited States 'Naval.Reserve is t0 be marshal of the parade, in which a number of vilag organizations willl join. The Evanston drum and bugle corps and the band of N-ew Trier Hlgh scbool will also mardi. Exercises in Kenilworth, under the auspices of the Kenilworth club, of which Harry Olin is president, will be held on Sunday, May 22. Name Membern tn Board J...,iHih _'oo,-iastaens-c-_1Martin H. B4çkham, Mrs. Morgan ond place in the armual painting ex- Buford, and William W. Gridley. F. hibit at the University of Notre Dewey Anderson, whose term ex-. Damne, it was announced last week.î pired, was re-elected to fi1 a vacancy. HoId Special Election May 21- to Name Township School Trustee NAMED TG BOARD L. Duncan Lloyd of Glencoe Willi R.Sachse of 15 Ceb t1 sNorninated for Post"1 Study in Contrast Thursday of Next Week Plauned by The contrast between mail-carrying methods of modern and pioneer days. will be dramatized for the Public Of Wilmette. Kenilwortb, and Evanston, in thc celebraion of air, mail weelc which starts ncxt Sunday. Thc observance. marking thc 2th annivcrsary* of ,thc inauguration of air. mail service in thc United- States, will be, a nation-wide. event. Under the direction of Postmasters, Hclrbert, L. O'Conncll, Leslie Ull1rich, and George Norman, Taylor, the cli- max of tic local celebration is schedi- uled for, Thu rsday- aftemnoon of next week, wbcn a pony express, affer thc manner of tic far west of 70 yeàrs agi>. will pick up mail at the thre. post offices and will tien deliver it fi> a squadron of planes which will land in the field at tie corner of Wilmette avenue and Locust road, Wilmetté. .The planes, two of whîch will be pilotcd by Frank Hlavacek and Roib- ert T. Borcherdt, both ofWilmette, will then fly the mail to fhe munici- pal airport in Chicago. About 5 Q'clock It was exvecPted tht th fe oonv ex- 1Bof h in Kenilworth and in wIl- mette the air mail envelopes mailed on that. day will bear special cachets stamped upon thcm. The design of thc Wilmetf c cachet was reproduced in last week's copy of WiLm£Tnr LiPt and the. Kenilworth design. is similair. Civic organizations in the two comn- niunifies are being invited f0 take part and Village President Harry Clark Kinne of Wilmefte is acting as honorary chairman. zine. .I school00, in Horace street. ini Byron C. th street.: *Mr. ai f rom 10 now res tie hou~ Charles