Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1938, p. 57

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*and were referred to otner agencies, because of the nature of the problem invoived, and five cases .Were. trans- ferred to ot4ier agencies. Two cases were accepted as transféra from ather agen- cies and 40 cases were :closed. Thirty-, t our cases ,have been. carried forward into the newyear. Ani!ysing the year's case loadfrorn a social viewpoint, it was-found that there were 3 married couples given assistance, 10 widows, tiiree widowers, Il separated toupies,' two deserted wom- en, six .single women, two unmarried men, four divorcéd persona-nd six, dchiidren handled as 'indivtdualsi. Ana- lyzed accordlng to, the major probiem involved, it presents.thia ,piture: mari- tal problems, nine; mental disorders, eiglt; juvenile probiems,' 13; health, 21; old.age, 10; unempinyment, three; alcohoiism, seven; ;and Iitnscient in- came, three. .31ateria! Relief The material relief given consisted of rent, wbhich in some cases Included room and board, $ 1,12Z.93; food ailowance, $245.40; fuel, $167.80; payment, of pub- lic service charges, $10; clothing, care, including drugs, hospitalizat ions, and glasses, $341.17, and miscellaneous items, which covered transportation, eduvatioral alIo'wances, etc., $244.35. -The total cost for relief and aid during the year wa s $2,14.84. There were 487 visita madle to clients during the twelveM4onths period and 438 cçollateral visits, a total of 925 visits. Coliateral visits are those made to rela- tives, employers, Institutions, other agencies. Employsient Servie The employment service bas been in- strumnentai In filling 317 jobs, using 186 workers. Of these 170 were for mnen,. with 92 workers used an.d 145 for wonl- *en with 92 women used. Twelve perma- nefnt positions wcIee obtsained for -wom- on. There have been many calîs for maids whieh eould not b. filled, be- *cause the ,najority of the women regis- tered with the Welfare have famill es and cannot take full time.Work. In carrying out the Welfare policy for serving the corrnunity, close coop- eration lias been malntained between this ageflcy and, other agenlces 121 the village -and townshîp. The work of the public agency ls held tlrmly within cer- †kti , Llee 5fl- eidentai. help in large familles. where the head of the famUiY is enipioyed full titne'at a small wage, for hospitalizà- tions, for educational work and for ex- penses 4nvoivedi in carrying out a case- Work plan. Wit4lin the past six manthes a working agreement bas been macle. between thé WVlfare, and the 'New Trier, township, relief, administration to collaborate on certain relief cases- that. present a seri-, ous problem. Under this plsNn the relief office takes care of the mfaterial needs of the famlly and the Welfare warks with the famiiy to straighten out other difilculties. To date two cases have been handled in this way and the plan zeems to be workable. The Welfare has worked wlth other agencies in the communfty as Weillvis the relief administration. Durlng lte past year, cases have been referred ta the, Welfare by bath the grade achools- and lte highý schtool, by thé police de- partmnent; the bealtit center, the .E1v- anston hospital, and the aId age admin. istration. As the above statistica' show themse cases have ltrGsented a wi421 tari- ety of problems. In each Instance a thorough Investigation has been made in order ta understand the family's or Individual's prolblern. Titis Investiga- tion Includes clearing with the social service.> excitange o f Chicago and ob- taIning reports fram any agencies titat have had contact with lte faniily In thie past. After the Investigation le coin- pleted a plan ls imade with the fitmily ta, ielp brlng about a social readilet- ment and rehabilitation. VISIT FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Pat G.'Morris, 156 Oxford road, Kenilwoth, arrived home May 2, from a three weeks' trip-te Florida. They did cotisider- able fishing, and spent most of their tiine at Palm Beach. Although they w ent by train, they motored ini vari- ous parts of the state. Their most interesting drive was the trip to Key .West on, the new highway. which has just 'been ope ned across the Florida Keys. __ ______ 6,19 DAVIS ST., IEVANMt 'I ~ fI~ I.. HO USE FR4 TURES HOME SHO W

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