ITMM s'Vi a ~ :~Fs~,f@a t V.c ibt te e fire uia wiie t awf î- nse.. Es iu WxrO.544U0=:týe ue u_ frfrr in nan Rawîlings wrote' ~ ~ _ ~~'Th >'arfm." roduction righ tg Ma baziýt- r. ârk t 1» *rel have been sold tb - ~ é Metr,-oWu-)-n-.Vayer w ho are 2ýýt e kt; ;OW-hingpîàn> for a* ma ton pic- ~~, ~ Umar--,,' from thse i-ory. "The Veari- ~ ,~ ~ ~ g7 pulihcd by Charles Scrib- PQ4-ri 7,-X » e. 4tfficzýe V' Z has been a bet seler fsceioe"he Conadians" Gives u~ >~ir<sÎuoe~ ari tis Panorama of 400 Y.ars Jo'4y at' Iy f lsF4r- 1 a e April, 1534, "ýCartier's sixty wi d2te -À -&)t n gatnered in the cathedral of St. tzi bi W--hnt Mao w,&eIf7 in Britt.any) and took a solemn <, a~vxyste a iath to be loyal to the King in the 7ýeruw. .. Within thrrç weeks Car- J FHerw~ a, ay ett ~ ca~ tir 'reache4 the n>outh of the St. c~cdej4nthtaitr a ;Yvrir La'wrence at the Straits of Belle Ie, ve=&J ht bo bt ;.rd vas sailbng westward a lon9 a hume iri lthe fir4t>t a wekly- lttk s_;hojrc sQ 'barren that hie . thought it' huc it u4xpe nuitjer ilad.bem klled- the. Un*d God gave' to Cain." jody ket* isbatw71u1 le bvyieS - a Today Canada las a population of reacfrs -u diax ries. lier fur, and lumber trades 'are Ui'Xbmj fxr a riireL týxre M »flowishing; she hias great cîties andi loestry"'Ptcè peak, cL Tit tise'rivers, and great natural rsucs adwsustaà-, utkaest* 90coas«itently The pattern of thte orhude vus tise simple Jre. of the haann»ck years that. lie between lias been bold- MSm*y, tise buu*frsg- frmmg. reWtLng ly traced by George M. Wrong in awi c*hdierààiàrmt§tint go on d'tMe, The Canadians: Thse Story of a Peo pie. is a rul .r*sute tri bier tak=n asa Here are tales of war and rebel lion, of ~t<>,, witer pimeers amd lardships, of such men as Halifax and Wolfe, 'of ail that lias I *f li<k#e A Wt'ndy )a:y anmd The CreditoIrxj. tii the iils.urcoin- 1prons»tifg hOtT<-,,rf f11f le .Marn Lo.rt thr F)Iano lf- Jmai, if tbh %tDy-elerin Tlhe Wronqed V>,x â1l the grim,,gt;rgem%- shuxwer d : Murder of Madm'.-flad ~ijj~' in thi% î,u e - h FIpso e uz I Kniglon which wa Cjrntted 1 U n!f Mindloa, Mandoa ! J: is. a cnpt story in 1tefan prrodes an ec amplJe of M iss Hr,ltby' later wo<rk. h: ondxk was. Publisbed by the M millat cOmpany, ,Which, also offers th.b, spring, the story of Jaiuie, a "'shaggv., hardl-ht,4ded,. high-tempered" Irish lad,. written by Seurnas Macanus .un.dpr the titie,."The Roclcy Road cil Dubliri." This*is the authirds 0wn boyhionutiin Donegal, where lie broke the turf j» the peat bogs and sat atniglit by thc fir(c on a. creepy-stool tellmng fine long; tales ime Living Cela 1Another Macmillan spring is«ik i I'erftull and WanderfuIly Maae b; Dr. Rene von Eulenburg-Wientr. As the sub-title indcates, its siubject is-, "The Human Organisrnin »the Ligbt of Modern Science." 'Dr... Yon Eulen- burg-Wiener says: "Rest and activity, ingestion of food- stuifs, -digestion, building up or iood-, storage inaterials, excretioil c>f waste produets,. respiration-in short, ail the familiar physical activities cirected to- ward the maintenance of Ilie nay bt observed in the individual living ceil. 1t'is as if the smallest:' part ùf a mot'or possessed a microscopic apparatu3 tc dtlplicate the functions of thiw coniplete niotor, such as compression, ignition, combustion, ttc." Masieid Poema John Masefield bas arranged a new edition of his "Selected Poems" pub- ljshed in April by Macmnillan. Verse from six of his latçr' books has béen added to the volume. N. Y. Roviewer Favors New 'Audubon' EdiIion SOBELS UIJRS ~" ds~b~ * * ~ ~RAGE ~I 'SU I M~s SI ~M5~OW.mi - Fb. W.p.v.d Coeds J. wfI~ r~~t "J. I 724 lOhrrml.. m .s f A Tom ioSM i