May ~ 16, at the 1.eorgiàn hotel, Evanston. The morning session, which will be held at 10:30.o'ciock, will be de- voted to the reading of annual re- ports by officers an d directors. Names to be voted uponï at this time are Mnr. George H-. Crampton, for. first vice-president;. Mrs. 'George J. Reel- ing, for bistorian;. Mrs. 'Ward M. Whitney,,'..for:treasurer; Mrs. Dean Lake TraxIer,. for recording secre- tary, and Mrs. Howàrd W. Lewis. for' chaplain. :The names of Mrs. Gordon C. Graham, -Mrs. Kenneth DeGarnmo and Mrs. Arthur S. Merrili. for directors will, be voted on, also. The nominating committee, consist- ing of *Mrs.' Charles W., Moody, chairman, 'MIrs. Eîwood Mattson,: Mrs. W. A. Thomat, Mrs. Frank J.- Hume, and Mrs. Ernest Guyton, pre- sented the names, accordinig tocus-. tom, at.the .Iast regular' meeting' of the chapter. Mrs. Frederick C. Minkier of Ev- anson, and1 Mir, Charles W. Moedy of Wilmette, delegate's to the D. A.R9 Continental Congress recently held at Washington, D. C., will give their reports. At the luncheon, which wîIll be served at 12:45,,as many past regents of Fort Dearborn chapter as are able to be present will be the guests of honor. They will extend a f ew words of greeting. Mrs. Julian G. Goodhue,. historian-. Infant Welfare Servie Leaguùe Plans Breakfast The Evanston Infant. Welf are Service. league is- hairing its May breakfast May 25, at Il o'clock at tIie Orrington botel. 'Thé program for the event, consies of An Birk Kuper's reading of "Susan and God". and the présentation. of. a fashion show. Mrs. Daniel Bail of Evanston ks ,ýbairman of. the' breakfast with -Mn. Frank Moore of Evanston,. finance vharman; Miss Caroline Roberts of Kenilworth, ticket chairman:; Mrs. KendalShepard, Ev:q<ston,, food; Miss Virginia Hays of Wilin ette, pro-, gram; Mrs. Edward, Gibbs' and Mrs. Edward Walter of Evanston, style show; 'Mrs. Charlesý Rundali of Ev- anston,.flowers; Mrs. George Quin- Ian of N ies Center, publicity. Style! and- Quality ni wnch- the terms of Cornwallis- surrender were drawn up, 'has been furnished by the D. A. R. in keeping with the historical peniod. One ar- ticle of furniture actually was in.the room àt the time of. the surrender. and it has been Mrs.. Goodhue's duty, to select other piecès to correspond. The room was dedicated April 26, by the National Society of D. A. R. Mrs. Earl J. Cooper,..Fort Dear~- born social, chairman. will bhe in Engagemuent and Wedding Rings ,t with PEACOCK Selecied mue h,, fite iamonds its are traineci to be 3y1 S. She is a pupil of s of Northwestern sch an d of the Chicago Syr tra. Frances is concert-i EDGPAR A. STEVENSInbc. Easo I 'f ('e Evanston