Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1938, p. 48

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Mrs. Vinton E. Sisson of *42 WahIut street, Winnetka, is th new librarian general of th D.A.R., for a tbree-year tertr hbaving been elected to that of fice- at the annual conventioi held late last month at.the na tional* headquarters in Wasl ington., Mms. Sisson. is also a memiberc the- executive committee of th D. A.R..and wigo to Wahigt< ay31, for a meeting of that groul later goimg to Annapolis for a d or tWOas the house guest of the ne, pWldent general, Mrs. fHenry -I - - otartJr. Mns. Robert,.Weill Icue pariatùéntarian, revised witýbch husband the famous. Robert's "Rule oýf Order," oiginally .written by, hi father. As' librarian general, Mrs. Siss< wiJ34kctate the policies of the oi ganization's library, considered on o f the finest historical and gene alogical collections in. the countr3 Shle was assistant cataloguer in. th St. Louis library before her marniag and se is famijlar with the workc ber new office. She is retiringa national defense chairman, after three-year term. Mrs. Elmer Whitaker, vice-presi dent general for California, cam rmn Washington with Mrs. Sissor tained at dinner tor Mr$. w nnukt * at the Sissn ~home. Among. thr guests that evening were Mrs. Chas les Nlagen of Evanston and Mr Charles E. Herrick of I'ockfor both -of ýwhom are prominent i D. A. R. activities. Form New Auxiliary to )n a- '1- of, hIe avu er les r- J. D. TOloif Photo ýMr. and Mrs. -Uorry C. Cham- plin of Rwanston, formerly of Glen- cor, atnonunicr 'the engagéineet of Omega houase; JEvanston, members of - the board of directors of the -North Shore association of* Chi Omega were elected for the coming year. Preceding the, election a business meeting Was held, at ,which plans' for the annual North Shore Hobby and Handicratt show were discussed. Re- freshMents were served, after, the election.. Mrs . WesleyW. Race of.Evanston wiil serve 'a second 'term *as presi- dent, and assisting.ber will be Mrs. Edmond R. Richer, vice-president, a residentof Wilmette.; Miss Dorothy Smth, Chicago, re. ring secretary; Mrs. Theodore L. Rehn, Winnetka, corresponding secretary;, Mrs. Harry .UcNamer, Chicago, treasurer. Té& Will Conclude Y.ar for MountHolyo&. -Club C- thrfre dawghter, L.e.ley, tQ James A. The annual meeting and tea of the ýY. Pitspatrick of New York-. T/te Chicago Mount Hfolyoke club Satur- he weddù.g wiil taler Place USil Nnu day. afternoon at 2:30 at Harris hall ee, York on. May 17. - on the Northwestern tiniversity of campus will close the activities of as, the organization for the year. An- a nual reports will be presented and ~- M et o \4/rldofficers will hé elected. Miss Helen si- eeton W rldRockwell, an alumna of the college, ne 'd Wj' will present a health talk. Miss Rock- S, Cruise nfl- well, a health éducation consultant, es, was fornierly associated with the e-ru nM y 7Y W. C. A. in Buenos -Aires. Res- er M rry n Ma 17ervations for the tea may, be made r- Mr n r. Hry C with Mrs. Paul Casterline, 811 Forest er Ch amfplin, 825 Michigan a~e avenue, Wimte àe. Evanston, fornierly of Glencoe. r- oneteenaeeto .dýtherCueghth~er, eomes of Sets Weddinmg Doy inA. Fitzpatrick of New York. Mfiss Champlin attended Newvj Trier High sèhool, Lake Forest 1 college, and is a member of the 1 Evanston junior league. 1 Seniors May 18 IFollowing a tradition of many years'- standig, Evanston and Nqorth, Shore alurnnae of Kappa Alpha Theta will entertain. the. Toheta seniorswho. iili be.grad-zi u ated in, june from NorthwVest-. ern university. The »a)erty will be a. luncheon . on Wednesday, May 18, at 1 o'clock, at. the hom ,e of. Miss Helen Sargent, .1711 Hinmnan. avenue, Evanston., The seventeen seniors who will be introduced to the alumnae chapter. by Mrs.. H1. A. Morriýson, president. are:. Margaret Loomis of Glencoe:. Na ncy Porter, jean Davidson. Gertrude Haines., jean Winslow, Beatrice Hil1- ton and Betty* Scri.pps. of. Evanston; Dorothy Davidson, Cameron Jernegan, and Margaret Kenny nf'Chicago - Mary Alsted of Appleton, -Wiq.. Isobel Long- ley of Fon-du-Lac, Wi-s. Georgia Kasshke, of St. Joqeph; Midi., Betty Hardwick of Reading. Maqs., .Gert- rude Herndon of Tulsa. Okl.,and Sarah Davis of Kansas City, Mo. Luticheoti arrangements are in charge of Mrs. Wilder. Morris~'. S"4e wiflt be assisted by Mesdames Hugli D. Hite, Otto G. Knecht, R. W. Schneider, C. Rusçi-ll Walter. E. C. WVi1êpr. Pen jamin Trocdell, Jr., and Ted Bi Pay-_ seur. At f2 o'clock, prececling the lunch- eon, the annual business meeting (if Tau association of -Kapna Alpha Thieta will be held at M;çs Sargent's home. Mrs, Donald E. Nichols, »resident cf the l«ociation, whoçe ofilcers form the Theta house board, will preside and cail for reports bv Mrs. Roland C. Rehm and Mrs. R. C. Harrer, treasurers, and by the chairman of the bouse committee, Mrs. Irvin Fathchild 'Plan Diving Exhibition for Shawnee Open Hous. Mr. and Mrs. Harr A. Pope of Wilmette have returned from Orlan~- do. 1Fla., where tbey spent. the winter rcn will be ready Dy tiiat ere cati be dancing out itans. WILMETTE LIFS.

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