Fred. S. Kyes of wirmette. james Kennedy of, Evatiston wili serve as bestman, and the ushers will be Thoùmas H. Fullerton, Jr., brothèr of the bridegronRobert Hansen, *joseph, Beroll o imette, and Anson Sit of Long Island. Mr, and Mrs. Pred Re Will give asmall party Suniday' night for Miss Hansen and Mr. Fullerton. The wedding takes place Wednes- day evening, May. 18, at 8:30 ýo'lock,, at the Wheadon Methôdist- church in Eiranston, with, the bride's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Hansen, hav- ing the reception at the Orrington imimediately af terwards. The bride- groom is the son of MLr. and, Mrs. Thomas .H. Fullerton of 408 Central avenue. Grisamore-Bayliss Wedding fo B. June 18 in the Wilmette Parish Methodist Episcopal church at 8:30 o'clock Sat- urday evening, june 18, Miss Eleanor Mary Grisamore, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Grisamore, 411 Lake avenue, Wilniette, wilI become the bride of Reginald Bayliss of Win- netka,~ the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. joseph Bayliss of Leicester, England. The ceremony will be.per- formed by the Rev. Amnos Thorn- burg, and will be followed by a re- ceptiQn at the Grisamore home. Mrs. Gail Roberson of Wilinette will 'be the bride's matron of honor, and serving as bridesmaids will be .Miss Mary Speer of Chicago, Miss Emily Hoffman of Winnetka.ý and ýMrs. Andrew Willard ýof Evanston. Mr. Bayliss wilI have Robert Hopes of Chicago as his best man. The ushers will be Gail Roberson, Ken- neth Page of Evanston, Andrew Wil- lard, andi Dr. Thomas L. Grisamore, Miss Williams attended Frai Shimer school and. Lake Forestg lege. Mr. Prussing was gradua from the Boys' Latin school and University ofIllinois. If s hard to -bdleve thatyou calbu '07 Coi kir like these oif such'exceptiondi quality and suck high fashion at only "'11 and .Mode to sel up to $39.75 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew &. Smith ofj 1538 Walnut aveflue moved to Wil- mette last week with their son, Kirby. They, were formerly .of Evanstofl.I EDGAR A. STEVENS. lac. 'Evansten