Exhibit and Sale. Moida y Throimgh riday May 22425 M.26-27 'ma.n. to 10 p i Admission 35c. Woman'sClub ofEvanston Chicago Avenue and flhurcb Street Emvanston Spousored bi a ýh* Chicao .Rock ford COlleg Clulb 'r nouiscea' a :aay at a Ira /flVi y * ..w - vi.%. trrat* - - I aud Mrs. JValcotti moved lote last moîth f roni 752 I.ipicoin avenune, 1,ill;etka, to 1 Brittany road, H11,hied Park, wid lthe tca took place at the ncw, ad- * dress, scrviniq also as a hoiusezcarin)g. Mfiss Walcott attended Be»» hî>gtoon college'for one year, was M» En glanid later, for a year, and stuitid-&st 'vear at the University of Chicago. Site made lher debut three vears oa. Her * fiancé,S who graduated from Wfillamîs college in 1930, is std i mediciaie at, teUivc.rsity of Chica go. N aela ecn set for their itweddinig. Junior School Frionds ,;Nrs. W. Requa Bryant of ston, -and Mrs. Samuel Browne The Siater Company Are Now at Home In. Their New Locatib 1025 JIS STRET Formerly 162S Sherman Avenue Universiy 3130 EVANSTON - CHICAGO - MILWAUKEE esses. wail Mr.N. skopX, j - - - --- - - --- - - -