Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1938, p. 42

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to Continue Head of Club Juniors The annual business meeting- of the Junior auxiliay of the Womàn's Club of Wilmette was held Thursday,. May . 5. After the usual dinner, election of officers was held with the fol- 1owingresnlts. Miss Adelaide Franklin will continue to fil the office of pre si dent for the coin- ing, termi; Miss Caroline Buch- hoiz will act as treasurer;* Mrs. Charle s M. Jenisen will hold the. office of' cor respouding secre- tary; Miss Mildred Boddie will be the chairman of the Philan- thropy committee; Miss Louise. D'Esposito willtkeo eh duties of chairman of the social ernmittee; Miss Laura Lout Reichmann will head the nmem- bership committee, and. Mrs. Weston Butz will act as direc- tor at large. Following the election of officers a short skit was presented commem- orating the Tenth anniversary of the founding of the Junior auxiliary of the Womnan's Club of Wilinette. Miss Pnrtia Mary Lee, nrogram chairman. J. D. Tolof Photo Mrs. Vernon Loucks o! Kenilzporth, ait/he le fi, andi Mrs. Lynn Wlorf of Wilmeiie, ai the right, are members o! thse commitiee in charge of arrange- 1ments for' the luncheon the North Shore auxiliary of thse Chicago Maiernity cenier zwill have ai 12:30 o'clock Tuesdoy, May 17, ai Westmoreland Country club. The annual election of officers will iake place, and annual reports made by ouigoing minmbers of the board. 3fr:. Arthur Prussing is planning thse pro grain. Mrs. Harry Ham pion is in charge of reses'zations; Airs. Waldorf, Mrs. Loucks, and Miss Gertrude Lammners of Evanston are a.sisting Mrs. J-amipion in ioking reservations. Mothier s Club Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pat- terson, 159 Abingdon avenue, Kenil worth, are opening their home on Monday evening, May 16, to the mfembers of. the Wil-: met te Young Mothers',club and their husbands. Viggiot Bovb- ,j erg,, prof essor of mental hy- gierre and induistrial arts at thie National CoIlege of Educationi will. speak -on the subject, "Par- enfts as Companions." A splendid' attendance is expecteil for* Mr. Bovbjerg is known through-, out the state as a leader in recrea- tional work for children. The North Shore knoWs himn also as a pactical and stitnulating lecturer. After go- ing to Denmark. to study in 1915, -ic returne4. to this country andbc came a men-ber of the Hull House staff where he trained social recrea- tion leaders and did boys' work undcr, Jane Addams, an-d also at Gads Hill center. He came to the National College of Education in 1928. Since Mr. an-d Mrs. Bovbjerg and their three children are themselves residents of Wilmette, it seems espe- cially fitting that he should talk at, this annual meeting with the fathers. othy Runyon, Miss'Priscilla Wheei-, -ock, Miss Kae Weiss, Miss Elsa Miler, Miss Carol Lawrence, and Miss Ann Henderson. *Mrs. Hayes McKinney, president of the senior Woman's club when the junior organization was founded,' was a guest of honor together with several charter members of the club, Miss Florence S. Cook, Miss Rosaline Mills. Mrs. Dean Lake Traxler, and H andley - Budlong Wedding Day Is Set for, June 4 Miss Handley of Musical Bookc Review for Annual Baptisi Luncheon. Ou Friday of this week, Miss Car-. rie Louise Douglass of. Wilmette wilI reviw * Beloved Friesnd" for the Woiai'-,n'Q c ietv of £ie *L* 1,nptti order that more time may be givIe: to the program, planned by Mrs. Herbert Illium, and to the social hour which will follow. -Mrs. Albert Graf and Mrs. Linicoln Torr éy of Wiltnette, and Mrs. - j ohi Davenport, an-d .Mrs. Stanýlcy . W. Nickeli1'S of Winnetka wili assist Mrs. Patterson as co-hostesses., and4, J. M. L. H. Ing- Reading Circle Hostess' The Reading circle is to have its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, 723 Eighth strect, Moynday,'May le, at-i o'clock. WILMETTB LIIFE pour'd -te toe usher. wersen.'

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