frSpring andorSummer T'ho North Shore received a visit lasI week frotwn a grou> of1'Mis*4- .çionary Crusaders,", headed by Mirs., P. P. Bosworth, (inset) wif e of the nationally,-knoun citangelisi wùhose home is in River Porest. The Crusadersç arrived in a'zuhite car eh * ch ade a ettriking ap>4arnc o te streetç, and )which had emnbla:onýed on ils sides in gold Ici ters theomes of the Chicago stations from.which the national radio reival sbinq conducted. Il $10695 Up Sportswear 70 hurch Street Evanston -Juniors Plan Spring Swing on May 22 Plans are progressing for the Spring Swing, a dance to be given by the Evanston Juniors Sunday, May 22. The dance will bc held at the Rogers Park hotel, 6805 N. Sher- idà'n road, Chicago, and Terrie Coe 's orchestra will bc feattired. A dance mUy , à,Una i sumed, next 5a11. Mary Lou Kriebel, Jane Nat ha us,. Lucy Huck, Adrienne Kavaniaugh, Virgintia Sommer:. Invite Youngsters to Table Tennis Tourney The Chicago district highi schoul table tennis tournament will be stag- edat. &nd PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISRRS, ~- I Evsnstm