tic - ont andcontributions intetided for puéli- the Daanmd mUftis of the mthor, Dot tbication, lbut for àOur fibm Suabmateoeal diter by Tuudey »met.bu e s mfw AnMAIL.WEK: The week of May 15 to 21 will be observed throughout the 'Unitedý States as, National Air Mail Week, signaliging, the 2th an.niversary. of the iauguration oôf air mail service in this coun- in lCities, towns and hamlets througbout. the nation, fitting iceremony willbring* forcefully to teattention of. citizens the tremendous strides that have been made ln the dispatch of the mails since the early days of the republic. Also will be emphasized the remarkable advances , i service acconiptished . since the fir st mail plane consumed somze four hours in traversing the distance be- tween New York and Washington, D.C. Locally th.e everst will bc ôbserved witb appro- priate ceremony under the general supervision of our postuiaster. Details of. the program appear etsewhere in this issue. It is to, be hoped that as many villagers as can fnd it possible will participate in this program, at least as spectators. Weeks of preparation have been required to work out the details essential to a proper observance, and att- this effort is di- rected not merely to the celebration of a signifi- cant historic occasion, but, moreover, to encour- agement of the public in the regular use of the example ot civic age ~ness. INSURANCE' Significant are some t a tisti'cs unearthed by one of the more observinig IllinosCnres0n Everett- M. Dirksen, (R) 'of the l6th District. These facts and figures bear upon the subject of insurance and corne to light at the season when National Insurance Week is being observed. We quote: in its à U#partmeil st a tree. estigation of the accident, the police tearned from witnesses that the boy iving at an excessive or dangerous of others in jeopardy by driving the car? No evidence was addluced to show connection between the mishap and the boy's infirmity, but, certainly the. fact of the, infirmity. alone, if ýit be a fact,- should. be_ suffiient reason for denying him, the P'rivilege of drivinig. By RBEsT Editor's note In response to nuùmerous, requests. frre-publication, we are'happy to present amin this- poeni which appeared in the columns of this- news-magazie April 8, 1937. The North Shore ini Spring We have ail read -of <En gland in APril," I neyer. saw I3ngland ai al,' But 1 knoui Palm Beach in December, And Vi'rpieia' Blue Ridge. in the fail. I have stood on the heiphts of the Rocktes, Where alivays the Winter snovs ding, But yore ay a.v<e thrs-and orinere- And l'il, take the North Shore in Spring! There': a road that is tiamed for a fighter Whose statue it guords evermore, And northward, ii nds to the for0ests Alon gbNe Lake Michigan's shore.. And the vi1hlgte9s nesile beside it, Like neralds strung oit a string, Or tapestries woven bi, masters.... Ah, tJol is -the, North Shore in S ring!- Tlwre are tulil's as gorgeons as Holland's, There are lilac.s to pieas:<re a Queen, There are, hyaeinths, croctises, . on quils, Close ,quarded bii tall swords of green. And the perf une of tiny bell'd Muies *Like a memory, half pleasiire, haîf pain, Joins the Peony's cean, wholesorne fragrance Refreshing as mnidtsuminer rai». The birds. too,.zedll tell you about it- The robins and thrushes begin: The zwrent trilîs a small, fliuty chorus, And the cardinal's whistle chimes in. Ivery tree'.is the home of a son gster, And the trees are a song in theinselves- Thèse uwoods ivhere ivild violets car pet The dwellings of small, friendly elves. Promn the classical halls o f Northzvestern, To the "Great Lakes"-al links in its chain, Chicagoland kiddies migbt as weîl make up their minds to eat more ground alfalfa. Milk bas dropped to 12 cents a quart, and mother is happy. Los8 JAfl Poor Ric when he parted." police to perform that 1knew what lie was talki 1"A foot and bis rnoney soon .* * * Evidently the virus of dictatorship flows rapidly when its course -is fromn the top downwarcif the Indiana mayor's ridiculous acts is. an indication. The- matigs of a dictator are.a puny céharacter and a.vigorous ego. A wholt swarm, of Chicago and Evanston co- eds have signified' their, intention'to get married, as soon as they get their dicnc'nas. In the uni-, versities they probably learned that'tweo -can live on the. sarne numrber ofbucks' it talces to sustain one. If so, they will -unlearnit without any effort on their.part. Hlaile Selassie. prestes a pitifuil figure aïsh awaits act ion 1w the League of Nations, knowinig * fuit. well t hat Mussolini's g'rab will be recogni:Éed and lihnself kdclced oÙt through the back doori. By the way, it's the same <toor through whtch other nations and some Americans have tried to drag the United States into the league. Refusing-to plunge on Fightinz Fox, the dlerby faàvorite, 'we stili have our four bits. japan and China quarreling over a shiploaci of scrap iron in San Francisco' port seems a useless' waste of energy. However the argument ends, China will eventually get the scrap iron. Hint to the unempioved: Paintinz ladies' toe- tiails has beconie a profitable profession on trop- ical beaches where the idie whil e away the tine.. *Hugb S. Johnson, the* original "crackdowner," says that as statesmnan and politician President Roosevelt is tops, but that as an economic leader he.is a terrible flop. It ispresumed that in mark-, ing -the President on s tate 1smanship the general. reienmbered some of the N*ýew Deal policieq for which he feM.so bard. City folks have no conception atnl of the vîii- see. If the orgz Dealers bave 'sc are a group of movement wil t governnient crop control. t Macotnb, Illinois, is spread- ýa prairie fire. Let's wait andl rs are real farmers the New iing to worry about. If they ws looking 'for soft jobs, the up.