Scheibel, secretary, and jim Dewey, treasurer. Social represetntatives appointed for. the, prom include: Barbara. Seick; jane Records, Betty Baker, Patty Empfield, Jane Newman, Jean Mit- chell, Martha Seifkin, Sally Adamns, Richard Wilson, Dick D)owse,, Ralph Star, Frank Knoop, Bruce: Carlson, Mcl .Nyfund, Ed Johnson-, Ernest Beck, and Waïe Warfield. McDonald Pup éis to Give Piano Concert Wilmettç, Winnetka, Glenicoe and Êivanston students of Stella McDon- aid will give a piano concert ýSunday afternoon, May 15, a the Rogers Park. Woma's: club, Asbland . and Estes avenues,ý ChicagoD. 'Hlungatian Rhapsody No. 2"* wilI be played by PhyIlis floffman of« Wilmette.. A violin -solo is to be given by Mary Martha Gedge of Winnetka, accompanied by Phyllis' Hoffman. A modern rendition of Rainger's "Thanks to the Memory"ý will be, performed by Eloise Magner of Wilmette; Barbara Taylor, also from Wilmette, wilI play "The Jug- gler. of Normanidy." The programn will be varied by a baritpne homn solo ly Phil Cornes, Adalir Photo The girls. show» in the,picture above arc the memtbers, of the lun- ior' second bàsketbaIl1 team o c Trie r High. school which recently complcted its intramtural season. First row;:, Btty VtrawJord, Patty chancellorMria , Gourta.V; sec- ond row: Jean ,Shrei, Jeanctte Jsbst er, Virgisnia Cohrs. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES the subject at the services in First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wil- mette, Sunday morning, May 15, at Il o'clock, held in the edifice at 1003, Central avenue. Sunday school coni- v'eies at 9:45 o'clock. QFFERS SOMETHING NEW Somnething different-a tea room in a home, is made available to an in- QiaysviUle >Cam peirs IN VERMONT For Boys and Girls 6 to 12- JuIy lst-A gst 26th Directors LETTIE L. JOIINSTO?4 WANDA D. GREINISEN Village &Farm School, G1Otcoe 928 stein concerto DM Op. 10, "London- derry Air," the second will give Mac- Dowell's "Shadow Dlance,"' and An- gelo is to play MacLachlan's "C1imb- Miss McDonald, who hs e studio in Wilmette, will play the second piano. Jon TIVNAN1and VIRC»INIA McDotJALL «~-ANNOUNCE. A t.opening of N.,EW LIGHTED GOLF. PRACTICE RANGE GOLF PRACTI CE RANGE Eas..,~t Siu. f S 481.1.vd-'/z Mlle Ner* ofWIN.w ti. --------------- ----------------