time visiting his sister, Mrs. Charles R. Mack, 707 Central avenue, Wil- mette. Amnong Mr. Springer's interesting Frank V. Sprîuger nenien the onIy two white men at the con- gress. 1.Comfscate .Oe A less pleasant experience occurred in Italy, where Mr. Springer, in ig norane of thé law, failed to.declare his money, which resulted-in the con - fiscation. of $2,W65 by the frontier guards at BrennerPass., The money has flot yet been returned to Mr. Springer, altbough 'he expect 's to re- deeml iittoughthe American goîv- minment. Travelinig'on, 19 different steamers. Mr. Springer visitéd all of the South Sea- islands, China, Java, Sumatra, Strait Settlements., Burmna, Arabia, Babylon, Bagdad' Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Asia Minor, and Palestin 'e. From' Palestine, hie went with military es- cort. by rail ý to, Egypt,, boarded ship at, Port Said, and, from- there went to Naples, Rome, Florence, Austria, and Germany. A great part of this ter- ritory was covered by niotor.. TIhe Springer family settled in Wilmette in 1872. Mr. Springer lived here for many years, but now makes bis home on the west coast, where he is a representative for the Hewitt Rubber corporation anld part- owner of~ the "Bit of Sweden" restaurants in Hollywood and San Francisco. .Mrs. Mack left with Mr. Springer Saturday, May 7, on an extended. trip to the coast. promninent members of their class. SFolknv'iig a custom established SeV-' eral years ago, the sorority eachyear selects, the ten outstanding. woman students, based, on -scholarship, cani-, pus.activity and achievement in some special field. Each girl, seiected for the honor is presented with a certif. icate from'the sorority.' Miss 'Rainstead, daughter' of Nor- mari H. Ranstead, is a member of Pi Beta Phi,- social sorority, and was co-chairman of Waa-Mu., She was the. only. woman- elected this year > w Beta Gamma Sigma,, honorary coin- nierce f raternity. She bas a, service f:ellowshiip at Charles A.« Stevens. IN COLLEGE PLAY Ba bette . Klein, of Winnetka .will have an important' noie in the play- "Petticoat Feven" to be pnesented by the Garrick Playr of, Lake Forest. college Wedftesday and Thursday, May 18 and 19. IN COURT OF HONOR Miss Virginia Lee Fiske, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers A. Fiske, 134 Seventeenth street, Wiimette, who is a soDhomore at Mary Washington SEE »ÉRBY E. O. Cairlsonùof 1=2 Gage, street and G. V. Whitney of 1436 Asbuslî avenue. Hubband Woods, spent the- week-end ini Louisville, Kyr., 'attend- ing, the .Denby.. les,8 Coverament Fiuh Ceousu. shows " 800 MUSKES CONNOrs 0 11 "U LAKE Mrs LAKE LOD" 15tn, ana the 2zmu iluaund a like numbr Who wfll b. out to get their Muakie. Isqt4re ab~out th4 friendl sort of a plac. No doubt. many of your nelgbbora h ave vlsited and enjoyd them- selves at Connoesrakle 1odg. For Rate» and 1sf ormatim men ini that territory, receives royal- ties of $25,000 per day fnom oul com- panies, aside froni bis income in con- nectiofl with the peari industry. *The congress, which is held each yean, houses about 200,000 delegates. and requires no police system aside from an efficient volunteer patrol. Ahl Indian castes, are représented at the congress, and ail are on an.equal 'l IRLAI UR1DEDI> LAikE G EN EVA AtnJi>w wmoe-md fane-Go Ptidow. tomm, Tunby (Cosehe) omI. . . 1 BLACK HULLSI Ro3Yri ort45n or SUTN DmLT A .I .....iEU6-