~Jj~ 4sj~?~ 4 4 ~4t»JEVANSTON'S. Grat.Musîrc Festival 8:20 P. M, Ma Ith,19the 2 1st Martm0IliNor4hWesf.rn Unver$ity Gymnasium 5mth's join, iný the happy:springý festival spi rit with a showing ol exceptionilly outstanding. values in beautiful things lfo the home Home loyers find there's, no charge for good taste. at Smyth's.. They are clelight-. ed with the interesting variety, high quai- ity and extremnely moderate prices and e5pecially so wil+i the efficient, in- telligentheIp of our, trained. sales 'Staff. Rstablished 1867 ,",,DeeP Rooted. Like au Oak" ........................... Semi-IarreI ýbair of Adam design with the. sarne, exac ting workmanship. eand lie all Smyth upholstery, built to give you years of service. $3 9.75 Solid maIhogany. Tapestry or damask covers with nail trim ... Ask abéat Our extended payment >Ian.a - Jtla i5e W - IAnd .cests léss, Nexi' fime you buy for your home, vslfl John M. Smylh store, 816. Cburch SI. Evinston '-J S