GOLF 10SETS 20 SETS CLUBS PRICE I 0F, 6 IRONS "Jack, White," lange moùles, hickory inish, caîf gripS 0F 3 WOODS tjick White,," chrome truc tempor shafts. 'Walnut heeds. BURKI "Fore-Spot" GOLF BALLS $20 dozen 63.30 Liquid tenter, tough cover. .'Regul£Aly niuih high.r OVAL CAIIVAS GOLF RAGS in tan color. Ha*t Wo pockets and hod Highe r GIRLS@ Values" for GIRLS Prie ed GIRLS' WASH. DRESSES. .......... Large salaction gaY wash frocks. 3-6p 7.14, 12.16 a 0...88C t. B. 83* $1058 SHORTS or! diGob" Valuges. for MEN RAQUETS $0 Spalding, Bancrot tennis raequets DUFFLIE BAG»S 63m 2O leathar bag,'talon' fastenmer SPORTS SNISTS 66 Sport bok modal. Wool, SPORTS SHIRTS $lm Authentic, crash guyberras SHORTS 98C Tennis shorts of line. STREET SHOIS 65&I§ Ait styles froun à higher puice Unse S PORTS ýSHOIS 8 Whito, black or tian mnd -white National Men's and' Boys' Shop . Orrington ai JVone's a"- Girls' Sho> I4AY12.1938 and