RITZ The nafionalsaa cracker - Crisp a n d- celightfully fresh foMfthe very lesf Crumb- pg.23c r Sailted Pop Corn ~Fresh, solfed popped corn ready. to serve-Serve if wIth soups or whatever you have b drink- ,Packo lOc For aon easily prepared and very:fas$y. dessert, com- bVine chunklefs., marshmollows' ami. whlpped cream- lChiliý ami serve tin sherbefgass- 7 3 for 79C.212 7 C..ns 89c: 'ambae ;,Oc, cendies- Marshmallows ihf, Ruffy and tendeerui 19c Our own brand of savory. frègraf, pleasingly blended fe&.- A freaf sfeaming hof or 1c 1I/ b. 49- I C Toupet PIES wtb emol one peumi pemrçlus Beech-Nut Grope j.Ily, ,oeof s NlceNw YOrk, graes-he pick of2 'fr 27C tho crop- Mleàr -and pure. Oran.gettes Tiny, îimportod*oringes-Qolorful 3 9 and fafy Po ana swe.t ont çy goodnss- "19c 2. IPLIS DANANAS. full of Firin, meafy, plump-Fine fo cat ouf of hand, for slicng, ,35c. b&ing or 3lb.1I9e whife has S FRo JwIcs. Floridas-Rch~. i4ce- dL425 2forI19c e peas- pods - For added 1 3 is29c Age bef tet s on r, uic ad deiclous iwlieter It is roasted rare, Large- q S mall- 3-3 medium or wel-dne-lb.- L-à lb- ~ I FRESH SPARI mils. Roesf or boilami serve wifh nev potfoanmd i~ fr.sh or canned sauer-krauf-- lb . Di JI lEEF - VIAL -.PORK. Ground for Iof-Add chopped onlon, lb27 sasoning. an egg and bake-i. 7 fine foyer- CILIRY HEARTS. Snow-whife dwurf sfat&s in every bunch-Crisp. fr*sh sw..f- Zbnche5 25e. FRESIl STRAWBERRI ES Fonçy Large Aromas-DIictOu5IV sweef and jumobo size- Thursduy. Pfrldey aned Saturday Q.ly box-. 19c 2 for 35C CRIAMING Ot4UQNS. Small, whifo--Jusf the: sue for bollng.end' serving wi#fb butter, or creamlng 3 lbs. 5 ARMOURS STAR HAt.C Whole or haIf-elicious hof or s.Id-. 13 to 14-lb. averagoý-Whole or h.lf- WALLEYID PIKE. A delicious entree, whei1her boiled or, frl. in buffer-I 2 2/2-1b. average- ROI SHAO. A Most fempting fish when baked- 31/2 t 41/2-1b. average- MAY12,1938 WIberts No:R.b* FloWx Specials for. Wednmesdaly CREMITIlC Avocado Pears CHISOlarge sue - Rip. and GRTD 1ere.y k serve9 CHEESE ec- I9 Crispi IRed ripe, firm end ready fo use in satads or for cookng -Basket of over 23 two pound-____23___ b. M3e ib. 2IC lb.27C