of TschatkowsJ<ry. It is prese Carrie Lo~uise Dougiassc and M4rs. Phllip Dodd of4 filcago. The chorus, choir wIll rehearse to- night (Thursýday) and-h its hoped many former memnbers wiIi be with us. The Junior choir *Hli rehearse Saturday morning. They have a delightfui oper- ettà, "h it So, n eparation, The Young People's meetings on, Sun- day evenings at 6:20 are now Includlng the eighth grade students,, who *111liph high sehoolers next' season. "Duke" ('hilds' Canadian >ptctures were much. enjoyed last Sunday. A norinating corn rittee Is at, work ieiecting the niew "An Evening ini Sweden", is the inexl ait-churc h social gnthering planned. It cornes oni Fnday, May* 20.- with smor- gasbord ln charge of Mrs. Lillian Heer- ens, the Junior operetta. and the lovely <olor pictures. taken -by Mr.. and Mrq. A. C. Yungberg last ,sumff.er. *A large number of our ýmenmbers are <'nî~ntiflat Milwauikee MNay 26 to Il. Evils of Tolerance Congregation Sermon "The Evils of Tolerance" will be the subject of Rabbi Charles E. Shul- rnan 1s sermion at the North Shore Con- zregation Israel Sunday morning. Mav 15. at 1Il o!clock. The sermon considers the effects of LAMB ItOAST. Boneless Rolled. A great spring-time favo You'l1 like thé fine flavor of our genuine spring quality; 2d its tenderness and the delicate juices. Economical, too! Lb. qI FRESN CALVIS' SWEET BREADS ,...lb..... Rihad .rwouky Congress hotel in Chicago9, lune 3, 41'5 In addition to vists to various art centers and to urs. on the north sio're,~ including the impressive Eugene Field garden in Kenilworth, members of the group in charge of this biennial con- vention, will seek to present a philo- sophicai concept of a critical and his- torical analysis of the developuient of the arts from the year 1875 through the present day.if With a haif-hour devoted to ecd of the arts during the day on june 4, chair- nmen of these sections will endeavor to inalyze andi unify these arts from an $TEWUNG CHICKENS. Plumnp, tenider,, flavorable. Fine, too, for fricass.ee, salads, chicken- a-la-king. 91 4 té 5 lbs. ýaveragze. Lb. FRYING.CHICKENS. Famous Palace milk-fed quai- iyPlump, and flavorable. Pancy dry picked, 7 3, lbs. avg. . ..... lb. 1 FRESH BIEF TONGUO. Short Cut, 19 3to 4 lbs. avg.. lb. SLICED BACON. Millèr & Hart. Slicedi to any desired thiçkness ...%Is SIRLOIN STEAK AR lb. 45C____ RIS ROAST OF BEEF. Standing., What nmoth-watering, these luscious roasts*produce. The finest of prime beef thoroughly aged. Nothing finer. 6th and 7th Ribs. ...Lb. 26.~ PORE LOIN RoAST. ýCLt froM fine young corýn-fed'porkers. fine. Palace' quality that n voù feel vnu are'.eatiflt ca huck beef. Very tender, julcy'and savory, lb.... prim N EVIRYDAY of Palace thme Year Armed HALIBUT STEAK. 32c TROUT. .29e -b. average, lbý ........... EFISH. 9 .e Lake Buperior, l.......... 39 SPINACH ney Broadieaf. Get a Bey easy-gornig -ýant-UIIJ4araL.ry'-. comm-un ities of otir own land. Visitors are always cordially wel- corne at tic services of the North Shore. Congregation Israel vhich are lheld, every Sunday morning at il ýo'clock. The -temple is located at the corner of Lincoln and Vernion avenues in ýGlen- coe. IBEVFER FILMSI at Nothwestcrn. university; Agncs Jones, professor of physical education at Northwestern; Catherine Geary, hecad of the departnient of drainiaat Sherwood college ini Chicago, andi Eunice Steen Lam-ont, voice instructor in the Raisa-Rimini-LamOlt: studios will each deal with onîe art throughout this, period (18i5-19,58) showing how the arts parallel ini cultural develop- nment tbroughi the years.. A discussion period will follow ecd. WATERCRESS I Extrai fancy green,L large SC TC bunches ...... c Wli POTATORS. New. For creainrg or iI boliing wlth Jackets N10 lbs 29c ORANGES Florida, extra large size, 2 doz. 75e ... doz. 39 BANANAS.3 23 Large, firni, waxy fruit lb..3 PlIUCADSIU 1115. AV5. lbbasket o8 and tender. 3 lb.. 25e plump, fu»lpds.. 2 doz. .si. . do. ýunkist thin skinse , doz. ....-- 2can... M&AY 15 m11111 il à m