"Z - -- e wmi talie as a C DB Ime nistFJ' ofthie Future. MeSDbtS ni riewaiS of tue church are 1.,,4 'to e br thiS mes53Ke TII mqrnUifl MuZICwM lbe asff ollO*s: orgSU Fre~A0 Ï alie GWand Boys, Che0r7 offertoire Sl>*f' ,.rthur tiurham Orgai ~t "~'~ on Tune Cwigana 1 EOFI , MTES -'0P.iM.-B0Y Scouts. TrôooP L NeLgWbbcThood C"r010. 7:30 p.uL__4C81pfre Girls &t the ýhome ofDr..Ha L m odges. 0 Frs avenue. .:30 p.UL--ciTiSch I~4r rehea*a 4P.mn.-BOye choir rebearal 'WOIEN'S OVILI> Thie annuai' SPtuig lUflChoI of the wonefl's guild i i be held ah the KUWIl Country club tOmOri'Ow at 1 .<Ôc.argU.ret 1Murtubise will' give £ dramaUs of Willa Cathet'5 1o1, ~tod crce wllhaie an mg, ueedYMy 17é, et Ijr~ GergeW. ibbY, landu m> i%ý -1-- are al cordially inVited- KAPFP Pl PH Memei~ f thie Kappa pi Phi, group, tzcludlng th,. play caBt5, will leav.e the cýburch Sujndmy afternoofl ah 2 0Clcck- for O)nward House where they will pre- Ment fuels hwo plaTs and *9 guelitS cf tRi HoPe'Thue isa rare opportun ity the oefl 'cqalto itu one of the begt kuOW" M. tleeifft bouwssli the ,Counftry. VrieudS of the 'group are cor- diallT Iwvltued ho ma ke the trip with u'ý. wiimiette, ae Amios 'Thd Ft Church Sat Lake avenue turg. mn:'i!t.ir Dr. Horace G.. Sýi th" presidentet Garrett Biblical institute, 'willpreach in tuis churvh atfthe 11lf.'cck. wùrirshi service next. Sunday mornin&. The se-v bëe beegswlth the organ pr*elude at 10:45 o'clôok, and 'tue Introit is Sung just before. 11. Thé- special Music for this service wil te as'foUoes! Organ (10:45).;.,We Thank Theeo Ce"', -""ýBach ..ue ýof -the Forefit" Dunbam eAd1agio" Mre I P.ogers Introt: 'Father cf IUghts"S,.~ at Afltliem "Seek Hlm That Maketh th'- Seven stars*,; >..P .».. oRger, Offert6ry -Solo:,-How B4eaut;ful Ipor. hi Muutins" Harker .hMiss Floren ce Farrar Organ postjndeý: .'Flnale*, P.eg#er' The -Chùrch se 1hool meets iqunday mioruiluis at 9:30 oclock. ,New 4enroll- ments may be mnade at any time. The High Sehr)ol Epwor*h leagur- ~nets Sunday eveilg at 6 oe'cle<'ýk. Theta Upsilon Rho -will meet Suinday at 5:30. oclo>ck- The Chorus choir meet, fer rehearsal tonigbt (Thursday> at 8 'ic in the Junior rtoon, under the direction cf Mizss Marie Bni-L., It la important that evgry member be present at each rehearsal througheut there 4mainder rif the cýhr season- The Woman's Mssionary society i's Meeting trpday at 1 :",0 'clock it the 11- nf rs R-F I' Tis Jr.. 610lWash- Thursday, MaY J19. iQ the date cf the Father-Daughter banquet in the Gireat Hall. Reservations mus* be made-. and' nay be trade through thc Church .Sýcheel teacliers or 'the church fl. Dads new and old, daughtoers largf- and small,, arfe urged te attend. Let us make this A- great night in r.ur chürch. The Spring Piummag,-e sale, rp .4-nn-d by the Wrimari' 4,uild. vvill be held May 19 and 2(). Bring clo)tbing. hnoks, furniture, etc.. te the' church at air, timec. 'Phrne M'%rs Horare Young, Wii- mette 4761, if you wi,;h tehbave articl-ý "The Churchi sehool convenes onlqunl- day ,Mornilg at 9:-45 o1clock. We invite the niewcOMers te the village te comne and learn wtth, Us. There are classes for ail ages. Attend our service Of wOrshiP, next, Sunday mornlng at il o'ýclock. The Junior Luther league, an organ- ization ýfor the young1 peopié cf high ýsehool aire, w111 meet on Sunday aftt1er-1 noon at 3 o'clocký Corne and enJoy the fine fellowship cf this mneetIing. The Spring raily of our Inner Mission .oclety *111 be held on, Sunday after- noon., May 15, at 4 'clock at Unity Evangelical Lutheran church,, Mag- nolia and. Balmoral avenues, ChicagQ., The, Rev. le, E. Irvlfl, D.D-., will be the speaker. The Senior Luther Icague-will mffeet onSunday- evenlng at 5 :30 o'cloclc. Al aire ivclcorûe to attend. The Illinois Syncd of the United Lutheran church wili be ln session this week at Sterling, 111,, May l14 to 19. The Men's club will meet next Wed- 1nesday evening, May 18, at the church at 8 o'clock. William' Sachse wl speak on.ý "The Ethîca cf Advertisiflg."1 Thé Womnan's secietY Willlhold its annual Bundle day fr' the Chldren's Recelving home at Maywood Thursdàay of next week, 'May 19. This year wc are taking canned fruit te the home. You may. phone Mrs, George Larson, Wil- mette 1234, and she wlll be giad te re-* 1ceive Your contribution The womeni ,A"Ii spend- the day at tI,ý home me'nd- îng the children's' garnients, meeting 1here at the 'chureh at, 9 oclock. St. John's Lutheran Wlmette and Park avenues J. H. Goçkel, pastor SERVICES 9 :15 a.m.-First service. 4 :30 a.m.-Sunday scheel. and 'Bible classes. 10:55 a.m.-Sunday chool lass, for children f thrce to flve ycars. il a.r.-Second service. 8 p.m.-M.Nonthly cvcning service. The order cf service at il "clock on Holy Communion at b@a. ., U re schools at 95:45 a. m., and M.%orning Prayer wlth sermon at Il a. rn The rector of' St. Augustiti&.s con- %,eyed the greetings of thue other 'ch urch- ps of Wilmnette to the menibers of the Wilmette Ba ptist church at the Silver anniver8ai7sèviesin that, church last -eveiig. in the absence, of the rector f rom W ilme-tte, Chandler ' Sterling, Our 1o?-. gi9t who lsa acandidate for thermiii- ~sr fthe Church, to be ordained next 'month, coiiducted themorning serMi~ at St.. Augllstife's last Sunday mo The rector conducted the funeral of Mrs. J. B. Iring, niother of Raymond rving, one of the choir leadersi ast Mo[(nday in the chUrch. The women of the West circle of the Women's Gulld are holding a rummfake sale in the Pariah House today (Thurs- The regular meeting cf thtý Wcmen's Guild will -be held in the Parish Heuse tomorrow (FrldiLy) with luncheon at noon. The, executive, committee will mneet -in the church 'cfi'ices before theý regular meeting of the guild. Fijrst Presbyteri"an Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue James T.' Venekiasen, minister The next sermon in the serles on -The Christ Pattern," wlll be preached at the morning worship service next Sundaty at il o'clock. The theme will be, *-Thf- Christ Patterii-M4Yalty. 'g. einvite you te wortip with us, Thes llows: organ prelude, 'icPaster's claýsa for those wo 'wish te joi the church wiii meet a 9:30 o'cleck. *The Sunday' achool meets in ail d- partmeflts at, 9 :30,oclock. The Adult Bible cla-ss, invites you tri .meet with them iat 10 o'leck for 5tudy of the Bock' cf Revelatiofl. Junior church will care for the chil- dren durlng the niorning service. rncet Postlude-March froni. "Ariane" . .. Guilmant Victora Mceod-.%inistry of Mus-ie The Senior choir wlll rehearse on Thursday evenig at 7:30 o'clock.. Thýe Junior choir will rehearse on will be thie principal speaker. - Rev. George D. Ailisoli, paSter If ou avenetrea th Bok cf Job The comlng SundaY niornhg service 'rccnty, wc suggest that you make t, wlj be one of "Musical, Memonles" Of the subject cf .Your Bible readlng be- ouyw Silver Jubîle. Former choir mecm- itween now' and Sunday niornlng's 5cr- bers, under thie direction of Edward mon. t' wlll add conslderably to thie Munson. Our firt leader, wil present ivalue, f the service. old and- lovcd anthetrS,. and leaci thie , .a ail day MO tbe homie4 83S Lakea ho! off a vel me