Cle rig or Sring? DRAE S. su pCOVERSP WEARING APPAREL OdorIn C e i . ruH iPressi. Assureyolusw.f 0fthe h.s tool Orne route: man. Orn fol»e cre of ailurees COdiSTodoy, ~ WINNMETIKA 20 50: GREAT WEShERN LUDYCC Oce: M3Lied«mAve. Wimmeil P4TRONIZE OUR ADVERTISER. 1 , '1 jet, 370 Winnetka avenue, Indian nu.L The designed highway, >it was add- ed, was one which, sightly in appear- ance, and as econolnhcal as possible in cost, mnight be erected in such centers as Chicago, Boston, Phila- deiphia,,or New'York, where Increas- ing fatalities make. a major 'traffic ptoblemn. .The contest, which opened, in September, .vas clo.sed on March 31,. and was judged, during April. Ifi ail, 273 desýigns were submitted and îeven cou ntries Were. represented. Judges, were. C. M. Pickneyý, chieé engineer oi Manhattan, Paul G. Hoff- man, officiai, of the Studehaker:cor- .poration, Harland- BartholmeW%7. city plannerý who lives in St.- Louis and 1Q. consultant to a num:ber. of mnunici- palities. Col. Willard Chavahier, vice- president of the McGraw-Hill pub- - lishing co ncern. and two, architects. Paul P.ý Cret of. Philadeiphia and Albert Kahn of. Detroit. The announicement of the alvards was made at the annual dinner of the ka - t tute at the Waldorf - Astoria hotel i n Nex York city .on Thursday of last week. A number of the leading plans are on exhibit nowc in the rooms o1 th.e Western Society of Engineers iii Chicago. where Mýr. Hazelet delivered, a paper on 'Mondav evenin g of tis> i ekbeiore.the industrial section. Thi Ieos z callN for a 66 foot highi- Mathew Francia Photo Jl. Robb Harpcr, stperi.liteidenit of IVilpkette Schls, w uill grec! o hosi of old tinse îvilla gerç Wtedizs- day. eveeiing, Ma~y 18, upop lthe oî- casioll of thse amimfal reuplion dm- nier of' le Olde T 'uéFoikes. MIr. Harper is preside;:tý of. the S* orgaiiè-atio;i zwhich iç fthe onjly as . socI ahtio0;1o>' old fine residenits lj;> the copitiuzilty, JJcdpisda*y's diu-. ver meetig w1!! l be Jhld ipii fic Il 1ietfe Jlasontc tmp!- zd7 APPLESe 6'Ib25c ing arèas iM the Sand. %aa cmphasized. ýer of the Il curýbs wasý Soitball Season to,. Be, Opened on Monday, The piagroutid and recreation board >softball season -will open -Mon- da% night at the village green with practict games in the slow pitching league. Tluesdlay night will see the t unlor zoliball eague get under way. Electioni of officers of the. Tri-Ship club, boys' organization at N ew Trier, Township Hrigh school of which Don- ald Frisbie is facuity sponsor, wer.e to be held this Thursday folloving a- series of assemblies.' Candidates, were: President : Bud Stillii.>Bud Y ou in glo v e ; vice-presidett:' Jim Dewey, Ralph Hiller, Dick- La Bonte;: secretary : jack- Barnett. Tom ve 'gwiwer Prw unarge M\rs.r ColU..'WIlnet+e4298 arrive ti Iince, Mi Boulevard Drus Store Mrs. W lifi Cestrmi Avene road.,l t of S. is.