MOFFEEmA miL. BSL oumZ COTFE * 17. pVýaUI4 ma7c N~i~ ~4*~q ~i f 24 oxuO~L W2lo SIBARn,1. ..é- u me" eus= 0 - - fin 19c DMàVY SM(ART CLEANIN( A IDS WAUOFTV4KI . 2 lb. box 15C HOUIMNOLD SLW.ACH qt. bW, 15Ç AMMONIA a a * a* qt. bot, 12c WINDOW CLEANER 8 oz, bot '23c NipaolkiL &L 4 FOR 59C I Ducs lb. 23C. __ IISquarttm9in Any *f' wxl'g . ', Az~1 Jî~'t' WI1Leà a Mrs.C ha ries Ware Willt. Give Lt for Park .as Memérial f0 fjusband ~,,qrh ~-aac IMth" 1 tind ln g à cv i, lader, W:ho. *pdAe;iawa y t~ u ~ft'i. ~l~ni-dt1iat. tht' park %will be l~rîh<aed itb ree, sru, ,and b,-r ',i ;paths an ij, nh Kenilworth Rejects Joint-1eetype Plan 1<jeti.nof the plan of Evanston ati. Wiimnettc- fficials to install tele-" type eq-(uiprtntnt in ail the police sta- tic)ti% along the Xý,orth Shore as far. a% Milwauk(ec was voted on Monday ÉIVeîintg by tue -Kcnilworth village I.ack uof available futnds was ad- vanced as, ont reason for the action. lt waý addcd that, under the plan,, itwu% prol>osC(l to pay for installa-. ti%>It and maintenance hy a subscrip- lion (lance, and the pr.oject was de- jLnclby village trustees who ternied such devices unethical and an improper way to conduct police busi- atri;d about 7/j p ercett4 Jthj e'n< ()ut o atotal (if $$,4! t <in teprsnlprt-Perty tax î.n ercet, r V?,58.37. liste Pramtges JGori heuni'corpc'rated a-e o thoe toWnhip and that part rjf Glen- 'iw ir>,,'éw Trier, a littie beite than niriepercentrof the real eî--tat(e tax ha% 4ben collected; in Glencoe, à. littIt' be-tter than ciglit perc ent:5 cfme - t1bing river il percent in Winnetka. a triflt over nine percent m Vl mettte, and a little mhore -thari 1<.> per- cent in Kenilwùrth.ý Althougli thé penalty, date. on thc first i nstalîmntt of the reai estate taxi >a nd also on personal pru-.perty. is nflo until jun-e 1, collector Hale has îheen 1adlvised to- tur'n in his books tc, lthe coaunty collect.or by ifay 15- For.- this reason he urges everyone to pa% as pvoiuptly as possible. H-e says the county coilector blia, advised 'that no personal checks will be accepted in payment of taxes, un- lethe checks are certified. This will1 make it impossible, M\r. Hale said, for him to render the ýPersoônal service lie has been able to do in the past, after bis books are closed;' un-r less the tax payers sec that aill checks given in payments which halve to be made at the county building. are drawn payable to Horace G. Lindheimer, county collector, anîd that, ail personal checks are certified. Sea Seout Shipe, to Give 'Yardarmn Swing' 'Five, Sea Scout ships of the North Shore area will combine on Friday éYening of next week to present -a- "'yardarm swing and bridge of honor"' t Christ churcli parish bhouse, Maple anid Oak streets, Winnetka. *Sea Scouts of the North Shore and their frie'nds have been invited, it was announced. Dress will be semni- formnaI and dancing will star t at 9 I **O