A GUIDETOý SAFETY - 7 - ___-q m: - "Wré SAPE of Evanstou Flrepr@of Fur and Garmeut STORACE Pull Protection Motbs - Fire - Theft Reached San Antonio the "Sun- shine City." More rain, the first in ten weeks. San Antonio definitely a mixture, of Mexican, Spanish and American.'bloods., Visited the Alamo, "lCradie, of Liberty" the sacred shrine and uncnanged vilages- ni mexzi.g----c HeMmed in by a succession f Bound for.* Acapulco, " *aadieo mountain ranges on one side anàd the Pacifi, ot eso mrc, dense jungles on theother the natives- etc., as the ti ny seçaport is called.' The 1 , 1839 i. RAILItOAI 1621 Benson Ave. Uni. 0091 of ail Texans. Typical Texan gtill (Huesteca Indians) had practically D AVE. wears a big wide brimmed bat and no contact with the outside world. seldoni drives bis car faster tban a Entirely diff erent language f rom WiI. 914 good cow borse would travel. most of Mexico. San Antonio to Laredo on the. jungle a paradise for big game Mexican border (156 miles) the high- hunters. Kept awake by more growls, way rnarked with two,. sets of signs, squeals, roars, and other animal one Spanish, one English. . Alto- sounds than I've ever before heard Stou.,.Tom'e du dereche---Keep to the outsde a zoo at feedinoe time. 286 mile stretchi.rom Mexico City bas more ýcurves than any similar stretch in the world. Counted 561 in 40 mile'S. New highway now under construc- tion by many thousands of. men, al working with pick, shovel and wheel- barrows.- Desviacions (Detours.) everywhere. Hauled trailer throughi more dry river becls and out of the way places than I ever hope to navi- 1REGRTN hIple end Grov -5v.ustsi Wl.. .671 3,es. ai ; 5 ici l oranges, mani .rassed. boosters. jApt market at Actopan. ri: ds, of natives along l'centà