to compete in> the tournament proper. These players, together with the pro- fessionals and the amateurs exempt f rom the preliminary round will com- prise a* field of .300 for the regular event. After . the flrst two rounds at 18 holes, the- field, for the final. 36. holes will be limitçd to the 48 pro-, fessionals'and any ties for last places, and to the. low 124 amateurs regard- less of. where they may finish in the general list. Twenty prizes will be awardcd to the first twenty amateurs at the end of thé 72, holes of play. Thedesire o.f -the hicag District Golf association is Ito iv the ama- teurs, especially the younger players, more competition at reasonable ýcost. The players, Who compete in the ýpre- liminary qualifyintx.rounid and do.not qualify will be eligible to attend on ail three days of the regular tourna- ment, as their entry fee of $5 will also iniclude. admission to the tournament proper.; Entry blanks can be had at the Chicago, District Golf association, Open Tournainent committee, Rooiri 1845, Hotel La salle, Chicago. No entries will be received unless made on a regular form, and ail entries for the tournament proper must be post- ed flot'later than midnight, july 8. Entries for the preliminary qualify- iniz round must be mailed flot later than juiv 1. Pittsburgh Favored to Take Quadrangutar Meet Saturday May 7 *Pittsburgh's powerful track tearu, fresh fromn notaible triumphs at the Penn relays last week, will invade Chicago for the Quadrangular track and field mieet with .North'westerii, Minnesota and Purduie at Dyche stadium this Saturday. With John Woodruff, ýOlympic- 800 mneters champion as' key man, the1 Panthiers captured three relays at Penn ini addition to creditable per- formances ini a nurnber of individual events. On the strength of their e, andu- 1 mile ini a in the B -ch" Knap ual meet days'ot jesus, they would bave unhesi- tatingly embraced bis teaching and. be- corne bis followers. To* have seen hin? heal leprosy, blindness, insanity, deaf- ness, epilepsy, and raise the dead would - we now confidently say - have convinced everyone. But did it convince everyone in. those days ?: Itfshould have, done so; but, instead of joyfull1y accept- ing the healings_ as unquestionable proofs of divine powver, somue *of those' who weré witnesses bedame enraged, declared the healitngs were.,the work of the, devil, and. hastened to- report Jesus to the authorities at Jeruisalem. The lat- ter, in turn, sought to put himu to death., lest al the people,.should follow 11111. To def endtheir theological beliecvcii to the exteit -of shedding -innocent blood, seemed to, be more important than to' learn the practicable truth aboiut. God an1 man. Love Blesses ýAil This- remiimds --me of an incident tlii occurred a year or two ago. One of iy neighbors, uipon finding a nest full of mother-less birdlings, sought to feed them : but whenever bis loviig band would draw near enough to the nest, the open - mouts would instinctively close. When.,he tried leaving food n the edge of the nest, they wouldl lot touch it. Had not niy neighbor been thouÉhtful. enough to put the birdlings into an already well-fllled nest where they were f ed by the mother of another hrood, those birdlings would have died of starvation. 1 have related this Incident in the hope that it wiil help te Illustrate why everyone did net Jesus' as tiie true representative of God. They dearly Ionged, even prayed, for the promiised Mlessiah, who, they belleved, would cern. in a particular, predetermined, human- ly-outllned way. But because. he cami- qulte differently; because lie came meelc- ly illustrating the power ef impartil, divine Love to f ree the people from men- tal bondage te sin, disease, and death,, instead of a warlike monarch who would free the nation from political bondage to Rome., they misunderstood his lcving mission and rejected the ble."ings h le came, te bestow 'upen them. Tt le this sarnemental attitude whiçeli today prevents sorne persons, eveni whe.n in great need. ..from. accepting the iielp- ing hand of Christian Science, notwith- standing the proofs of heallng, which it presents. Their preconcelved notions about -the manner of Chrîst's reappe'ar- e Johnti c) became f pipe in ii He is f Photos by Rot"e Three'memobers 'of Coach' John Nay's 1938 editiott of New Trier>: track team are shoum 'in these three photogra phi. Upper lef t, 'Bob De-. Viiiny,.hurdler; u pPer right, Calin Hill, high iumper.; lowcer left, Rtes Montroe, dash mon. Vines and Perry to Glash on Sko/ie Club Courts on May 30 Professional' Tenbnis Stars te End Tour in Glencoe Ellsworth Vines and Fred Perry will conclude their-professional tennis tour when thev play at the Skokie Couintrv club* Monday. May 30 (Dec- oration Dav). 'Walter Senior, who won the Illinois State tournament heid at Skokie last summer, will meet Berkeley Bell in the opening posites. Formerly ranked No. Il zna- tionally, Senior uses a heavily-topped forehand while Bell, who was twice ranked ini the No. 6 position, employ s a low .bouncing chop. Bell has haci a slight edge in matches thus fat. Tickets will be placed on sale at the Skokie Country club and in the Loop in the near future. Courts Now Open The six clay courts at Skokie were, opened for play two weeks ago for the earliest openinoe date in i"ITh( tr- of Sa jof At