* . Call in peron only. $HORLINE> EMPL. AGCY. .746 Blin St., Wlnnetka. Opený Tuesday eves., 8-D.3 9 7LTN52.ltc DOMESTIC HELP WANTEID - CALL 1K 'ýPM.RON,: 818lm ntWtnnetka 9 7LTrNS2-ltc Exper. Maids Wanted Lindgren Empi. Agcncy AMY ULTGREN, PROP. 99IM St. Winn. 1047 97LTNSO-tfc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERA&L ,.housework. Must be able to do plain eooking alone. 1/ of a mile from-the station. Must, have references. 978 Elm Ridge D)re, Glencoe. Glencoe 970. 97LT'1lN52- Ite EXPERIENCED PART-TIME GIRL AFTERNOONS. $6-$7 WEEK. NO SUNDAYS. MUST BE FOND OF * CH1LDREN. GLENCO1E 1753. -97LTN52-1tc. COPETENiTWHITE HELP WANT- ed with good ret. Apply In person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 667 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 97LTN43-tfc WANTED-EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for Winnetka firm. Write full Information and refs. to B-178, Box 60, Wilniette, Ill. *97IsTN52-1te EXP1ERIENCED, SALIESWOMAN 'FOR North Shzore 'dreas sho». State age, *experience, and salOry expected. Write B-172, Box 60, Wilmette, 9Il. 2-t WANTED WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral 'bousework in amail home. Neai' transportation.. Two adults, one child 1% yrs. old. Refs. Wil. 3015. 94LTN52-lt.p WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. References. No laundry. * $8. Small bouse. 4 in famlly. Wilmette 3135 97LTN52-ltl, EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR 'GENER- ai hoiusework and light laundry. Must like cbildren. Cail Friday morning or Saturday, Winnetka 2709. Established 25 years. 104 Dempster St., Evans. Uni. 0934 99LTN52-Itc Couples Wanted $100 to $150 Also beginners' Jobs open SHORLINE EMPL. AGCY. 746 Eim St., Winnetka 99LTN52-1tc 10m FOR SALE-AUTOMOUILES 75- LATE MODEL QdGUARANTEED USED CARS 1.9 36 CHEVýROLET, MA STER TOWN sed. Built-in trunk, hyd . brakes, turret. top, etc. Low $8 mileage, guaranteed $39 1936 FORD TUDOR .SEDAN, BEAUT. black* finish, looks and mus 4$289 like new, excellent tires .... 1G 1935 CHEVROLETI COUPE, AN EX- ceept. bargairn, driiven. byN.,S. $s249 family as second car .. 1934 PLYMOUTH S E D) A N, OTýC'D guarantee. Good tires, finish, $3 1934 FO7RD DeLYJXE SEDlAN. A. NEW reconditioned motor, finish a. $179 beaut. Fawn gray. Excel. tires 1933 FORD DeLUXE COUPE. FINIShF and uphol. like new. $149 Good tires .. . . . _ . . 1932 NASH SPT. SEDAN. SMALL, series. A beautiful maroon car ln excel. condition *.$1.59 1932 PLYMOUTH> P.B. COUiPEI. Floating power. 4 cyl. Hyd. brakes. OK'd guarntee $139 CHVVRDJunET.i IN 011 GREEN BAY ROAD * WILMETTE 4414 105LTN2 liE BUY FROM P~HONE CALUMET 7579 105LTN52-ltc IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR a 1936 Deluxe Trunk Touring Plymouth Sedan, In.A-i condition,. then Investigate this buy.^ Phone Mr. H. C. Ray, Win- netka 2000. 105L52-ltp LREFRONT ROOM, CROSS ventilation; ýnear bath. Centrally located. Garage available., Wilmette 1097. 116LTN52-Itp 1 or :2 'rç,oms ln quiet horne of adults.. Near lakte. WIlmette 817. 116L52-llp Single Room CENTRAL EAST LOCATION, Wilmette 2484 11CLTN52-ltp) LIGXiT, LARGE ROOM. 2 BLOCKS Hu4bbard Woods station. ?rtvate, home. Fineiy furnished. 1 or 2 business people preferred. Winnetka 209. 116L52-ltp LARGE. LIGHT, AIRY ROOM WITH large closet. Near transportation. 779 Foxdale, Winnetka 846. 11:6L52-ltp LARGE BEDROOM SUITABLE FOR couple or 2 gentlemen. Near trans- portation. 470 C&estnut St., Winnetka. Winnetka 3389. 116L52-1lp LARGE, ATTRACTIVE ROOM NEATt transportation. Reasonable. Break- fast option-aI. Glenco.e 1719. 116LT5-2-ltp FRONT ROOM, FURNISHIUD OR UN- furnishied. Alsô meals if desired. Ga- rage avallable..Wllmette 253 . ROOM SUITABLE FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen. 1 block west of Ridge Rd. Garage included. Pleasant surroundings. Ph. Wilmette 662. 116LTN52-ltp ROOM IN QUIET WELL FURNISHET) home. INear transportation. Woman preferred. References. Wilm-ette 143. 116LTN52ý1 tp SMALL ROOMS- SUITABLE FOR business girls. Also light housekeep- ing roonis. Well located. Wilmette 4919. 116LTN52-ltp LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM suttable for one or two. In small aduit 505 PAR~K DR., KENILWO1RTH 2 rooma consisting of living roi, dîn- ette-kitchenette and tile bath and shower. McGUIRE & OR"R, Inc. 530 Davis St.., Zvans. .Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 118LTN52-Itc- 3ROOMS KITCHEr-ETTE, AND .BATH. FRONT. IN4QUIRE AT 827 ELM ST., WINNÊTKA. Modemn 3'4rm. apt. Livingtmin. with roil-out bed. Bdrm., tile bath and, shower. dînette, kitcçhenette and brkfst. nôok. Close to transp. Reasonable. WII. 1724. 128LTN52-ltp LIGHT, AIRY 6 ROOM' EVANSITON Sapartmnent;- large screenied porch :, quiet nelghborhood; near transportation. Greenleaf .3813. 128LTIS52-itp 129 FO* ORENit-FURNISHED ApTEs. SUB3LEASE May, 15th or June -lst to'Sept. lst. Spend summer bi North Evanston in attractively, furnlshed 2 room apart- nient. Fine apartment building; Ideal location. $57.50. Call Wilmette 461 eve- igsa fter .P. lM. 12LTN524tp. 130 WVTC. TO RENT-APTE. WANTED-WELL LOCATED SMALL f.ùrn. or partly furn. apt. Close, to transp. Evanston or WII mette. Reas. Responsible couple employed. Address- B-179, Box 60, Wilmette, Ili. Wanted: Garage apartment by reliable couple. with good references. Cali Glencoe 12. 105-t 133 FOR ft£NT-HOUSES- CHOICE RENTALS EAST WINNETKA, EINMEDTATE OC- cupancy, 1 blk. ,to lake and bathirig beach, unusually attr., brick residence: libr., 5 bcfrms., - tUle, bas., oil lt., att. gar......................$100 Winnetka, compact house: 4 bdrms.ý slp. pch., bath and ]av., 2 wood burn- ing fireplaces, ohl ht.,- att. gar., lovely garden........................ý$100OO Cali Mrs., Starnes. THE BILLS REALTY, Inic." 529 Davis ýSt., Evans.ton Wil. .1740 820 Greelleaf, Gleèncoe Sale or Rent. arb07t ite. et. IPu ne, moQdemn; 7 rnis., s and transp.. '$60. Ilghand Parýk 686 I 39LTN562-ltp I au