uientu whnu roùgh:t oo -our ' -_ -- -- -8- --- v' l Avê, JsephLILII'à. Conactu 0-/G . Lincoln Ave., Winnetka., or 341 Park Ave., 10% e W i»Wton u jsphC.aomaklo advertl.ements rmn four coueutivo Issus. 1569 Sherman, Evftnston uni. 3353 87LTN6-tfçc .Dedlie.for lInsertOJU-éPedU t Tesdae 9P. IL fr >FEDERAL HOME LOANS WILMETTE PEor ail thee pp b edn ue2y 9P. MY for WNE TAK ndThursday Sà .P..-IL for GLI6CO NS eehns imte LOANS ON. NORTH -SHORE HOMES. 480, inntk 200 Wlnetm. 00ae 6 P. W, Grs:lemj 300 o Borrw up to 60% of value. Conven U~Ira e 1218-1217. lent màonthly repayment. plan over 5, to __________________________ 16 years. Dealwith a local Institution. ________________________iPull details by. lnQuiry at FIRSTFDEA sAvINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 10 IRDS ANo, TROPICAL PION 47 *umcMu.siNSTRucTION 0F rWILMEOTTE POOL FISH 'BE POPULAR .1126 Cenr l Atn e ltta.ry WATER LILIES, 75e; HYACINTHS, Lear o play popularpiano Central-tf 16c,, otner water plants, iuc up; scavenigers, tadpoles, turties. MACDONALD*S We Del iver ].*04 Sherman..Ave. Gre. 8832 10LTN52-ltp ilPOGS AND CATS Linhenlhof TrainingSchools, A.NýD BOARD ING KENNELS for ail breede. Private in and outdboor runs. Hleated kennels. Personal care. Mr.' & Mrs. W'n. Schaefer- Waukegan Rd. at Winnetka A1ve. (Glenview 270 I 1LTN52-4tp WE, HAVE A FEMALE COLLIE which we wish to place in a good home outslde of city-Thie dog ie 6 monîths old and is a wo'nderful speci-. man. Especially nice with children. Full particulars. can be obtained by valling Wilmette 214.3. 1ILTN52-ltp W'ILAFLOR KENNELS PED. COCKER SPANIELS- ALL AGES. Guaranteed healthy. R"OARDING Exçcellent care and food. 'Veterinariaîi on eall day. or night. DundeeRd., 11/2 imiles. west of Sky Harbor. 11LTN52-ltp Cocker Spaniel Puppies 'SHOW STOCK - BUFF AND BLACK. Very reasonable. Glencoe 1165. 1ILTN5O-4tp Part Persian Maie Cat TO BE GIVEN FREE TO GOOD HOME Winnietka 4033. 11L52-ltp LEAVING TOWN. MUST DISPOSE of champion bred Airdale terrier, 17 monthe old. Ribbon wiflner. Won- dp-rful guard and pet. $100., Glenview witn eae and laency. 10 ernons, $12. Iniadvance. 604 Davis iSt., Evans. Greenle&f,4344 471i4TN51-4tp PIANO LESSONS IN TOUR ROUX. Exp. teachor. Grad. N. 1U. School of: kusie. 'All N. S. towns.' Childmn or adulte. Arthur Hagen, 2754 Prairie Ave.. Uni. 5057i 47LTrNOO-4tP ENFANTS AND -CHDREIN ¶O 12 years of age cared for by hour, day or week by college 'graduate. Best of care, weIl balanced meale and super-- vised play' in private home with 'one child. Shady. yard; country atmosphere. 801 Hubbard Road. Wiimette 839. mette 839. 4SLTN52-ltp rF oR SALE:'..STEINWAY GRAND .piano. SmnaII size. Used little but kepi in' beet condition. Price $400 cash. Ad- dress B-175, Box 60, Wilmette, 11.1. 72. UPHOLUTERING AND REPAliRS LOCUST UPHOLSTERER. FUrnitture repairing, refinlshing and canlng. Bernard Reagan 713, Locust Road Wilmette 4259, REAL ESTATE LOANS; ANS WER SAME DAY. BUILDING LOANXS; ANSWER 1 TOý 2' HOURS. FRANfK PAVLIK,. JR. KENILWORTH 2016. 87LTN5Z-4tp CALL WINN. 012 FOR1 MAIDS-COOKS COUPLES B3UTLERS-GARDENE1S, Shorline Ênip1. Agency 746 Elni St. Winnetka, 111. 94LTN52-Itc REFINED WOM.&N WISHES POSI- tion as companion nurse, managing housekeeper or governess. Children ail ages. Protestant. Capable. Trustworthy. Drives, wiII travel. Exc. refs. 6234 N. Rockwell St., Chicago. Phone Sheldrake 9138. .94LTN52-ltp t rigie u eerne *jirn EanVsUtoU U ployer. GREenieaf 122q. 94LTN51-2tp A-1 Domestic Help Cooks, Maids and Couples PAULINZ'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WILMETTE 2171 421-4th ST., 94LTN52-ltc WANTED - WORK BY THIE DAY. *.Nursing, cooking, serving, cleaning, laundry or plain sewing. Sunday din- nere and teas a' epecialty. Beet refe. *WiII go ,anywhere. Glencoe 1411. EXPER., WOMA-N WILL ings, aft>ernôons, or eventinge.. Usual rates. W.ilmette 824-J. 04LTN52-Itp HIGH $1 CHooL GIRL WILSERVIE dinner. Also take care 0f children at night. Winetka 1867. 94XTN52-ltp NURSE - TRAINE - PRACTICAL. Care. for any case. Rteterencea., Phone Wilmette 2-48,4' or .4603. S4LTN52-ltp EXPERIENCED-CASHIER; OFFICE ,or saleogiri. Will -conider small sal- ary. Write F. O. 526 .Meirose Ave., Kenilworth. 9LN5-t es SITUA"tI WANTOD-MAL.E. WHITE MAN DESIRPÇS POSITION IN private family. Thoroughly: exp. ln-2 side.and outaide. Exeel ent drl-irr. N. S. rets. as to beingreliable. Honest, neat, and courteous. Steady o oi-osdr part thne:work. Cal Winn. 3787, asu-k for Henry.. 1 95LTN52-ltp, YOUNG M[AN (27) TO LEARN REAL~ Estate buinhess with North Shoire Co., WiI1 '*brJcon stralght'comm. and rive own car. 1938 model. 'Experienced arouind bldgs. Address B-176, Box 60, Wilmette, III. *5LTN52-ltp CHAUFFEUR; X P R I EN C ED. .white, 31 yrs. handy, would like *permanent position. N. S. referenees. Reliable, willing to do nmie fardelinif. Icepatone 4771. 95Lls-t Experienced Gardener GOOD AL'.. AROUND MAN. NORTH Shore refereiices. CaJilWilmette_4259. tween 8:30 a. m. and 5 p, 386.' 95 EXPERIENCED ALL AROI -wants painting, floor refinig] and lawn work Also odd North 'Shore refe. Wflmette CHEF. GER)MAN, Private or yacht. North Shore ILefereni Write B-173, Box 60, Will itAKK uge5 Jobs. A-1 iLTNS62-ltp. IENCI-I I'ut1 conversation. Gi' trnat. exp. lin pe cent. Other tutoi i B, Winnetka . or ,,,t.v )gy. Beet 147 Blanche 44LrNI W IL' ehc B 742 Cui N o Su EXPI AND oCLEA er, -19vanston GIRLuCouples, malao. oookm, nurses, houa.- 1 men, butiers, gardeners.' y 0560. Ciarlson's Empi. Agercv N52-ltP 818 ELM STREET 'WTNNrTKA ÎM A N ________ _9LTN52-ltc 'SDAYS MAN AND WIFE WANT DAY WORK KERAL -or steady. Chauffeur, gardening. anod housewo'rk. Own chauffeur uniform- N~52-Itp WÎlrmette 3387. 96LTN58t-ltp