Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1938, p. 66

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1 a.A OPTiO4 i)IUTS OPTOMETIIIST a6 yrs. expierlince. Eyes, ftted propberly. Broken lene replaced, framee repaired. JOSEPH F. KUSS 804,Elm St. Wtnnetka, 3671 1SA-LTN35-tfe 3î1 BUILDING -AND IEPAIR FLAGSTONES Also stone for walls, rock gardens., etc. BRICK, CEMENT WORK, TUCK- polnting. Free expert advice and estimates cheerfully given. H. HARTrWELL WIeNNETKA 286.4 2ILTN46-tfc JOSEPH KNEIP CEMENT, AND MASON.CONTRACTOR1 Spýelillzng-Waterproofing Basements 1714 Washington Ave., Witrnette 2618 2ILTN52-Stp) CARL BENGSTON CARPENTE!R ANiD BUILDER Repairing and Rernodelinig CALL .WINNETKCA 2480 AFTER 6 p.m. 2ILTN50-4tp PLASTERING REPAIRS, STUCCO AND CEMENT. SBasement work. G. A. Thursby, Wil-. mette 3387. 21LTN49-4tp CARPENTER AND GENERAL JOB- ber. Sereens, recreation rms., porches, roofing, garages. Overtiead doors, etc. W. R. Wilson,' Ken iiworth 4944. CAPITOL Rock Wool Insulationi Estimates- Cheerfully Oiven THE -STANDARD., IME & STOXE CO. (Facetory Branch) Oreenleaf 2856-Berkshire. 3870, W. C. Kenaing 25 PAINTING AMD DECOATING Pain.ting,f' Decorating clon't leave much time to keep homes and gardens in good shapeý And they must be, well kept to be 'enjoyable. Whilé you are planning your vacation plan to have, the house and grounds cared for, or remodeled and have any small jobs. which you haven't tine for, done to your satisfaction by one, of these skilled workmen who. advertise-on this page: THE, SERVICE', PAGE I - au PAINTrING AND DECORATING DURKOOP DECORATING SERVICE Glencoe, 1807 Sheldràke 5132 25LTN45-4te Otto Durkoop Eugene Durkoop Painting and Decorating> 925 Washington Ave., Glencoe -1512 Not athlllated with Durkoop Dec.'Se-rvice, 25LTN51-4tp Painting and. Decorating INTFgRIOR AND EXTERIOR Call Winnetka 3669 for estimates. 25LTN50-4tp DRESSMAKING M., R. ANDERSON SPECIALIZING IN, Wedding Gowns and Party Dresses,. 464 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 25Ï4 3 1LTN52-ltp * MISS M. BOLAND Dressmaking. Afternoon and Evening dresès and coats. Made or restyled. Refereraces. Wilmette, 1527., 39' HOME MAD E FOOD PftODUCTS C A TE RIN G. OPEN FACE SANP- wiches a spéciaty -eoaedbrb day cakes; roll-, Bridge luncheons and teas served ini my home by' appoint- ment. Mrs. Bakçer,.fWliette 4151. 39LTN49-4ti t 42 GARDENINS_____ andl. .42 GAUDENINU THE BEST IN* .Landscaping Products A-1 black soil, 4 yds. -$6, S yda. $7.50. Rotten cow manure. Good ttong aod, 5c q.ft.Sad;Filling. Rubblgh remnoval. E.* -G. HAGLUND. 849 Elmh St. Winnetka 2108 42LTN52-ltp 'a WEW FREE RICH BLACK SOIL, ONLY A LTMITED QUANTITY OP thits <hoice aged soit left. 1, yd. $3; 2 yds. $5.50; yds. $12.50 I Putverized rielh farm soil. 1 yd. $2.25; 2 yds. $4, 5 yds. $9. SAMPLES ON REQUEST * Gooeflawn Soi] Service: U'ni. 5816 Complete Maintenance ServiceýNursery Stock tack Dirt-Tree Surgery-Spraying 3Seed-Fertilizing-Manure. Drivewvays. 2323 LAKE AVE. WILMETTE 561, 52LTN51-4tp) Landscape ,Gardening PLANNINGT, CONSTRUCTION, RE - MODELING. SHIADY NOOKS. ROCK WORK. MAINTENANCE SERVICE. 'ILSSON 531LTN50-4tp LAUNDRY TO TAKE HOME CALL FOR AND DELIVER Best, N. S., refers. Ph. Winnetka 859, 53LTN60-4tc 33-A wAmiUne MACHINE a sERiiCEg IF YOtT ARE INTERESTED IN NEW or used Iaundry equipmeiit, corne In and see our display or cali North Shore Easy 0ho) 907 LýindenAve.,. Hub. Wds.. Winn. 908 53A-LTNý52-lte PIANO TumNNO 1'1ANO TUNING *AND) REPAIRING. SAil Work Guaranteed. I Thonias Lockerbie Wilnette 822 TUNER , WILMETTE PUB. SCHOOL.S' OS RADIO SERVICE FOR $1.50 You Càn Have an Expert RADIO ENGINEER CHECK YOUR set'and antenna. Perfect reception de- manda a well kept set and an occasional ~cliËekup b$ ani expert wtt!pov inexpensive and insure the best service froffi your radio. Lee S. Fetcher Winn. 2454 68LTNSO-4tp The Village Wood Shop pp. WiImette Postoffice, Wllmette 3484 Custom-built furniture. Expert furniture repairing and refinlahing. Antiques a specialty. Cantng. rushlng. 69LTN52-4tp GUARANTEED SER' Sewing Machines, Vacuum CI Radios. Ail Makes. Fre4 BLISS ELECTRIC SEF 607 Dempster St. Uni. 6680 73.A SEWING MACHINES s and .71,77 SINGER DR -HA, IIENW $15; Portable, $29.50r. Clean, oil and adjust $ 1.00. North Shore Sewlng Ma- chine Exchange. 1114 Davis St. University 5525, 73A-LTN5.1-4tli QUALITY WO2RK ONLY. Wilmette 4288. LAWNS AND FL( 25LTN52-1tp A SPECIAI Hlbbard Rd., crossing FH Paint Your Hlousé Now _______ WE SPECIALIZE IN OUTSIDE BLACK S painting only, ttat's why we can furl- nish the lowest possible rate. Also 3- OR 5-YARD LOAD, siggle, taining. Iitghland. Park 2851. Guat Anderson 2SLTN50-44p YARD. ette 452j Tree ,sur nance. es ORGAN a 4306 7LTN43-ltp I ýý -1 _Itgp^liti". ANO ftgfflýIBFUNG. , siWiws M'AÇM'§Nlgsý 1

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