HOWARJD MILEDL NEW PRESIDENT 0F CIVC ÇGROUF Leeilue to Announce Plans Fiday for- Meeting ât Stolp Sehool on, Znin ssue At, its weekly round-table luncheon, meetine_ tomorrow (Friday) the Wil- mette Civic. league will announce the, followirig corps ,cf officiaiîs for the, coming vear, together with the new directors: President-Howard Miller, 1001 (;reenileaf avenue. Vce-presidet--Joseph Hn. Hin- shaw,. 2022, Keilworth avenue. Secretarv-Charles 0. Main, 826 Greenwood aveue.' Treasurer-W. D. Leary, 430 Tentb street. The new directors are as follows:, Louis Becker, 2145 Chestnut ave- nue; James C. Leaten, 722 Washing- ton avenue, and F. Dewey Anderson, 208 Golf terrace. Other directors are: Bernard L. McNuilty, 720 Ashland avenue; Fred R Farmer, 915 Elmwood avenue; George F. Scherzer. 2135 Thornwoo.i avenue; David F. Hall, $09 Central avenue; C. D. Ewer, 1111 Ashland avenue; Ralph W. Potter, 925 Chest- nut avenue; R. W. McCandlish, 1624 * Spencer avenue; E. C. Hjoward, 318 Oak Circle, and Lloyd G. Gage, 414 Laurel avenue. Discuss Zoning Ses&ion At tomorrow's luncheon nieetiig<- plans will be discussed for the open * evenin.g meeting of the league, to be bedin. the Stolp school gymnasiuin * on Monday evening, May 16, at which the subject for discussion will be the liberalization cf the present restric-, tive zoning ordinance. Robert King- ery of Winnetka, exectitive secretary Mrs. Orville G. Daily to Head Poppy Sales Mrs. Orville G. Daily, 618 Teniti sreis to direct the poppy day ac- tiiisof theý American Legion aux- iliary in Minmette on -M ay >23. The poppies are to be placed oit sale ont behaîf' of 'the . World, war's living victims, disabled veterans, their famiilies, and the famtilies of the dead. The poppies themiselves, significant of the flowers that bloomed iii Fland- er's fields,, were made by, men ini veteran's hospitals. Ci.,tizens Leagite Elects Offilcers, Directors at Meet At the annutal election of the New Trier Citlzéns league, .held Priday, the foflowing officers and cirectors were elected: President - Frederic 0. Mason, Winnetka.' Vice Pregidents Henry Powler, Wilmette ; Mrs. E. P. Snydacker, Kenilworth; Ayers1 Boal, Jr., Win - netka; Sherman R. Barnett, Glencoe. Secretary -Max "W. Zabel , Wil-, mette. Treasurer-Mrs. Esther D. Bower, .Rotarians Attend Wilmette. Dr<. Evanston'Sessions. Wilmette: Edwin A. Rubson,hod North Shore Rotarians are attend- over; Edmund W. Burkey holdoveSr; ing the sessions of the 147th distric Robert Stoddard;, Edward A. Zim- (Northerr. Illinois)' Rotary confer-. merman; Joh .Blmn ence in Evanston this week~-end, Winftetka: William H. King-,Jr.; Meetings are being held in the Wom- Edward R. Lewis; George W. Cor- an's club building, Thursday and Fri- don, holdover; J. L. Houghteling, day with convention beadquarters holdover. established at the North Shore hotel. Glencoe: Sherman Booth, hold- The outstanding social event cf over; Robert H. Wienecke; Frank the conference is the. Governor's Loomis; Walter Clyde Jones. banquet-bal held at tbe Edgewater Kenilworth: Vernon R. Louck, Beach botel Thursday evening. holdover; Allari Bulley,. to fill va- In addition te the members affiliat- cany; Mrs. P ercy Eckhart. ed with neighborhood Rotary clubs Directors at Large in- Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, Wilmette: Robert E. Ricksen. Highland Park and .Deerfield, many Winnetka: Ervin D. flintzpeter. Rotariaus in these villages, but af- Glence: Paul 0. Palmer, holdover. filiated with the Rotary Çliib cf Chi- Kenilworth: Herbert Taylor, hold- cago, will attend the sessions. over. Reunion of Ye Old Tow ne Foikes Promises an Evening of Gayety Village Issues $20,OOO Former Resid ents. Eager to in 1937 Tax Warrants Attend Eve à 7ay 1 Issuance of $20,000 in tax anticipa- Invitations 'te the annual dinner tien warrants, representi ng about o eOd on oks ilb one-third qf the annual bdew as mailed' eut by Miss Rebecca1 Fitch, Adkins, Miss Minniey J. Gathercoal,, Vie-Is rC. S. Smith. nue, iv in ch: ýte la GARDEN CLUBS OFFERING CHOICE BLOOMS FOR SALE North Western. Station."Lâa to Be Setting for Evonýt; Proceedi to Civic TP'rolecte Hopeful that the weather mani will deal out a generous portion of. May sunishinie, memibers of thie Wilmnette Garden club and the Evenning Garden c lub of, Wilmette eagerly await the annmal Wilmette Garden Market to be staged on the.expansive lawn di- rectly east. of the North Western station Saturday, May 7. Trhe setting for the annual. mart will be the niecca for garden enthus- iasts al ,loeig the North Shore,armd with capaciouas baskets and prepared te carry away choice purchaseg of- fered by grôwers of the vicinity. 01fer Choice Plante These growers will bring to the makttheir choicest plants-per- ennials, annuais, potted plants, vines, bulbs, and shrubs-and the green will take on the appearance of a large garden in. full bloom, with a great v ariety of flowering plants spread eut upon frames and stands. Fertilizers, garden impleinents and miscellaneous articles for use in the garden will also be offered for sale at attractive prices. Many of the professional gardeners, who have participated in the Wil- mette Market for the past decade, will again be on hand to cisplay their finest wares. *Donat. Bloots As usual, also, there will be tables of plants donated. by .mpembers of the two garden clubs sponsoring the market. 'Memibers will be in charge of these tables. and will act as a bureau of garden information, aaswering questions about- the plant-