war~, and presents an unhappy parent- child relationship, stern, uncompro- mising father, self-sacrificing mother, and unappreciative son brougbt to an understanding by, no less« a person than Pre$ident Lincoln: himself. It is highly recomnmended by the. Better' Films council. for mature family Reébecca of S"nnybrook Fari. (2th. Century-ýFox,) Casf: Shirely Temple., Ran- dolph Scott, Helen Westley, Gloria Stuart...Slim Sum- merville, Bill Rob- inson, J. Edward Bromùberg, Ala n Dinebart.- For a while there. the. directors of Shir- .Iey's.pîctures gave lier dréss-upi dra-, matic: roles that' theater audiences did flot seemtn t like. In this pic- Shirley Tenyde, ture they let her be her natural self, With excellent resuits. The ig B roadcast of 193&. (Para- mount.) Directed by Mitchell Leison; cast: W. C. Fields, Martha Raye, Shirley Ross, Dorothy Lamour, 'ures and hav, heir second1 !" under the- rection of geli. The story is set against a- New York backg round, centered mainly in thecolorful section of the lower east side 'of the city. Other ýmembers of the, cast include Frank- Sheridan, Helen Jerome E~ddy, Tomnmy Bond, Mary Gordon, Arthur Lof t, joseph KÇing, Grace Goodaîl and George Humbert. The screenplay was written by Fred Niblo', jr. Bergen ,Can't Throw, Hie Voice Around Movie Lot Joe McDonough, assistant director on John M. Stahl's "Letter of Intro-1 duction" - called Edgar. Bergen for work in a scene yesterday. "You'rieWanted on the set," he t .old Bergen. "Mr. Stahl wants Charlie's "ýMust I leave my dressing room?" Bergen asked. '4Certainly," answered McDonough. "How're we going to get 'Chartie's off-stage voice unless you corne to the set?" "PUl throw it from here," Bergen answered. But that wouldn't do. So Bergen had to :go to the set. "What's the use of being a yen- triloquist?" he complained. ph.."ý o WImm A«« lof Fr1., Sat., Suni.,.Moln., ay 6-7-8-9 %ý Shirley bTemple - andolph Steot Kataine Hefpbgrn . -Cary Qraat Bia «ono - Sim.Suemmerrifle u Charnte Buffles .- Nay Bobs« fr1. & Mon. at 7:C60 035 ~ Fr1..& Mon. at 9:00 Sat. ixt 2:45-6 :30-S9:50S Sat. at 4:00-7:55-1:15 Sun. at -2:00-5 :25-9 :00 Sun. at 3 :90-7:00-10:30. Extra Late- show Saturday, Complete Perfohmance ati :45 P. M. Tiues., Wed4., Thurs., M4ay 10-11-12' Allee Fay'e Tony Mai'tlf Fred Allen Frane'u Contribution tb feee 16ea U aei» u (with Engligh titles) Chas. Boyer *Dalille »moieugx s Feature St.arts at 9 P. M. Mon,, May 13-14-15-16 EH I "VIST uUNI R ,,.1obertXMontomaery ai between two - trans-Atlantic lin- ers. It will be ôf' special interest to fans of Fields and W. C Fields MNfi ss Raye. The Buccaaeer. (Paramqoùn*t.) Di- rected by Cecil B. 'de. Mille, with Fredric March, Franciska Gaal, Akim Tamirofl, IMargot Grahame, Hugh Sothern. New Orleans and its en- work, had uone aI nlu iggest roles ini "Doctor Rhythm," the new Bing Crosby-Mary Carlisle- Beat îice ,Lîllie musical which Will be released in April. PICKS TAMIROFFAGAIN Cecil B. DeMille has announéed Akim Tamiroif as the only ýplayer "definite" for his next film, but Tam- iroif must first complete "Spawn of the North," in which he plays the r oie of a Russian. fisherman. Matiee . ally - nearlag Aids - Open Sul JEANETTE MACDON<ALD ROBE]R NELSON EDDY vin "GIRL 0F THE GOLDEN vIb WEST aterdaW et ItSîN ýRT MONTGOMERY RGINIA BRUCE 'HI FIRST .100. Y14RS' LU NCH leet Your Fri "E,4oy 1211 W14M!3T' Willim PC I P BuMeIr" j