the Infant clinic during the past six year. Dr. N.. G. Shaw, Pediatrician in charge of the WilmTette Infanit Welfare ctinic, wilt be present. as wil also one of our local dentists. There will be many- interesting ex. hibits pertaining to child health in- stalled by leading mianufacturecrs of baby prducts. rhe Chicago, Tube.rculosis ilistitute, with which the Wilmette Health Cen- t4ei is- affiliated, has been conductiing art Early Diagnosis 'campaign, in wvhich tbey advise people, and espe- cilvchildren, to visit their family, Physiciani and dentist for their. reg- ular semni-annuat examination. The sloganl of the Earty Diagnosis cam paign is ..'Protect your Heatth" with the following things:ý 1,4-A T. B.: skin test. 2ndi-Vaeelnation.. 3rd-lmmnunlzation.. 4th-Seni-annual visit to doctor and Dentist. 5th-Prôper foods. r6tli-Ieantines. *7th-Paily exercise. Follôwing the baby day oit May Il. under 'the auspices of the XVil- mette Ijealth departuient the WiI- mette Health Center will conduct ant immnunization ciinic and also a schick blta lur iiese .an.nare, ave.- able at the Wilmette Health depart- ment and at the Witmette Heatth Center. The. Heatth center has, a'disptay of old and new baby doils ini the win- dov Visitors: at thle,-Healthi Center last week were: Miss Marie BÜcktey,. R. N.". Supt. of Nurses, Chicago Tuüber- culosis institute; Miss P. Gasper, as-, sista.nt in the Seat department, Chi- cago Tuberculosis institute',.who bas been at. the Heatth Center.working on the -Xmnas seat. tist; Mrs., Lena Colemnan f rom the research labora-. tories Of Libby, McNeit and, Libby. ed points o Tennessee,«I lina. 1l1 "Gaàre -f ree" SEVICIE We watch the tevel of the oit, in vour tank, and miaintain it above the "dang~erli'. More LBraun Bros. customersý than ever h-efore are specfving this special service. We relieve you of att .responsibility. là - BRAUN BROS. UNFAILING NiATING 011. SERVICE ASSURES WINTER COMFORT AT NO EXTRA COST I BRAUNI Our large ,siorage faciltes, our big fleet cof modern tank trucks, our skilled personnel. ml work togother fo assure Braun Bros. customers 'a constant oil supply. In spfte of extra service, Braun Bros. prices. are always Iow. PRINTED METERED DELIVERY TICKET FOR YOUR- PROTECTION To guarantee full. meosure, ail Brauan Oros. trucks are sealed by the City Seaier, an~d small Elogical tim to decidol I l UyVi ueIlpl. Phone Wilmette 831 mpxt wliter'. Kfuel , ful.suply  Phone Winnetka 39di IM botI RIGYHT Your burner was buit to burn ofe gradeof oit. Don't be m i sle d -byr claims 'for substitutes. B rautin engineers wifl survey your heating plant and reéommend the right oit for vour. requirements. Braun Bros. Take the Entire ........... IL