to Speek at Arden Shore Homecoming AdmraiHayne Ellis, coin- mnandant',of the Gireat Lakes Naval raàining station, is ilie speaker at _Ardew Shore's. aîinual' Homïcoming day- cele- bration on Sunda .Ma>' 15.' The sprin g 1r e union for old and inew winter camp boys is held ,each year in May, -when the camp,> north of Lake, Bluff, is at its freshiest and loveliest., The festivities start s ooir after breakfast and last aill- day, with basebýal and other games ini the morning, a gala getý-together', dinner at noon, and a program'iii the after- noon, to which ail friends, of Arden Shore are irivited. AdmiraI EÊllis will speak at 3 o'clock, and afterward_ç tea ivili be served out under: the trecs. The NMarrieci'Men's clubmiade up of Arden Shore boys who are inow married, is assisting 'Miss Anna Belle Ferrier, executive hiead. of the sum- mer and winiter.camaps, and lier staff, with arrangenments for Hoinecomning day. In addition to printîng the ini- vitations. the, juemibers will supervise the morning gamies: set the dinnier and tea tables. welcomie the after- nloori visitors. afnd lelp %vith the park- ing of cars. Mrs. Robert B. Gregory is hionor- ary president of the Arden Shore aistoni; Mrs. Rov R. MiarquiardIt, WVilnmette, NMrs. Jules A. Peterseni. Kenilworth; Mrs. Clark L.. Keatcir, M7innetka: Mrs. Reed G. Landis. .Glencoe; Mrs. NV. Ross Larviin, Ravinia; 'Mrs. S. H. Binghiam. Higi-. land Park; Mrs. Thiomas A. Coninors, Lake, Forest. Mrs. Hlorace F. Ferry,. Claudia Eckert, chainpion stippincr. wîill bc starred in the zwatcr showy to l'e prpsented as thec mainz auttcn of the annual spring dance b o Pihi l'y thé Junior gquild of St.I.kc Pro-Cath,-dral atShwc Coitr ' ïhl Sqturday eemg ilay.21, iat 3Oolck Alumnae WiII Benefit Luncheon More than thirtv invitations have been issued for the. Chi- cago0 City Opera Luncheon club Party, which ,will. beheld Mon- day, iMay 9, at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Orville H. War-, wick, .322 Sheridan road, K"ýen- ilworth. The affair for ~hc Mrs., Warwick isý opening her home is one of a series of nu- mnerous. musicales, teas, and hincheonis which are being spon- sored 1w- the club toraise funds Nvith which to purchiase, opera tickets. for students of miusie*. The party is a lunlcheon aiid assis- ig the hostess will'be Mrs. NV.E- Ward .Maurer and Mirs. A.- R. Peter- soni, both of Kenilworth. Iii the afterîaoc.n there it bc nmu-. sic. and the artist wvho will, sing is Eleanor CuIley M-\acKinilay. soprano. Mrs. M.\acKinilay, is a, pupil of Elanchie Slocurn. This is her first, vear with the Chicago City Opera company; this seasoni she will ble makinig ber debuit ini th-e opera b ouise iiM Chi- cago. Ail the voung people W'ho have been chose,î to sing with the com- paniv thiis -,ear have voices of unusiual promise. Thiev hiave been sclected- throughi variotis cotitests. and other highlv conmpetitive chiannels, ,so(-)that onilv the inost taleîîted have been awarded the hionor of debut appear- ances. StilI another Opera I.unicheoni club. part\- tis wek-îd vl1 )cthe cock-_ tail partyvv~hichi Mrs. George Jaeger 'wili ho01diat lier, homle, 457 Wlig ton avenue. Chicago, froin 5 to 7 o6clock on iSunidav, -Mav 8. Garden Club Sponsors LeCture Series June 3 rforter will mecet next o'dlock at the, home of ick f. Schmidt. 721 .enilworth, for a sand- . The hostess ,vill fur- on Saturctav evicnng.' f et supper'-%%Ill bc ser mill be cards for thoý cire, todance. ULdo iiC' tienal treastîrer. *and Airs. president o.f s elccted lla- MIrs. larry Williams lias been, miade itht, cliainmaiiof the lectures, white tickets înayi be purchased froni Irs,. Ilarold TÙidlemani, the ticket c-haintan. M rs, Iluigli Foresmnani - ïîr sideit of tu liv ii),Il~'icil 15spol-, sOring t1w scricx. WIILMETTE LIFE,