of Chantilly Lace A gown of Chantilly lace, the wedding dress of her sister-in-. lai Mrs. Herbert T. Luridahi, was worl, by Miss. Jane Crary Lundhal hen she wvas married last, Saturday afterno-n to Howard Kroehl, Jr,, son of Mr. and Mrs. . Howard Kroehl. of Evanston. -Clusters :of orange blossonis held in place the flow-. ing veil:of ivory tuIle, the sanie veil worri' by the bride'-s sister for bier marriage to Joseph AI- leti Pearson. Her flowers were gardenias ,and hesof -the v'alIey. Mrs. Pearson, served àt matron of honor, and the bridesmaid was Miss Gwendolyn, Kroehl, sister of the bridegroom. Both were gowned in peach marquisette trimmed with peach satin, .and their natching off- the-face hats of tulle were trirnmed .with veils in the same color. They carried bouquets of blue delphinium, lupine and peach glaidioli. The ceremony, performed by the Rev. Frank Locke Carruthers of St. Mark's church ini Evanston, took place before the fireplace of the liv- inz. rornm of the home of the bride's kEaster fhues, white 'stockana white snapdragons. Garlands of arbor vitae roped off an aisle which led- to the ixnprovised altar. JosephAlleni Pearson, the brother- ïn-law ýof the bride,ý served, Mr. Kroehl. as best man. The bride and biegom are speningtheir-honeymoon at the Farmington. Country club, Charlottes- ville, Va. They -will be away for sçveral weeks and whien they return will be at home on Ridge avenue Ini Evanston, Day for Luncheon The early spring adds impetus to the alacrity with wvhich plans are taking forrn for anothier',sea-" son, arranged l)y-the Wonien's Executive b)oard 0 f Sunset Ridge d cut). Next Tuesday at..1 o'clock the annual spring lunch- eon will 7be. held ini charge of Mrs. G:' H. Dovérnniuhle of 560 Ash street, Winnetka, chairînan, of the board. Serving on the board with «M rs. Dovenmuehle 'are Mrs. Gross XVil-w fiamns of Wilmette, chairman of golf ; Mrs. W. H. Engelmann of Evanston, bridge chairman; Mrs.. D. F. Wiley of Wilmette, chairnian.of the house committee; MNrs. C. M. Barde of Glen Oaks,- playground, chairman; Mrs. E. W. Sampson of Glencoe, sO-. cial chairntan; -Mrs. J. W. Champion of Evanston, junior chairman, in charge of childreni's activities ; M rs. James B * Long of Evanston, pub- icity; Mrs. H. H. Barnumn ofWin- netka, flowers. Committée chairien will niake their reports at the luncheon a'nd work mill be outined for the. year. The calendar for late -May is 'a, well-flled one. On May 20, the first junior dance of the, season takes place ivith a committec of Young Pfister, and Marvin Harms. jr. DuBois-The Drake' The opening formai dinner danice In a weddiiig ceremony. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. occurs the following night with Mrs. E. WV. Sampson of Glericoe.thie chiair-* Herbert A. Lusidahi, 224 Raleigh road, Keizilwýorth, Miss Jane Lundahi ai becaine the bride last Saturday of Howard Kroehl, Jr., son of Mr. and Airs. A, pre-season golf. breakfa st for Howard Kroehl of J2vanst on. She wvas inarried in a gozon of Chantilly lace feminine.golfers'takes place NMay 24. aHd a veil of. ivory tulle, and carried a bou quet of gardenias and liles of thc under the chairmanship of M\rs. Gýros s vallcw 1Mr. and MI',s. Krochl arc spending their honeymioon at thc Fârining- liahe is ad heue orNIayg rid. ton. Country club, Char! att csvillc, Va., and wlheit th.ey returiu will live In ucen sshduedfrM 8 M\rs. W. H. Engelmann is ini charge 1f7'a4on.of that event. ta Mothers' club Claudia Eckei't.1 Ïversity will hold f eature racing and ness meeting' at a water ballet.' May 9, at the There wil1 be br, Emerson street, pre fer it. Cy Ree furnish the music. for those who orchestra will nwoôd lue, iranston. Mrs. Edcward Brandriff, jr. Miss Agnes Jones, of the North- western University faculty, will give a prograni of modemn dance for the afternoon's entertainment.. WILMETTE, ,IPE* evanston.