nee. Newcomners to *the board were installed and. guests of the club in"~ troduced, before "M r. Godey Pre- sents," the novel program whicb actually brought to if e realý Godey "Ladies." With celerity Mrs Frank R.ý Adams, as presidingofficer of the club, pre- sented to members. and their guests, Mrs. Thomas P., Gibbons, president of the: Woman's Catholic Club. of Wilmette, Miss' Adelaide, Franklin, president of the Junior auxiliary of theWoman's club, who presented a gift to the, senior club on behaif of the juniors; Mrs. Edward J. Devlin, president of the Northridge Womnan' s c lub; Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell and Mrs. Arthur Bloom. Inducted during luncheon were Mrs. George B. Williams,, first vice- president; Mrs. George Put nain, sec- ond vice-president;. Mrs. John Milis, third, vice-president; Mrs. Frank Crawford, treasurer; Mrs. * H.' S. Davidson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Harley Waird, program chair- man; Mlrs. Kenneth McAfee, litera- ture ; Mrs. Henry W. Drucker, civics; Mrs. Virgil Wescott, social; Mrs. George 'Henidrickson, house and grounids;ý Mrs. Raymnon Halleét, rent- ais. Suggesting that "Godey's Lady's Book- might have been the fore- runner of ail of the smart fashion, bouse and garden, etiquette, and iii- terior decoration mnagazines of the present,' Mrs. George.Williams, pro- grain chairman, figpratively turned the frontispiece of a book of living ,characters. Iii. trying to substitute other words of description for the over-used ad- jectives, charming, delightful,. we can but revert to them in the en.d, for the presentation was just that, de- lightiul, charining. Why, try to cap- ture for dissection and analysis the quaintniess, picturesques.ness, delicate humor and music, beauty of oldý- fashionied costumes and color effect, the daintiness and spontaneity of that p ro gram? Norma Hlarrison Thrower as Sara Josepha Hale, first womnen's engaging program s we have hea rd, onie which permits the finale of the club year to end on a high note of unique entertainment.-J. T. B. Hosf Aft.r Performalnce Mr. and Mrs.' William" KixMiller, .789 Michigan avenue, whose son, Richard,2p'layed the leading role of Henri in both performances of "Chimes of Normandy,", the operetta given by the New Trier High school, students, Friday and Saturday night, entertained the principals of both castsand members of the music fac-: ulty at. a supper party at'their home last Saturday ight following the sec- ond. performance. Remnants of Drapery Collection of Objets c -Cirpet Yardage Als. ordera for our Iluy Cul- tom apholstering accepted aW oadiscount. FULLER-WULHITE COMPANYU UNC.*: 620 Nor*h M!olio. Avemue S ..Cor. O.*forgo &Michifgmu, ChloMeg. Supeiei146! PATRONIZE OUR. ADVERTISERS i ~l i IIANA"Sl Now in Progreýss Regardless of cost, ail merchandise, except new Summer apparel, will be drastically reduced for our Wsuggest that you ivestigate these exceptional values NOW! SUITS 2-3-pc. suits $25.00O up One or two were reprouct~Iin rul authentie models. A lecture on "Evil Practices of the Day" (card playing, theaters, smok- ing) and apt songs on such evils, re- COATS Untrimmed from $22.75, u P-