* Sydney Justin Harris, editor of "The Beacon," Cliicago's liberal magazine, will speak on "The * Fliglit of Culture ini Chicago" at thie annmal meet- ing and dinner of tbe North Shore Art league at Winnetka Community House on Frida-y- vening. May 13, at 6:30 o'clock. At this same time the legewilI open its annual spring exhibition and wiil elect officers. Mr. Harris- for merly worked ini an editorial capacityi on 'the Chicago Herald and Examiner and the Chicago Daily Times. He lias contributed * articles, literary criticism, and verre to the "New: R!ePublic," Partisan Review," "Poetry Maga- zine," anâ other Per.iodicab~.' He was. the editor of the departmnents of "Renaissance ýLiterature" and "Contemporary American History" in the, encyclopedia: of the University of' Knowledgei, and bas. lectured at Northwestern university, the Jewishý People's institute, and other eduication cent ers. As bas been ,the custom the past few years, prizes will.be awarded for the spring exhibition, and among the individuals and organizations- who have made donationsfor this.purpose are Mrs.- Harry Edmonds, Mrs. William Sherman Hay, William B. Hale, C. Linday Ricketts, Mrs. Phillip Wyatt Moore, th~e Winnetka Woman's club and the North Shore-Art league. T1wo other shows, in additional to the annual spring exhibition, are being sponsored this xnonth by the league. Sunday in the studio at Commun-. ity House there opened an exhibition of painting done in the adult classes, sponsored by league, and instructed by Frank H. Dillon, Allen E. Philbrick, Helen Beach and Francis Chapin. There wvas also oný display work of the sculpture class conducted by Nancy Coonsman Hahn. The collection included portraiture, still life, Next. Sunday atitrnoon at 4 o'clock an exhibi- tion of the work 'ýf the childreni's classes ïnstruct- ed by Edna May johansen, Hope Degenhardt and Nalncy Coonsman Hahn will open. Refreshments will be served on this occasion. The art display will be on view for the public until Friday, the day of, the annual meeting and the opeiiing date of the spring exhibition. P 1.anisi G.ven Debut The North Shore Musicians club elected officers Tuesday when a program and business meeting wvere held at the home of Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt. 786 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe. Mrs. Charles N. Evans of Winnetka, made president last year, is flling a two-year term, Those clectéd Tuesday are Mrs. E. L. Perkins. of Wilmette. vice-president; Miàss Marjorie, Day of Wilmette, tre asurer; Mrs..-Otto E. .Geppert of Wilnxette, social and publicity chairman, and Mrs. Evelyn. LaSalle of Winnetka, memnbershlip chair- mani. Mrs. Paul W. Stade of Wilmette vas re- elected program chairman for anoither year. The directors for niext year, will be Miss'EBIythe ýAkely of Wilmette, Mrs.- Charles H. Elliott of Glencoe, Miss Av ice Evans and Miss Clara, Maas* of Wilmette. Mrs. A. E. larnsberger of Win- netka-, eeced last. year tlcto serve for, two years as secretary,- colitinues in'this office. Mys. 'E.ý L. Perkiiîs, 1000 Mohawuk road, Wiltnette, wvas made vice-president -of the North Shore M.usicians club ut the animal meeting held« Tucsday at the honte of Mms Dwight C. OrculU ini Glencoe. Mrs. C harles N. Evans of Win- netka was elected president last year for a tW-zzo vear terni. Set Date for Finals of N. S. Music Coutest Saturday, May 14, has been set as the date for the finals of the piano, voice and stringed instru- ment mujsic contest thrown op en to the entirè North Shore for the flrst time this year by he Evanston Music club. These finals will be held' in the Music hall on the Northwstern university campus. .The preliminaries are to take place May 9 at ,he home of Mrs. Roy E. Pardee, 2-420 Harrison street, Evanston. AI! those wishing to compete mu~st register before. May 7 with M.\rs. Pardee, and pay a small registrationi fee. Two recognized rnusicians must endorse each conipetitor. Mrs. Pardee is chairman of the contest com- rnittee, and Mrs. Charles' C. WVells, the presi-ý (lent of the club. Studeiits who wc-n the conitest in former years. before it was generally opened to the public, include Kate Alice Merrell, Arline Walker, and Helen Tollefson Ouest. oprano &ssusts Choral Groupi f Vesper Music The North Shore Ch oral society under the direc- tion of Madi 13aèon, assisted by Harriet Childs Nel- son, soprano, will singat the vesper service of the New England church at Thorne hall in Chicago at 4':30 o'clock Sunday, May 8. The program will bé divided into three parts, the first a group of religions numbers sung1 by the chorus, the second solos by Mrs.. Nelson, 'with violin obbligato by Nathalie Parker, and the last folk songs bhy the chorus. These Stinday afternoon services are open to the public. Shows Water Colors Hazel Bell Risk (Mrs. Julian Clay Risk), 787' Foxdale avenue, Winnetka, will be aniong the àrtists exhibiting work in the annual water color show of the Cordon club which opens in the club- roomis in the Fine Arts building in Chicago with tea' on Fridav. Mrs. Risk will have.three paintings ini the show. One, in the style of Cretonne, wa s also recently exhibited in the-annual art show ofthe. Wonians Club of Evanstonl. Liberal Edît'or ,o and studied art there under phy. Later she was an art stu- itute in Chicago, and studied at in Washington, D. C. C-. ±vLi of, te Sydney, Justir, J3 eacon," Chicago le speaker for the ai km North Shore Art Wîiin>etka ComvM Gle ncoe.. Fairmont of . "'The zWIll be the tng of the Macy 13, a t flouse. WIL.METTBELIFE tl tl n a n n d ti